Testing ------- Included with the library, a set of command line tools are available for setting up audio, instant messaging (IM) and file transfer sessions, publish and subscribe to presence or other type of events. You need a SIP account from a service provider or to setup your own SIP infrastructure using the following elements: * OpenSIPS from [http://opensips.org http://opensips.org] * OpenXCAP from [http://openxcap.org http://openxcap.org] * MSRPRelay from [http://msrprelay.org http://msrprelay.org] For multi-party IM conferencing you can use: * SIP chatserver from http://chatserver.ag-projects.com A test SIP account with all SIP SIMPLE client features can be obtained for free from http://sip2sip.info. Configuration ------------- The command line tools require the presence of a configuration file ~/.sipclient/config.ini that contains at least one SIP account. Each SIP account definition contains the credentials and other settings. For all available settings of the configuration file see config.ini.sample. Minimum configuration example: [Account] sip_address=alice@example.com password=1234 Configuration when using a Presence Agent: [Account] sip_address=alice@example.com password=1234 xcap_root=https://xcap.example.com/xcap-root/ use_presence_agent=true Outbound proxy setting: If outbound_proxy option is set the SIP messages will always go through it. Otherwise the outbound proxy is the SIP registrar for the account's own domain. The outbound proxy syntax can be one of the following : * domain name (for which DNS SRV and A record lookups will be performed) * hostname:port combination (for which DNS A record lookup will be performed) * hostname (for which DNS A record lookup will be performed) * IP * IP:port Example: [Account] sip_address=alice@example.com password=1234 outbound_proxy=sip.example.com:5070 MSRP relay setting: If the msrp_relay option is set the MSRP connections will always be established through the relay determined from this setting. Otherwise by default an ougoing MSRP connection will use no relay and an incomming MSRP connection will use the relay configured in the DNS for the called SIP account. The MSRP relay syntax can be one of the following : * domain name, for which DNS SRV and A record lookups will be performed * hostname:port combination, for which DNS A record lookup will be performed * hostname, for which DNS A record lookup will be performed, port 2855 is used by default * IP, port 2855 is used by default * IP:port * none, no relay will be used * auto, calling party will use no relay, called party will lookup the relay in the DNS Multiple SIP accounts: You may also create a configuration file with multiple SIP accounts and select one during runtime as follows: [Account] sip_address=alice@example.com password=1234 xcap_root=https://xcap.example.com/xcap-root/ use_presence_agent=true [Account_blue] username=bob@blue.example.com password=1234 xcap_root=https://xcap.blue.example.com/xcap-root/ use_presence_agent=true [Account_green] sip_address=alan@green.example.com password=1234 ; XCAP settings xcap_root=https://xcap.green.example.com/xcap-root/ ; Presence settings use_presence_agent=true subscribe_rls_services=true ; MSRP settings msrp_relay=msrprelay.example.com At runtime you can select one of the configured accounts with -a NAME parameter where NAME is the suffix of each defined accounts in the configuration file. Other useful settings [General] ; User Agent name ; software version will be automatically appended user_agent=ag-projects.com/sipclient ; ip and port for SIP signalling ; or any or ip:port or ip listen_udp=any Command line tools ------------------ Included with the library, a set of command line tools are available for setting up audio, Instant Messaging and file transfer sessions, publish and subscribe to presence or other type of events. * sip_register - REGISTER a SIP end-point with a SIP Registrar * sip_audio_session - Setup a voice audio session (Voice over IP) * sip_im_session - Setup IM session and File transfer using MSRP protocol * sip_message - Send/receive text in page mode using SIP MESSAGE method * sip_publish_presence - Publish presence to a SIP Presence Agent * sip_auto_publish_presence - Publish randomly generated rich presence * sip_subscribe_presence - SUBSCRIBE to presence information * sip_subscribe_winfo - SUBSCRIBE to watcher list on a SIP Presence Agent * sip_subscribe_rls - SUBSCRIBE to lists managed by Resource List Server * xcapclient - Manipulate XML documents on an XCAP server * xcap_pres_rules - Manage the content of a pres-rules XCAP document * xcap_rls_services - Manage the content of a rls-services XCAP document