self.account_handles_map = {} # Janus handle ID -> account
self.sip_sessions = SessionContainer() # keeps references to all the SIP sessions created or received by this device
self.videoroom_sessions = SessionContainer() # keeps references to all the videoroom sessions created by this participant (as publisher and subscriber)
self.ready_event = GreenEvent()
self.resolver = DNSLookup()
self.proc = proc.spawn(self._operations_handler)
self.operations_queue = coros.queue()
self.log = ConnectionLogger(self)
def start(self):
def stop(self):
if self.proc is not None: # Kill the operation's handler proc first, in order to not have any operations active while we cleanup.
self.proc.kill() # Also proc.kill() will switch to another green thread, which is another reason to do it first so that
self.proc = None # we do not switch to another green thread in the middle of the cleanup with a partially deleted handler