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# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 AG-Projects.
import sys
import os
import unittest
import re
import types
import socket
import time
import traceback
from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP
from lxml import etree
from copy import copy
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser
xcaplib_min_version = (1, 0, 9)
import xcaplib
except AttributeError:
raise ImportError('Need python-xcaplib of version at least %s.%s.%s' % xcaplib_min_version)
if xcaplib.version_info[:3]<xcaplib_min_version:
raise ImportError('Need python-xcaplib of version at least %s.%s.%s, you have %s.%s.%s' % \
(xcaplib_min_version + xcaplib.version_info[:3]))
from xcaplib import xcapclient
del sys.path[-1]
apps = ['pres-rules',
def succeed(r):
return 200 <= r.status <= 299
class XCAPTest(unittest.TestCase):
# if true, each PUT or DELETE will be followed by GET to ensure that it has indeed succeeded
invariant_check = True
def setupOptionParser(cls, parser):
def initialize(self, options, args = []):
if not hasattr(self, '_options'):
self._options = copy(options)
if not hasattr(self, '_args'):
self._args = copy(args)
def new_client(self):
return xcapclient.make_xcapclient(self.options)
def update_client_options(self):
self.client = self.new_client()
def setUp(self):
self.options = copy(self._options)
self.args = copy(self._args)
def assertStatus(self, r, status, msg=None):
if status is None:
elif isinstance(status, int):
if r.status != status:
if msg is None:
msg = 'Status (%s) != %s' % (r.status, status)
raise self.failureException(msg)
## status is a tuple or a list
if r.status not in status:
if msg is None:
msg = 'Status (%s) not in %s' % (r.status, str(status))
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertHeader(self, r, key, value=None, msg=None):
"""Fail if (key, [value]) not in r.headers."""
lowkey = key.lower()
for k, v in r.headers.items():
if k.lower() == lowkey:
if value is None or str(value) == v:
return v
if msg is None:
if value is None:
msg = '%s not in headers' % key
msg = '%s:%s not in headers' % (key, value)
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertETag(self, r):
v = self.assertHeader(r, 'ETag')
return r.etag
def assertNoHeader(self, r, key, msg=None):
"""Fail if key in r.headers."""
lowkey = key.lower()
matches = [k for k, v in r.headers if k.lower() == lowkey]
if matches:
if msg is None:
msg = '%s in headers' % key
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertBody(self, r, value, msg=None):
"""Fail if value != r.body."""
if value != r.body:
if msg is None:
msg = 'expected body:\n"%s"\n\nactual body:\n"%s"' % (value, r.body)
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertInBody(self, r, value, msg=None):
"""Fail if value not in r.body."""
if value not in r.body:
if msg is None:
msg = '%r not in body\nbody: %r' % (value, r.body)
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertNotInBody(self, r, value, msg=None):
"""Fail if value in r.body."""
if value in r.body:
if msg is None:
msg = '%s found in body' % value
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertMatchesBody(self, r, pattern, msg=None, flags=0):
"""Fail if value (a regex pattern) is not in r.body."""
if, r.body, flags) is None:
if msg is None:
msg = 'No match for %s in body' % pattern
raise self.failureException(msg)
def assertDocument(self, application, body, client=None):
r = self.get(application, client=client)
self.assertBody(r, body)
def get(self, application, node=None, status=200, **kwargs):
client = kwargs.pop('client', None) or self.client
r = client._get(application, node, **kwargs)
self.validate_error(r, application)
self.assertStatus(r, status)
if 200<=status<=299:
self.assertHeader(r, 'ETag')
return r
def get_global(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['globaltree'] = True
return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
def put(self, application, resource, node=None,
status=[200,201], content_type_in_GET=None, client=None, **kwargs):
client = client or self.client
r_put = client._put(application, resource, node, **kwargs)
self.validate_error(r_put, application)
self.assertStatus(r_put, status)
# if PUTting succeed, check that document is there and equals to resource
if self.invariant_check and succeed(r_put):
r_get = self.get(application, node, status=None, client=client)
self.assertStatus(r_get, 200,
'although PUT succeed, following GET on the same URI did not: %s %s' % \
(r_get.status, r_get.reason))
self.assertEqual(resource.strip(), r_get.body) # is body put equals to body got?
if content_type_in_GET is not None:
self.assertHeader(r_get, 'content-type', content_type_in_GET)
return r_put
def put_new(self, application, resource, node=None,
status=201, content_type_in_GET=None, client=None):
# QQQ use If-None-Match or some other header to do that without get
self.get(application, node=node, status=404, client=client)
return self.put(application, resource, node, status, content_type_in_GET, client)
def delete(self, application, node=None, status=200, client=None, **kwargs):
client = client or self.client
r = client._delete(application, node, **kwargs)
self.validate_error(r, application)
self.assertStatus(r, status)
# if deleting succeed, GET should return 404
if self.invariant_check and succeed(r) or r.status == 404:
r_get = self.get(application, node, status=None)
self.assertStatus(r_get, 404,
'although DELETE succeed, following GET on the same URI did not return 404: %s %s' % \
(r_get.status, r_get.reason))
return r
def put_rejected(self, application, resource, status=409, client=None):
"""DELETE the document, then PUT it and expect 409 error. Return PUT result.
If PUT has indeed failed, also check that GET returns 404
self.delete(application, status=[200,404], client=client)
put_result = self.put(application, resource, status=status, client=client)
self.get(application, status=404, client=client)
return put_result
def getputdelete(self, application, document, content_type, client=None):
self.delete(application, status=[200,404], client=client)
self.get(application, status=404, client=client)
self.put(application, document, status=201, content_type_in_GET=content_type, client=client)
self.put(application, document, status=200, content_type_in_GET=content_type, client=client)
self.put(application, document, status=200, content_type_in_GET=content_type, client=client)
self.delete(application, status=200, client=client)
self.delete(application, status=404, client=client)
def validate_error(self, r, application):
if r.status==409 or r.headers.gettype()=='application/xcap-error+xml':
self.assertEqual(r.headers.gettype(), 'application/xcap-error+xml')
xml = validate_xcaps_error(r.body)
if '<uniqueness-failure' in r.body:
namespaces={'d': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-error'}
field = xml.xpath('/d:xcap-error/d:uniqueness-failure/d:exists/@field', namespaces=namespaces)
assert len(field)==1, r.body
class TestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
def initialize(self, options, args):
for test in self._tests:
if hasattr(test, 'initialize'):
test.initialize(options, args)
class TestLoader(unittest.TestLoader):
suiteClass = TestSuite
def loadTestsFromModule_wparser(self, module, option_parser):
"""Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module"""
tests = []
for name in dir(module):
obj = getattr(module, name)
if (isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType)) and
issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase)):
if hasattr(obj, 'setupOptionParser'):
return self.suiteClass(tests)
def loadSuiteFromModule(module, option_parser):
if isinstance(module, basestring):
module = sys.modules[module]
suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule_wparser(module, option_parser)
return suite
def run_suite(suite, options, args):
if hasattr(suite, 'initialize'):
suite.initialize(options, args)
if options.debug:
except Exception, ex:
print '%s: %s' % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex)
for x in dir(ex):
attr = getattr(ex, x)
if x[:1]!='_' and not callable(attr):
print '%s: %r' % (x, attr)
def validate(document, schema):
parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = schema)
return etree.fromstring(document, parser)
def open_schema(filename):
my_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return file(os.path.join(my_dir, 'schemas', filename))
def load_schema(filename):
return etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(open_schema(filename)))
xcaps_error_schema = load_schema('xcap-error.xsd')
def validate_xcaps_error(document):
xml = validate(document, xcaps_error_schema)
root_tag = xml.xpath('/x:xcap-error', namespaces={'x': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-error'})
assert len(root_tag)==1, root_tag
return xml
def prepare_optparser(option_parser=None):
if option_parser is None:
option_parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler='resolve')
option_parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler='resolve')
option_parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False)
option_parser.add_option('-r', '--repeat', type='int', default=1, help='default is 1. use -1 to loop forever')
# Fix xcaplib to use non-blocking sockets from package
option_parser.add_option('-c', '--client', default='xcaplib', help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
# Start OpenXCAP server in-process.
option_parser.add_option('--start-server', metavar='CONFIG_FILE',
help="Start an in-process OpenXCAP instance. Requires eventlet. Not very well tested.")
return option_parser
def process_options(options):
options.account_name = "test"
if options.client == 'eventlet':
def new_client(self):
return xcapclient.make_xcapclient(self.options)
XCAPTest.new_client = new_client
elif options.client == 'xcaplib':
import xcapclientwrap
xcapclientwrap.XCAPClient.XCAPCLIENT = options.client
XCAPTest.new_client = lambda self: xcapclientwrap.make_client(self.options)
if options.start_server is not None:
options.server = InProcessServer(options)
options.server = RemoteServer(options)
def run_command(command, options):
n = options.repeat
while n!=0:
n -= 1
except Exception:
if n==0:
def runSuiteFromModule(module='__main__'):
option_parser = prepare_optparser()
suite = loadSuiteFromModule(module, option_parser)
options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
run_command(lambda : run_suite(suite, options, args), options)
class RemoteServer(object):
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
def start(self):
def stop(self):
class InProcessServer(object):
def __init__(self, options):
parser = ConfigParser()
self.config_filename = options.start_server
self.root = parser.get('Server', 'root')
port = parser.get('Server', 'port')
if port is not None:
self.root += ':' + port
options.xcap_root = self.root
if not options.sip_address:
options.sip_address = ''
if not options.password:
options.password = '123'
def start(self):
print 'STARTING SERVER on %s' % self.root
def stop(self):
from twisted.internet import reactor
reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
from eventlet.api import get_hub
def enable_eventlet():
from import urllib2, socket as greensocket, time as greentime
from xcaplib import httpclient
# replacing all the references to the old urllib2 in xcaplib:
httpclient.urllib2 = urllib2
httpclient.HTTPRequest.__bases__ = (urllib2.Request,)
global socket, time
socket = greensocket
time = greentime
def start_server(config_file):
sys.path = ['../..'] + sys.path
import xcap
xcap.__cfgfile__ = config_file
from xcap.logutil import start_log
from xcap.server import XCAPServer
class Server(XCAPServer):
def run(self, reactor):
server = Server()
return server

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Nov 23, 6:38 AM (1 d, 14 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (14 KB)

Event Timeline