- self.local_uri_path = [msrp_protocol.URI(host=default_host_ip, port=MSRP_PORT, session_id="".join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in xrange(12)))]
+ self.local_uri_path = [msrp_protocol.URI(host=default_host_ip, port=12345, session_id="".join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in xrange(12)))]
description = "This example script will REGISTER using the specified credentials and either sit idle waiting for an incoming MSRP session, or attempt to start a MSRP session with the specified target. The program will close the session and quit when CTRL+D is pressed."
parser.add_option("-e", "--expires", type="int", dest="expires", help='"Expires" value to set in REGISTER. Default is 300 seconds.')
parser.add_option("-p", "--outbound-proxy", type="string", action="callback", callback=lambda option, opt_str, value, parser: parse_ip_port(option, opt_str, value, parser, "proxy_ip", "proxy_port", 5060), help="Outbound SIP proxy to use. By default a lookup is performed based on SRV and A records.", metavar="IP[:PORT]")
parser.add_option("-d", "--dump-msrp", action="store_true", dest="dump_msrp", help="Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing MSRP messages.")
parser.add_option("-D", "--no-dump-msrp", action="store_false", dest="dump_msrp", help="Do not dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing MSRP messages (default).")
parser.add_option("-r", "--msrp-relay", type="string", action="callback", callback=lambda option, opt_str, value, parser: parse_ip_port(option, opt_str, value, parser, "msrp_relay_ip", "msrp_relay_port", 2855), help="MSRP relay to use to use. By default using a MSRP relay is disabled.", metavar="IP[:PORT]")