diff --git a/scripts/fix_dst_radius.php b/scripts/fix_dst_radius.php index 09adff9..a0f626f 100755 --- a/scripts/fix_dst_radius.php +++ b/scripts/fix_dst_radius.php @@ -1,361 +1,361 @@ #!/usr/bin/env php \033[0m This will fix call duration for Summer/Winter time changes in the given year \033[1m\033[4m\033[33mOPTIONS:\033[0m \033[32m-h, --help\033[0m Get the help \033[32m--year\033[0m The year to fix \033[32m--time\033[0m The time to change, can be summer or winter \033[32m--dry-run\033[0m Only print changed, don't modify radius table \033[32m--no-color\033[0m Disable color output EOF; if (array_key_exists('h', $options) || !$options['year'] || !$options['time']) { logger($help_msg); exit(0); } //$dt1 = new DateTime('2016-10-29 10:00:00'); //$dt2 = new DateTime('2016-10-31 09:00:00'); //print_r($dt1->diff($dt2)); //exit(0); $dry_run = array_key_exists('dry-run', $options); if ($dry_run) { logger("\n\033[32m%80s\033[0m\n\n", str_pad(" DRY RUN, radius table will not be modified ", 80, "=", STR_PAD_BOTH)); } else { logger("\n\033[31m%80s\033[0m\n\n", str_pad(" NORMAL RUN, radius table will be modified ", 80, "=", STR_PAD_BOTH)); } if (!is_dir($log_dir)) { if (!mkdir($log_dir)) { logger("\nUndo directory cannot be created: %s", $log_dir); } chmod($log_dir, 0775); } $d1 = new DateTime(sprintf("%s-01-01 01:00", $options['year'])); $year = $d1->format('U'); $timezone = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); $transitions = $timezone->getTransitions($year); $transition = new DateTime(); $transition->setTimestamp($transitions[1]['ts']); $transition_datetime = $transition->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $transition_offset = $transitions[1]['offset'] - $transitions[0]['offset']; if ($options['time'] == 'winter') { $transition_offset = $transitions[2]['offset'] - $transitions[1]['offset']; $transition->setTimestamp($transitions[2]['ts']); $transition_datetime = $transition->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); logger("\033[1mPlease note that only calls with a negative duration can/will be fixed\033[0m\n\n"); } logger("DST transition ithat will be fixed: %s\n", $transition_datetime); foreach ($DATASOURCES as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value['normalizedField'] and !$value['skipNormalize'])) { $start_time = time(); $class_name = $value["class"]; unset($CDRS); $CDRS = new $class_name($key); if (is_array($CDRS->db_class)) { $db_class = $CDRS->db_class[0]; } else { $db_class = $CDRS->db_class; } $CDRS->table = 'radacct'.$transition->format('Ym'); logger( "\nFixing DST on datasource %s, database %s, table %s, offset %s\n", $key, $db_class, $CDRS->table, $transition_offset ); $query_excess_duration = sprintf( " SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s > %s AND %s < '%s' AND %s > '%s' ", addslashes($CDRS->table), addslashes($CDRS->stopTimeField), addslashes($CDRS->startTimeField), addslashes($CDRS->startTimeField), $transition_datetime, addslashes($CDRS->stopTimeField), $transition_datetime ); $query_negative_duration = sprintf( " SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s > %s AND %s > '%s' AND %s > '%s' AND %s < '0' ", addslashes($CDRS->table), addslashes($CDRS->startTimeField), addslashes($CDRS->stopTimeField), addslashes($CDRS->startTimeField), $transition_datetime, addslashes($CDRS->stopTimeField), $transition_datetime, addslashes($CDRS->durationField) ); $query = $query_negative_duration; if ($transition_offset > 0) { $query = $query_excess_duration; } dprint_sql($query); $update_rows = array(); if ($CDRS->CDRdb->query($query)) { if ($CDRS->CDRdb->affected_rows()) { while ($CDRS->CDRdb->next_record()) { $id = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->idField); $call_id = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->callIdField); $start_time = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->startTimeField); $stop_time = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->stopTimeField); $fixed_duration = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->durationField) - $transition_offset; $duration = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->durationField); if ($transition_offset > 0) { $stop_datetime = new DateTime($stop_time); $start_datetime = new DateTime($start_time); // $fixed_duration_test = $stop_datetime->getTimestamp() - $start_datetime->getTimestamp(); // if ($fixed_duration_test == $duration) { // logger("Durations are the same"); // continue; // } $fixed_stop = new DateTime(); $fixed_stop_duration = $start_datetime->getTimestamp() + $duration; $fixed_stop = $fixed_stop->setTimestamp($fixed_stop_duration); if ($fixed_stop == $stop_datetime) { logger( "\033[032m [%-50s] SKIP - same end dates (%s <> %s)\033[0m\n", $call_id, $stop_datetime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $fixed_stop->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") ); continue; } $fixed_duration = $CDRS->CDRdb->f($CDRS->durationField); } $row = [ 'id' => $id, 'call_id' => $call_id, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'stop_time' => $stop_time, 'fixed_duration' => $fixed_duration, - 'fixed_stop_time' => $stop_datetime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), + 'fixed_stop_time' => $stop_time, 'duration' => $duration ]; if ($fixed_stop) { $row['fixed_stop_time'] = $fixed_stop->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $update_rows[] = $row; } } } if (count($update_rows) == 0) { logger("\nNo calls found to fix\n"); exit; } logger("\nCalls found to fix \033[1m%s:\033[0m\n", count($update_rows)); foreach ($update_rows as $data) { if ($data['fixed_duration'] != $data['duration']) { logger( "\n [\033[34m%-50s\033[0m]\t%s - %s\t%ss=>\033[1m\033[33m%ss\033[0m", $data['call_id'], $data['start_time'], $data['stop_time'], $data['duration'], $data['fixed_duration'] ); } elseif ($data['stop_time'] != $data['fixed_stop_time']) { logger( "\n [\033[34m%-50s\033[0m]\t%s - %s=>\033[1m\033[33m%s\033[0m\t%ss", $data['call_id'], $data['start_time'], $data['stop_time'], $data['fixed_stop_time'], $data['duration'], $data['fixed_duration'] ); } } print("\n"); if (!$dry_run) { logger("\nUndo file: %s", $log_file); foreach ($update_rows as $data) { $update_fields = array(); if ($data['fixed_duration'] != $data['duration']) { $update_fields = array( $CDRS->table, addslashes($CDRS->durationField), $data['fixed_duration'], addslashes($CDRS->normalizedField), addslashes($CDRS->idField), $data['id'] ); $undo_fields = $update_fields; $undo_fields[2] = $data['duration']; } elseif ($data['stop_time'] != $data['fixed_stop_time']) { $update_fields = array( $CDRS->table, addslashes($CDRS->stopTimeField), $data['fixed_stop_time'], addslashes($CDRS->normalizedField), addslashes($CDRS->idField), $data['id'] ); $undo_fields = $update_fields; $undo_fields[2] = $data['stop_time']; } $update_query = vsprintf( " UPDATE %s SET %s='%s', %s='0' WHERE %s=%s ", $update_fields ); $undo_query = vsprintf( " UPDATE %s SET %s='%s', %s='1' WHERE %s=%s ", $undo_fields ); dprint_sql($update_query); sql_logger($undo_query); if (!$CDRS->CDRdb->query($update_query)) { logger("Query failed: %s", $update_query); } } if (count($update_rows) > 0) { $now = new DateTime(); if ($transition->format('m') == $now->format('m')) { logger("Fix is for the current month, running quota_reset exit\n"); include 'quotaReset.php'; } logger("\nRunning normalize:\n"); $command = "/var/www/CDRTool/scripts/normalize.php ".$transition->format('Ym'); $output = `$command`; echo $output; } } $end_time = time(); } } ?>