diff --git a/library/rating_server.php b/library/rating_server.php index e16ad17..62ca12c 100644 --- a/library/rating_server.php +++ b/library/rating_server.php @@ -1,760 +1,760 @@ pidFile = $pidFile; } public function start() { global $logger; $console_log = new StreamHandler('php://stdout'); $formatter = new LineFormatter("[%level_name%] %channel%: %message% %extra%", null, true, true); $console_log->setFormatter($formatter); $logger->pushHandler($console_log); if ($this->pidFile !== false && file_exists($this->pidFile)) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'r'); if (!$pf) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } $c = fgets($pf); fclose($pf); if ($c === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } $pid = intval($c); if (posix_kill($pid, 0) === true) { $log = sprintf("Error: Another process is already running on pid %d\n", $pid); critical($log); exit(-1); } } // do the Unix double fork magic $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log = sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // decouple from the parent environment chdir('/'); if (posix_setsid() == -1) { $log=sprintf("Error: Could not detach from terminal\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } umask(022); // and now the second fork $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log = sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // this doesn't really work. it seems php is unable to close these //fclose(STDIN); //fclose(STDOUT); //fclose(STDERR); if ($this->pidFile) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'w'); if ($pf === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to write pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } fwrite($pf, sprintf("%d\n", posix_getpid())); fclose($pf); register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "removePid")); } //pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); // for some reason these interfere badly with socket_select() pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "signalHandler", true); // pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, "signalHandler", true); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, "signalHandler", true); logger("Rating Engine moved to the background\n"); $logger->popHandler(); } private function removePid() { if (file_exists($this->pidFile)) unlink($this->pidFile); } } /* phpSocketDaemon 1.0 Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Chabot See http://www.chabotc.nl/ for more information This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ class SocketClient extends SocketCDR { public $connecting = false; public $disconnected = false; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->connecting = true; try { parent::connect($remote_address, $remote_port); } catch (SocketException $e) { echo "Caught exception: ".$e->getMessage()."\n"; } } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { $this->write_buffer .= $buffer; $this->doWrite(); } public function doWrite() { $length = strlen($this->write_buffer); try { $written = parent::write($this->write_buffer, $length); if ($written < $length) { $this->write_buffer = substr($this->write_buffer, $written); } else { $this->write_buffer = ''; } $this->onWrite(); return true; } catch (SocketException $e) { $old_socket = ($this->socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($this->socket) : (int)$this->socket); $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->onDisconnect(); return false; } return false; } public function read($length = 4096) { try { $this->read_buffer .= parent::read($length); $this->onRead(); } catch (SocketException $e) { $old_socket = ($this->socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($this->socket) : (int)$this->socket); $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->onDisconnect(); } } public function onConnect() { } public function onDisconnect() { } public function onRead() { } public function onWrite() { } public function onTimer() { } } class SocketServer extends SocketCDR { public $startTime; protected $client_class; public function __construct($client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { parent::__construct($bind_address, $bind_port, $domain, $type, $protocol); $this->client_class = $client_class; $this->listen(); if (!$bind_address) { $bind_address_print=''; } else { $bind_address_print=$bind_address; } $this->startTime=time(); $log=sprintf("Rating Engine listening on %s:%s", $bind_address_print, $bind_port); logger($log); } public function accept() { $client = new $this->client_class(parent::accept(), $this); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'SocketServerClient')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid serverClient class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketServerClient"); } $this->onAccept($client); return $client; } // override if desired public function onAccept(SocketServerClient $client) { } } class SocketServerClient extends SocketClient { public $socket; public $remote_address; public $remote_port; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public $parentServer; public $ratingEngine; public $ratingEngineSettings; public function __construct($socket, $parentServer) { $this->socket = $socket; $this->parentServer = &$parentServer; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } elseif (!socket_getpeername($this->socket, $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve remote address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } global $RatingEngineServer, $RatingEngine; $this->ratingEngine = & $RatingEngineServer; $this->ratingEngineSettings = $RatingEngine; $this->setNonBlock(); $this->onConnect(); } } class SocketDaemon { public $servers = array(); public $clients = array(); public function createServer($server_class, $client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $server = new $server_class($client_class, $bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($server, 'SocketServer')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid server class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketServer"); } $this->servers[$this->getSocketId($server->socket)] = $server; return $server; } public function createClient($client_class, $remote_address, $remote_port, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $client = new $client_class($bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'SocketClient')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid client class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketClient"); } $client->setNonBlock(true); $client->connect($remote_address, $remote_port); $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($client->socket)] = $client; return $client; } private function getSocketId($socket) { return $socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($socket) : (int)$socket; } private function createReadSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function createWriteSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer) || $socket->connecting) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer)) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } return $ret; } private function createExceptionSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function cleanSockets() { foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if ($socket->disconnected || (!is_resource($socket) && !$socket->socket instanceof \Socket)) { if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)])) { unset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)]); } } } } private function getClass($socket) { if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket)])) { return $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket)]; } elseif (isset($this->servers[$this->getSocketId($socket)])) { return $this->servers[$this->getSocketId($socket)]; } else { throw (new SocketException("Could not locate socket class for $socket")); } } public function process() { // if SocketClient is in write set, and $socket->connecting === true, set connecting to false and call onConnect $read_set = $this->createReadSet(); $write_set = $this->createWriteSet(); $exception_set = $this->createExceptionSet(); $event_time = time(); while (($events = socket_select($read_set, $write_set, $exception_set, 2)) !== false) { if ($events > 0) { foreach ($read_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketServer')) { $client = $socket->accept(); $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($client->socket)] = $client; } elseif (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { // regular onRead event $socket->read(); } } foreach ($write_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { if ($socket->connecting === true) { $socket->onConnect(); $socket->connecting = false; } $socket->doWrite(); } } foreach ($exception_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { $socket->onDisconnect(); if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)])) { unset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)]); } } } } if (time() - $event_time > 1) { // only do this if more then a second passed, else we'd keep looping this for every bit received foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $socket->onTimer(); } $event_time = time(); } $this->cleanSockets(); $read_set = $this->createReadSet(); $write_set = $this->createWriteSet(); $exception_set = $this->createExceptionSet(); } } } class SocketException extends Exception { } class SocketCDR { public $socket; public $bind_address; public $bind_port; public $domain; public $type; public $protocol; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public $remote_address = null; public $remote_port = null; private function getSocketId($socket) { return $socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($socket) : (int)$socket; } public function __construct($bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { $this->bind_address = $bind_address; $this->bind_port = $bind_port; $this->domain = $domain; $this->type = $type; $this->protocol = $protocol; if (($this->socket = @socket_create($domain, $type, $protocol)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not create socket: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR: ".$this->getError()); } if (!@socket_bind($this->socket, $bind_address, $bind_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not bind socket to [$bind_address - $bind_port]: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } $this->setNonBlock(true); } public function __destruct() { if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { $this->close(); } } public function getError() { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket)); socket_clear_error($this->socket); return $error; } public function close() { if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { @socket_shutdown($this->socket, 2); @socket_close($this->socket); } $this->socket = $this->getSocketId($this->socket); } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_write($this->socket, $buffer, $length)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not write to socket: ".$this->getError()); } return $ret; } public function read($length = 4096) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_read($this->socket, $length, PHP_BINARY_READ)) == false) { throw new SocketException("Could not read from socket: ".$this->getError()); } return $ret; } public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->remote_address = $remote_address; $this->remote_port = $remote_port; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_connect($this->socket, $remote_address, $remote_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not connect to {$remote_address} - {$remote_port}: ".$this->getError()); } } public function listen($backlog = 128) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_listen($this->socket, $backlog)) { throw new SocketException("Could not listen to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->getError()); } } public function accept() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($client = socket_accept($this->socket)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not accept connection to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->getError()); } return $client; } public function setNonBlock() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_nonblock($this->socket)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setBlock() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_block($this->socket)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setRecieveTimeout($sec, $usec) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec" => $sec, "usec" => $usec))) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket recieve timeout: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setReuseAddress($reuse = true) { $reuse = $reuse ? 1 : 0; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, $reuse)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR to '$reuse': ".$this->getError()); } } } class RatingEngineServer extends SocketServer { public $requests = array(); public $connected_clients = array(); } class RatingEngineClient extends SocketServerClient { private function handleRequest($request) { $this->parentServer->requests[$this->remote_address]++; $b = microtime(true); $output = $this->ratingEngine->processNetworkInput($request, $this->remote_address); $output .= "\n\n"; if ($this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $e=microtime(true); $d=$e-$b; if ($d >= $this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $log = sprintf("%s request took %.4f seconds", $this->ratingEngine->method, $d); logger($log); } } // $log = sprintf("Output %s", $output); // logger($log); return $output; } public function onRead() { $tinput = trim($this->read_buffer); if ($tinput == 'exit' || $tinput =='quit') { $this->onDisconnect(); $this->close(); } elseif (strtolower($tinput) == 'showclients') { $output = ''; $j = 0; $uptime=time()-$this->parentServer->startTime; if (count($this->parentServer->connected_clients)) { $output .= "\nClients:\n\n"; foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $j++; $myself=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_client == $myself) { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s (myself)\n", $j, $_client); } else { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s\n", $j, $_client); } } } if (count($this->parentServer->requests)) { $output .= "\nRequests:\n\n"; $requests=0; foreach (array_keys($this->parentServer->requests) as $_client_ip) { $output .= sprintf("%d requests from %s\n", $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip], $_client_ip); $requests = $requests + $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip]; } } $output .= "\nStatistics:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf("Total requests: %d\n", $requests); $output .= sprintf("Uptime: %d seconds\n", $uptime); if ($uptime) $output .= sprintf("Load: %0.2f/s\n", $requests / $uptime); $output .= "\n\n"; $this->write($output); $this->read_buffer = ''; } elseif ($tinput) { $this->write($this->handleRequest($tinput)); $this->read_buffer = ''; } } public function onConnect() { if ($this->remote_address != '') { if (is_array($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'])) { $allow_connection = false; foreach ($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'] as $_allow) { if (preg_match("/^$_allow/", $this->remote_address)) { - $log = sprintf("Client %s allowed by server configuration %s", $this->remote_address, $_allow); + $log = sprintf("Client IP %s allowed by ACL [%s]", $this->remote_address, $_allow); logger($log); $allow_connection = true; break; } } if (!$allow_connection) { - $log = sprintf("Client %s disallowed by server configuration", $this->remote_address); + $log = sprintf("Client IP %s disallowed by ACL", $this->remote_address); logger($log); $this->close(); return true; } } } $_client = $this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; $this->parentServer->connected_clients[] = $_client; $this->parentServer->connected_clients = array_unique($this->parentServer->connected_clients); - $log = sprintf("Client connection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); + $log = sprintf("Client connected from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); logger($log); } public function onDisconnect() { $new_clients = array(); foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $_connected_client=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_connected_client == $_client) continue; $new_clients[]=$_client; } $this->parentServer->connected_clients=array_unique($new_clients); - $log = sprintf("Client disconnection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); + $log = sprintf("Client disconnected from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); logger($log); } public function onWrite() { } public function onTimer() { } } ?>