diff --git a/library/rating.php b/library/rating.php index b0f1fa4..991fdfd 100644 --- a/library/rating.php +++ b/library/rating.php @@ -1,9187 +1,9187 @@ db = $db; $this->settings = $settings; if ($this->database_backend == "mysql") { $this->db->Halt_On_Error="no"; } if ($this->settings['priceDenominator']) { $this->priceDenominator = $this->settings['priceDenominator']; } if ($this->settings['priceDecimalDigits']) { $this->priceDecimalDigits = $this->settings['priceDecimalDigits']; } if ($this->settings['durationPeriodRated']) { $this->durationPeriodRated = $this->settings['durationPeriodRated']; } if ($this->settings['trafficSizeRated']) { $this->trafficSizeRated = $this->settings['trafficSizeRated']; } if ($this->settings['rate_longer_than']) { // if call is shorter than this, it has zero cost $this->rate_longer_than = $this->settings['rate_longer_than']; } if ($this->settings['min_duration']) { // if call is shorter than this, it has zero cost $this->min_duration = $this->settings['min_duration']; } if ($this->settings['increment']) { $this->increment = $this->settings['increment']; } if ($this->settings['database_backend']) { $this->database_backend = $this->settings['database_backend']; } } public function calculateAudio($dictionary) { // used for calculate rate for audio application $this->RatingTables = $dictionary['RatingTables']; $this->callId = $dictionary['callId']; $this->timestamp = $dictionary['timestamp']; $this->duration = $dictionary['duration']; $this->traffic = 2 * ($dictionary['inputTraffic'] + $dictionary['outputTraffic']); $this->DestinationId = $dictionary['DestinationId']; $this->BillingPartyId = $dictionary['BillingPartyId']; $this->domain = $dictionary['domain']; $this->gateway = $dictionary['gateway']; $this->ResellerId = $dictionary['ResellerId']; $this->aNumber = $dictionary['aNumber']; $this->cNumber = $dictionary['cNumber']; $this->ENUMtld = $dictionary['ENUMtld']; if ($this->rate_longer_than && $this->duration < $this->rate_longer_than) { //syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Duration less than minimum $this->rate_longer_than"); $this->rateInfo .= " Duration < $this->rate_longer_than s\n"; return true; } if ($this->ENUMtld && $this->ENUMtld != 'n/a' && $this->ENUMtld != 'none' && $this->RatingTables->ENUMtlds[$this->ENUMtld]) { $this->ENUMdiscount = $this->RatingTables->ENUMtlds[$this->ENUMtld]['discount']; if (!is_numeric($this->ENUMdiscount) || $this->ENUMdiscount < 0 || $this->ENUMdiscount > 100) { warning("Error: ENUM discount for tld $this->ENUMtld must be between 0 and 100"); } } if (!$this->gateway) { $this->gateway = ""; } if (!$this->duration) { $this->duration = 0; } if (!$this->traffic) { $this->traffic = 0; } $this->application=$dictionary['application']; if (!$this->application) { $this->application = 'audio'; } $durationRate = 0; $foundRates = array(); if (!$this->DestinationId) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: Cannot calculate rate without destination id for callid=$this->callId"); return false; } if (!$this->lookupDestinationDetails()) { // get region, increment and other per destination details syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: Cannot find destination details for call_id=$this->callId, dest_id=$this->DestinationId)"); return false; } if (!$this->lookupProfiles()) { // get profiles for the billing party syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: Cannot find any profiles for call_id=$this->callId, dest_id=$this->DestinationId)"); return false; } // lookup discounts if any $this->lookupDiscounts(); $this->startTimeBilling = getLocalTime($this->billingTimezone, $this->timestamp); list($dateText,$timeText) = explode(" ", trim($this->startTimeBilling)); $Bdate = explode("-", $dateText); $Btime = explode(":", $timeText); $this->timestampBilling = mktime($Btime[0], $Btime[1], $Btime[2], $Bdate[1], $Bdate[2], $Bdate[0]); $this->startTimeBilling = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->timestampBilling); $this->trafficKB = number_format($this->traffic/1024, 0, "", ""); // check min_duration and increment per destination if ($this->increment >= 1) { // increase the billed duration to the next increment $this->duration = $this->increment * ceil($this->duration / $this->increment); } if ($this->max_duration && $this->duration > $this->max_duration) { // limit the maximum duration for rating $this->duration = $this->max_duration; } $this->rateSyslog = ""; if ($this->duration) { if ($this->increment >= 1) { $this->rateInfo .= " Increment: $this->increment s\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf("Increment=%s ", $this->increment); } if ($this->min_duration) { $this->rateInfo .= " Min duration: $this->min_duration s\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf("MinDuration=%s ", $this->min_duration); } if ($this->max_duration) { $this->rateInfo .= " Max duration: $this->max_duration s\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf("MaxDuration=%s ", $this->max_duration); } if ($this->max_price) { $this->rateInfo .= " Max price: $this->max_price\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf("MaxPrice=%s ", $this->max_price); } unset($IntervalsForPricing); $this->rateInfo .= " Duration: $this->duration s\n". " App: $this->application\n". " Destination: $this->DestinationId\n". " Customer: $this->CustomerProfile\n"; if ($this->region) { $this->rateInfo .= " Region: $this->region\n"; } if ($this->discount_duration || $this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= " Discount: "; } if ($this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= " connect $this->discount_connect% "; } if ($this->discount_duration) { $this->rateInfo .= " duration $this->discount_duration% "; } if ($this->discount_duration || $this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= "\n"; } if ($this->ENUMtld && $this->ENUMtld != 'none' && $this->ENUMtld != 'n/a') { $this->rateInfo .= " ENUM tld: $this->ENUMtld\n". " ENUM discount: $this->ENUMdiscount%\n"; } $i=0; $durationRatedTotal=0; // get recursively a set of arrays with rates // until we billed the whole duration while ($durationRatedTotal < $this->duration) { if ($i == "0") { $dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestampBilling); $hourofday = date("G", $this->timestampBilling); $dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestampBilling); } else { $dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestampBilling+$durationRatedTotal); $hourofday = $foundRate['nextHourOfDay']; $dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestampBilling+$durationRatedTotal); } $foundRate = $this->lookupRateAudio($dayofyear, $dayofweek, $hourofday, $durationRatedTotal); $durationRatedTotal = $durationRatedTotal + $foundRate['duration']; if (!$foundRate['rate']) { $this->broken_rate=true; return false; } $foundRates[] = $foundRate; $i++; if ($i > 10) { // possible loop because of wrong coding make sure we end this loop somehow $body="Rating of call $this->callId (DestId=$this->DestinationId) has more than 10 spans. It could be a serious bug.\n"; mail($this->toEmail, "CDRTool rating problem", $body, $this->extraHeaders); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: Rating of call $this->callId (DestId=$this->DestinationId) has more than 10 spans."); break; } } } $j = 0; $span = 0; foreach ($foundRates as $thisRate) { $spanPrice = 0; $span++; if ($j > 0) { $payConnect = 0; $durationForRating = $thisRate['duration']; } else { $payConnect=1; if ($this->min_duration && $this->duration < $this->min_duration && $this->duration > 0) { $durationForRating = $this->min_duration; } else { $durationForRating = $thisRate['duration']; } } $connectCost = $thisRate['values']['connectCost']; $durationRate = $thisRate['values']['durationRate']; // apply discounts for connect if ($this->discount_connect) { $connectCost = $connectCost - $connectCost * $this->discount_connect / 100; } // apply discounts for duration if ($this->discount_duration) { $durationRate = $durationRate - $durationRate * $this->discount_duration / 100; } $connectCostIn = $thisRate['values']['connectCostIn']; $durationRateIn = $thisRate['values']['durationRateIn']; if ($span=="1") { $connectCostSpan = $connectCost; $this->connectCost = number_format($connectCost/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $connectCostSpanIn = $connectCostIn; $this->connectCostIn = number_format($connectCostIn/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); } else { $connectCostSpan=0; $connectCostSpanIn=0; } $connectCostPrint = number_format($connectCostSpan/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $durationRatePrint = number_format($durationRate/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $connectCostPrintIn = number_format($connectCostSpanIn/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $durationRatePrintIn = number_format($durationRateIn/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); if (!$connectCostSpan) $connectCostSpan=0; if (!$durationRate) $durationRate=0; if (!$connectCostSpanIn) $connectCostSpanIn=0; if (!$durationRateIn) $durationRateIn=0; if (!$this->inputTraffic) $this->inputTraffic=0; if (!$this->outputTraffic) $this->outputTraffic=0; if ($span>1) $this->rateInfo .= "--\n"; /* durationRate*durationForRating/durationPeriodRated/priceDenominator+ trafficRate/priceDenominator/trafficSizeRated*(inputTraffic+outputTraffic)/8"); $durationRate*$durationForRating/$this->durationPeriodRated/$this->priceDenominator+ $trafficRate/$this->priceDenominator/$this->trafficSizeRated*($this->inputTraffic+$this->outputTraffic)/8"); */ $spanPrice = $durationRate * $durationForRating / $this->durationPeriodRated / $this->priceDenominator; $this->price = $this->price+$spanPrice; $spanPricePrint = number_format($spanPrice, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $spanPriceIn = $durationRateIn * $durationForRating / $this->durationPeriodRated / $this->priceDenominator; $this->priceIn = $this->priceIn+$spanPriceIn; $spanPricePrintIn = number_format($spanPriceIn, $this->priceDecimalDigits); if ($span=="1" && $thisRate['profile']) { if ($connectCostIn) { $this->rateInfo .= " Connect in: $connectCostPrintIn\n"; } $this->rateInfo .= " Connect: $connectCostPrint\n". " StartTime: $this->startTimeBilling\n". "--\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= "ConnectFee=$connectCostPrint "; $this->price = $this->price + $connectCostSpan / $this->priceDenominator * $payConnect; $this->priceIn = $this->priceIn + $connectCostSpanIn / $this->priceDenominator * $payConnect; } $this->rateInfo .= " Span: $span\n". " Duration: $durationForRating s\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf( "CallId=%s Span=%s Duration=%s DestId=%s %s", $this->callId, $span, $durationForRating, $this->DestinationId, $thisRate['customer'] ); if ($thisRate['profile']) { $this->rateInfo .= " ProfileId: $thisRate[profile] / $thisRate[day]\n". " RateId: $thisRate[rate] / $thisRate[interval]h\n". " Rate: $durationRatePrint / $this->durationPeriodRated s\n". " Price: $spanPricePrint\n"; if ($spanPriceIn) { $this->rateInfo .= " Price in: $spanPricePrintIn\n"; } $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf( " Profile=%s Period=%s Rate=%s Interval=%s Cost=%s/%s", $thisRate['profile'], $thisRate['day'], $thisRate['rate'], $thisRate['interval'], $durationRatePrint, $this->durationPeriodRated ); } else { $this->rateInfo .= " ProfileId: none\n". " RateId: none\n"; $this->rateSyslog .= " Profile=none, Rate=none"; } $this->rateSyslog .= " Price=".sprintf("%.4f", $spanPrice); $this->rateSyslog .= " PriceIn=".sprintf("%.4f", $spanPriceIn); if ($this->discount_connect) { $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf(" DisCon=%s", $this->discount_connect); } if ($this->discount_duration) { $this->rateSyslog .= sprintf(" DisDur=%s", $this->discount_duration); } logger($this->rateSyslog); $j++; } if ($this->priceIn) { $this->rateInfo .= "--\n". " Price out: ".sprintf("%.4f", $this->price)."\n". " Price in: ".sprintf("%.4f", $this->priceIn)."\n". " Margin: ".sprintf("%.4f", $this->price-$this->priceIn)."\n"; } $this->rateInfo=trim($this->rateInfo); if ($this->max_price && $this->price > $this->max_price) { $this->price = $this->max_price; } if ($this->ENUMdiscount) { $this->priceBeforeDiscount = sprintf("%.4f", $this->price); $this->price = $this->price - $this->price * $this->ENUMdiscount / 100; $this->price = sprintf("%.4f", $this->price); $this->rateInfo .= "\n--\n". " Total: $this->priceBeforeDiscount\n". " Total after discount: $this->price\n"; } $this->price = sprintf("%.4f", $this->price); $this->pricePrint = number_format($this->price, $this->priceDecimalDigits); return true; } public function calculateMessage($dictionary) { // used for calculate rate for SMS application $this->RatingTables = $dictionary['RatingTables']; $this->callId = $dictionary['callId']; $this->timestamp = $dictionary['timestamp']; $this->DestinationId = $dictionary['DestinationId']; $this->BillingPartyId = $dictionary['BillingPartyId']; $this->domain = $dictionary['domain']; $this->gateway = $dictionary['gateway']; $this->ResellerId = $dictionary['ResellerId']; $this->aNumber = $dictionary['aNumber']; $this->cNumber = $dictionary['cNumber']; if (!$this->gateway) { $this->gateway = ""; } $this->application = 'sms'; $foundRates=array(); if (!$this->DestinationId) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error calculateMessage(): Cannot calculate rate without destination id"); return false; } if (!$this->lookupProfiles()) { // get profiles for the billing party syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: calculateMessage() Cannot find any profiles for call_id=$this->callId, dest_id=$this->DestinationId)"); return false; } // lookup discounts if any $this->lookupDiscounts(); $this->startTimeBilling = getLocalTime($this->billingTimezone, $this->timestamp); list($dateText,$timeText) = explode(" ", trim($this->startTimeBilling)); $Bdate = explode("-", $dateText); $Btime = explode(":", $timeText); $this->timestampBilling = mktime($Btime[0], $Btime[1], $Btime[2], $Bdate[1], $Bdate[2], $Bdate[0]); $dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestampBilling); $hourofday = date("G", $this->timestampBilling); $dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestampBilling); $this->rateInfo .= " App: sms\n". " Destination: $this->DestinationId\n". " Customer: $this->CustomerProfile\n"; if ($this->region) { $this->rateInfo .= " Region: $this->region\n"; } if ($this->discount_duration || $this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= " Discount: "; } if ($this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= " connect $this->discount_connect% "; } if ($this->discount_duration || $this->discount_connect) { $this->rateInfo .= "\n"; } $foundRate = $this->lookupRateMessage($dayofyear, $dayofweek, $hourofday); if (is_array($foundRate)) { $this->price = number_format($foundRate['values']['connectCost'] / $this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $this->price = sprintf("%.4f", $this->price); $this->pricePrint = $this->price; $this->rateInfo .= " ProfileId: $foundRate[profile] / $foundRate[day]\n". " RateId: $foundRate[rate]\n". " Price: $this->price\n"; return true; } else { return false; } } private function lookupDiscounts() { // get discounts for customer per region if set otherwise per destination id if (!$this->CustomerProfile) { return false; } if ($this->region) { $_field = 'region'; $_value = $this->region; } else { $_field = 'destination'; $_value = $this->DestinationId; } if ($this->CustomerProfile == 'default') { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_discounts where subscriber = '' and domain = '' and gateway = '' and application = '%s' and %s = '%s' ", addslashes($this->application), addslashes($_field), addslashes($_value) ); } else { $els = explode("=", $this->CustomerProfile); $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_discounts where %s = '%s' and application = '%s' and %s = '%s' ", addslashes($els[0]), addslashes($els[1]), addslashes($this->application), addslashes($_field), addslashes($_value) ); } // mysql backend if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); if ($this->db->f('connect') > 0 && $this->db->f('connect') <=100) { $this->discount_connect = $this->db->f('connect'); } if ($this->db->f('duration') > 0 && $this->db->f('duration') <=100) { $this->discount_duration = $this->db->f('duration'); } } return true; } private function lookupDestinationDetails() { // get rating related details for the destination id if (!$this->DestinationId) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: Cannot lookup destination details without a destination id"); return false; } // mysql backend $query = sprintf( "select * from destinations where dest_id = '%s' and (reseller_id = %d or reseller_id = 0) order by reseller_id desc limit 1 ", addslashes($this->DestinationId), addslashes($this->ResellerId) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $this->region = $this->db->Record['region']; $this->max_duration = $this->db->Record['max_duration']; $this->max_price = $this->db->Record['max_price']; if ($this->db->Record['increment']) { $this->increment = $this->db->Record['increment']; } if ($this->db->Record['min_duration']) { $this->min_duration = $this->db->Record['min_duration']; } } return true; } private function lookupProfiles() { unset($this->allProfiles); /* lookup the profile_name in billing_customers in the following order: subscriber, username@gateway, domain, gateway (based on $dayofweek): - profile_workday matches days [1-5] (Work-day) - profile_weekend matches days [6-0] (Week-end) - week starts with 0 Sunday and ends with 6 Saturday Alternatively look for profile_workday_alt and profile_weekend_alt If no rates are found for destination in the profileX, than lookup rates in profileX_alt */ // mysql backend list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $this->BillingPartyId); $trusted_peer_account = sprintf("%s@%s", $username, $this->gateway); $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_customers where (subscriber = '%s' and domain = '' and gateway = '' ) or (subscriber = '%s' and domain = '' and gateway = '' ) or (domain = '%s' and subscriber = '' and gateway = '' ) or (gateway = '%s' and subscriber = '' and domain = '' ) or (subscriber = '' and domain = '' and gateway = '' ) order by subscriber desc, domain desc, gateway desc limit 1 ", addslashes($this->BillingPartyId), addslashes($trusted_peer_account), addslashes($this->domain), addslashes($this->gateway) ); dprint_sql($query); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); if ($this->db->Record['subscriber']) { if ($this->db->Record['subscriber'] == $trusted_peer_account) { $this->CustomerProfile = sprintf("remote_account=%s", $this->db->Record['subscriber']); } else { $this->CustomerProfile = sprintf("local_account=%s", $this->db->Record['subscriber']); } } elseif ($this->db->Record['domain']) { $this->CustomerProfile = sprintf("domain=%s", $this->db->Record['domain']); } elseif ($this->db->Record['gateway']) { $this->CustomerProfile = sprintf("trusted_peer=%s", $this->db->Record['gateway']); } else { $this->CustomerProfile = "default"; } if (!$this->db->Record['profile_name1']) { $log = sprintf( "Error: customer %s (id=%d) has no weekday profile assigned in profiles table", $this->CustomerProfile, $this->db->Record['id'] ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!$this->db->Record['profile_name2']) { $log = sprintf( "Error: customer %s (id=%d) has no weekend profile assigned in profiles table", $this->CustomerProfile, $this->db->Record['id'] ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!$this->db->Record['timezone']) { $log = sprintf( "Error: missing timezone for customer %s", $this->CustomerProfile ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $this->billingTimezone = $this->db->Record['timezone']; $this->allProfiles = array( "profile_workday" => $this->db->Record['profile_name1'], "profile_weekend" => $this->db->Record['profile_name2'], "profile_workday_alt" => $this->db->Record['profile_name1_alt'], "profile_weekend_alt" => $this->db->Record['profile_name2_alt'], "timezone" => $this->db->Record['timezone'] ); if ($this->db->Record['increment']) { $this->increment = $this->db->Record['increment']; } if ($this->db->Record['min_duration']) { $this->min_duration = $this->db->Record['min_duration']; } return true; } else { $log = sprintf( "Error: no customer found in billing_customers table for billing party=%s, domain=%s, gateway=%s", $this->BillingPartyId, $this->domain, $this->gateway ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } private function lookupRateAudio($dayofyear, $dayofweek, $hourofday, $durationRatedAlready) { /* // Required information from CDR structure $this->BillingPartyId # calling subscriber $this->domain # multiple callers may belong to same domain $this->gateway # multiple callers may belong to the same gateway $this->cNumber # E164 destination prefixed with 00 (e.g. 0041 CH) $this->DestinationId # longest matched DestinationId $this->region # region the destination belongs to // pertinent to the curent rating SPAN (a span = same profile like evening hours) $hourofday # which hour of teh day started for peak/ofpeak rates $dayofweek # which day of the week for matching profiles $dayofyear # which day of the year for matching holidays $durationRatedAlready= the full duration for which a profile is defined (e.g. 0800-1800) // the call is called recursively until the $durationRatedAlready = $CDR->duration // when a call spans multiple profiles. If we span multiple profiles we must call // the function again to lookup the corect rates Rating logic ------------ 1. using the profile_name found, lookup the rate_name based on $hourofday in billing_profiles - the day may be split in maximum 4 periods - each day starts with hour 0 and ends with hour 24 - rate_name1 defines the first interval after hour 0 - rate_name2 defines the first interval after rate_name1 - rate_name3 defines the first interval after rate_name2 - rate_name4 defines the first interval after rate_name3 When the hour matches an interval use the rate_nameX found to lookup the rate in billing_rates - if no record is found use the rate called 'default' 2. lookup in billing_rates the record having same name found above and billing_rates.destination = $this->DestinationId - return an array with all the values to $this->calculateAudio() function that called us */ // get work-day or weekend profile if ($this->RatingTables->holidays[$dayofyear]) { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekend"; } else { if ($dayofweek >=1 && $dayofweek <=5) { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_workday']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_workday_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekday"; } else { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekend"; } } // get rate for the time of the day $timestampNextProfile = $this->timestampBilling + $durationRatedAlready; $profileValues = $this->RatingTables->profiles[$this->profileName]; if (is_array($profileValues)) { $this->profileNameLog = $this->profileName; if ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour1']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name1']; $this->timeInterval = "0-".$profileValues['hour1']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour1']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValues['hour1']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour2']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name2']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour1']."-".$profileValues['hour2']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour2']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValues['hour2']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour3']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name3']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour2']."-".$profileValues['hour3']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour3']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValues['hour3']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour4']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name4']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour3']."-".$profileValues['hour4']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour4']; $this->nextProfile = 0; } if ($this->rateName) { $found_history=false; //get historical rating if exists if (is_array($this->RatingTables->ratesHistory[$this->rateName][$this->DestinationId][$this->application])) { $h=0; foreach (($this->RatingTables->ratesHistory[$this->rateName][$this->DestinationId][$this->application]) as $_idx) { $h++; if ($_idx['startDate'] <= $this->timestamp) { if ($_idx['endDate'] > $this->timestamp) { // found historical rate $found_history=true; $this->rateValues=$_idx; break; } else { $_log = sprintf("Interval missmatch %s < %s", $_idx['endDate'], $this->timestamp); continue; } } else { $_log = sprintf("Interval missmatch %s > %s", $_idx['startDate'], $this->timestamp); continue; } } } if (!$found_history) { if ($this->region) { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->region); if (!$this->rateValues) { // try the destination as last resort $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } else { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } } } $profileValuesAlt = $this->RatingTables->profiles[$this->profileNameAlt]; if (!$this->rateValues && is_array($profileValuesAlt)) { $this->profileNameLog = $this->profileNameAlt; if ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour1']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name1']; $this->timeInterval = "0-".$profileValuesAlt['hour1']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour1']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour1']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour2']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name2']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour1']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour2']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour2']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour2']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour3']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name3']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour2']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour3']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour3']; $this->nextProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour3']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour4']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name4']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour3']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour4']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour4']; $this->nextProfile = 0; } if ($this->rateName) { $found_history=false; //get historical rating if exists if (is_array($this->RatingTables->ratesHistory[$this->rateName][$this->DestinationId][$this->application])) { $h=0; foreach (($this->RatingTables->ratesHistory[$this->rateName][$this->DestinationId][$this->application]) as $_idx) { $h++; if ($_idx['startDate'] <= $this->timestamp) { if ($_idx['endDate'] > $this->timestamp) { // found historical rate $found_history=true; $this->rateValues=$_idx; break; } else { $_log = sprintf("Interval missmatch %s < %s", $_idx['endDate'], $this->timestamp); continue; } } else { $_log = sprintf("Interval missmatch %s > %s", $_idx['startDate'], $this->timestamp); continue; } } } if (!$found_history) { if ($this->region) { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->region); // try destination as last resort if (!$this->rateValues) { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } else { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesAudio($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } } } if (!$this->rateValues) { $this->rateNotFound=true; $log = sprintf( "Error: Cannot find rates for callid=%s, billing party=%s, customer %s, gateway=%s, destination=%s, profile=%s, app=%s", $this->callId, $this->BillingPartyId, $this->CustomerProfile, $this->gateway, $this->DestinationId, $this->profileName, $this->application ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->nextProfile == "24") $this->nextProfile = 0; $DST = Date("I", $timestampNextProfile); if (!$this->nextProfile) { // check it we change daylight saving time tomorrow // yes this cann happen and we must apply a different rate $timestampNextProfile =$timestampNextProfile+24*3600; $DSTNext = Date("I", $timestampNextProfile); if ($DST != $DSTNext) { if ($DSTNext==0) { $timestampNextProfile = $timestampNextProfile+3600; } elseif ($DSTNext==1) { $timestampNextProfile = $timestampNextProfile-3600; } } } // see if we have minimum duration or increment if ($this->rateValues['increment']) { // increase the billed duration to the next increment $this->duration = $this->rateValues['increment'] * ceil($this->duration / $this->rateValues['increment']); } $durationToRate=$this->duration-$durationRatedAlready; $month = Date("m", $timestampNextProfile); $day = Date("d", $timestampNextProfile); $year = Date("Y", $timestampNextProfile); $nextProfileTimestamp = mktime($this->nextProfile, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $npdt=Date("Y-m-d H:i", $nextProfileTimestamp); $timeTillNextProfile = $nextProfileTimestamp - $this->timestampBilling; if ($durationToRate > $timeTillNextProfile) { $diff = $durationToRate - $timeTillNextProfile; $this->durationRated = $timeTillNextProfile; } else { $this->durationRated = $durationToRate; } $rate = array( "customer" => $this->CustomerProfile, "application" => $this->application, "profile" => $this->profileNameLog, "day" => $this->PeriodOfProfile, "destinationId" => $this->DestinationId, "duration" => $this->durationRated, "rate" => $this->rateName, "values" => $this->rateValues, "interval" => $this->timeInterval, "nextHourOfDay" => $this->nextProfile ); return $rate; } private function lookupRateMessage($dayofyear, $dayofweek, $hourofday) { /* // Required information from CDR structure $this->BillingPartyId # calling subscriber $this->domain # multiple callers may belong to same domain $this->gateway # multiple callers may belong to the same gateway $this->cNumber # E164 destination prefixed with 00 (e.g. 0041 CH) $this->DestinationId # longest matched DestinationId $this->region # region the destination belongs to // pertinent to the curent rating SPAN (a span = same profile like evening hours) $hourofday # which hour of teh day started for peak/ofpeak rates $dayofweek # which day of the week for matching profiles $dayofyear # which day of the year for matching holidays $durationRatedAlready= the full duration for which a profile is defined (e.g. 0800-1800) // the call is called recursively until the $durationRatedAlready = $CDR->duration // when a call spans multiple profiles. If we span multiple profiles we must call // the function again to lookup the corect rates Rating logic ------------ 1. using the profile_name found, lookup the rate_name based on $hourofday in billing_profiles - the day may be split in maximum 4 periods - each day starts with hour 0 and ends with hour 24 - rate_name1 defines the first interval after hour 0 - rate_name2 defines the first interval after rate_name1 - rate_name3 defines the first interval after rate_name2 - rate_name4 defines the first interval after rate_name3 When the hour matches an interval use the rate_nameX found to lookup the rate in billing_rates - if no record is found use the rate called 'default' 2. lookup in billing_rates the record having same name found above and billing_rates.destination = $this->DestinationId - return an array with all the values to $this->calculateAudio() function that called us */ // get work-day or weekend profile if ($this->RatingTables->holidays[$dayofyear]) { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekend"; } else { if ($dayofweek >=1 && $dayofweek <=5) { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_workday']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_workday_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekday"; } else { $this->profileName = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend']; $this->profileNameAlt = $this->allProfiles['profile_weekend_alt']; $this->PeriodOfProfile = "weekend"; } } // get rate for the time of the day $timestampNextProfile = $this->timestampBilling + $durationRatedAlready; $profileValues = $this->RatingTables->profiles[$this->profileName]; if (is_array($profileValues)) { $this->profileNameLog = $this->profileName; if ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour1']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name1']; $this->timeInterval = "0-".$profileValues['hour1']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour1']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour2']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name2']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour1']."-".$profileValues['hour2']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour2']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour3']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name3']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour2']."-".$profileValues['hour3']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour3']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValues['hour4']) { $this->rateName = $profileValues['rate_name4']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValues['hour3']."-".$profileValues['hour4']; $foundProfile = $profileValues['hour4']; } if ($this->rateName) { if ($this->region) { $this->rateValues=$this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->region); if (!$this->rateValues) { // try the destination as last resort $this->rateValues=$this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } else { $this->rateValues=$this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } } $profileValuesAlt = $this->RatingTables->profiles[$this->profileNameAlt]; if (!$this->rateValues && is_array($profileValuesAlt)) { $this->profileNameLog = $this->profileNameAlt; if ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour1']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name1']; $this->timeInterval = "0-".$profileValuesAlt['hour1']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour1']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour2']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name2']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour1']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour2']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour2']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour3']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name3']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour2']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour3']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour3']; } elseif ($hourofday < $profileValuesAlt['hour4']) { $this->rateName = $profileValuesAlt['rate_name4']; $this->timeInterval = $profileValuesAlt['hour3']."-".$profileValuesAlt['hour4']; $foundProfile = $profileValuesAlt['hour4']; } if ($this->rateName) { if ($this->region) { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->region); // try destination as last resort if (!$this->rateValues) { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } else { $this->rateValues = $this->lookupRateValuesMessage($this->rateName, $this->DestinationId); } } } if (!$this->rateValues) { $this->rateNotFound=true; $log=sprintf( "Error: Cannot find rates for callid=%s, billing party=%s, customer %s, gateway=%s, destination=%s, profile=%s, app=sms", $this->callId, $this->BillingPartyId, $this->CustomerProfile, $this->gateway, $this->DestinationId, $this->profileName ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $rate = array( "customer" => $this->CustomerProfile, "application" => $this->application, "profile" => $this->profileNameLog, "day" => $this->PeriodOfProfile, "destinationId" => $this->DestinationId, "rate" => $this->rateName, "values" => $this->rateValues, ); return $rate; } public function MaxSessionTime($dictionary) { // Used for prepaid application to return maximum session time based on a prepaid balance $this->rateValuesCache = array(); $this->MaxSessionTimeSpans = 0; $durationRate = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // required fields passed from the CDR structure // $this->timestamp = time(); $this->callId = $dictionary['callId']; $this->DestinationId = $dictionary['DestinationId']; $this->BillingPartyId = $dictionary['BillingPartyId']; $this->domain = $dictionary['domain']; $this->duration = $dictionary['duration']; $this->aNumber = $dictionary['aNumber']; $this->cNumber = $dictionary['cNumber']; $this->gateway = $dictionary['gateway']; $this->RatingTables = $dictionary['RatingTables']; $this->application = $dictionary['application']; $this->ResellerId = $dictionary['ResellerId']; $Balance = $dictionary['Balance']; if (!$this->application) $this->application='audio'; if (!$this->DestinationId) { $log = sprintf("Error: no DestinationId supplied in MaxSessionTime()"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!$this->lookupDestinationDetails()) { return false; } if (!$this->lookupProfiles()) { return false; } $this->startTimeBilling = getLocalTime($this->billingTimezone, $this->timestamp); list($dateText,$timeText) = explode(" ", trim($this->startTimeBilling)); $Bdate = explode("-", $dateText); $Btime = explode(":", $timeText); $this->timestampBilling = mktime($Btime[0], $Btime[1], $Btime[2], $Bdate[1], $Bdate[2], $Bdate[0]); $this->startTimeBilling = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->timestampBilling); $i=0; $durationRatedTotal=0; while ($Balance > 0) { $span++; $this->MaxSessionTimeSpans++; if ($i == "0") { $dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestampBilling); $hourofday = date("G", $this->timestampBilling); $dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestampBilling); } else { $dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestampBilling+$durationRatedTotal); $hourofday = $foundRate['nextHourOfDay']; $dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestampBilling+$durationRatedTotal); } $foundRate = $this->lookupRateAudio($dayofyear, $dayofweek, $hourofday, $durationRatedTotal); if ($this->rateNotFound) { // break here to avoid loops break; } $thisRate=$foundRate; if ($j > 0) { $payConnect=0; $durationForRating = $thisRate['duration']; } else { $payConnect=1; if ($this->min_duration && $this->duration < $this->min_duration) { $durationForRating=$this->min_duration; } else { $durationForRating=$thisRate['duration']; } } $j++; $connectCost = $thisRate['values']['connectCost']; $durationRate = $thisRate['values']['durationRate']; if ($span=="1" && !$dictionary['skipConnectCost']) { $this->connectCost=number_format($connectCost/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $connectCostSpan=$connectCost; $setupBalanceRequired=$connectCost/$this->priceDenominator; if ($connectCost && $Balance <= $setupBalanceRequired) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Balance too small: $Balance <= $setupBalanceRequired"); return false; } $Balance = $Balance-$setupBalanceRequired; } else { $connectCostSpan=0; $setupBalanceRequired=0; } $connectCostPrint = number_format($connectCostSpan/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $durationRatePrint = number_format($durationRate/$this->priceDenominator, $this->priceDecimalDigits); $spanPrice = $this->price+$setupBalanceRequired*$payConnect+ $durationRate*$durationForRating/$this->durationPeriodRated/$this->priceDenominator; if ($Balance > $spanPrice) { $Balance = $Balance-$spanPrice; $durationRatedTotal = $durationRatedTotal+ $foundRate['duration']; } else { $durationAllowedinThisSpan = $Balance / $durationRate * $this->durationPeriodRated * $this->priceDenominator; $rateOfThisSpan=$durationRate/$this->priceDenominator; $durationRatedTotal=$durationRatedTotal + $durationAllowedinThisSpan; $Balance=$Balance-$spanPrice; return $durationRatedTotal; } if ($durationRatedTotal >= $this->duration) { return sprintf("%f", $durationRatedTotal); } $i++; if ($i>10) { return sprintf("%f", $durationRatedTotal); break; } } return false; } private function lookupRateValuesAudio($rateName, $DestinationId) { if (is_array($this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId][$this->application])) { return $this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId][$this->application]; } if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($rateName) { $table="billing_rates_".$rateName; } else { $table="billing_rates_default"; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where destination = '%s' and application = '%s'", addslashes($table), addslashes($DestinationId), addslashes($this->application) ); } else { $table = "billing_rates"; $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and application = '%s'", addslashes($table), addslashes($rateName), addslashes($DestinationId), addslashes($this->application) ); } // mysql backend if (!$this->db->query($query)) { if ($this->db->Errno != 1146) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } // try the main table $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_rates where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and application = '%s'", addslashes($rateName), addslashes($DestinationId), addslashes($this->application) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $values = array( "connectCost" => $this->db->Record['connectCost'], "durationRate" => $this->db->Record['durationRate'], "connectCostIn" => $this->db->Record['connectCostIn'], "durationRateIn" => $this->db->Record['durationRateIn'] ); // cache values $this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId][$this->application] = $values; return $values; } else { return false; } } private function lookupRateValuesMessage($rateName, $DestinationId) { if (is_array($this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId]['sms'])) { return $this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId]['sms']; } if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($rateName) { $table = "billing_rates_".$rateName; } else { $table = "billing_rates_default"; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where (destination = '%s' or destination = '') and application = 'sms' order by destination desc limit 1", addslashes($table), addslashes($DestinationId) ); } else { $table = "billing_rates"; $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where name = '%s' and (destination = '%s' or destination = '') and application = 'sms' order by destination desc limit 1", addslashes($table), addslashes($rateName), addslashes($DestinationId) ); } // mysql backend if (!$this->db->query($query)) { if ($this->db->Errno != 1146) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } // try the main table // lookup rate from MySQL $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_rates where name = '%s' and (destination = '%s' or destination = '') and application = 'sms' order by destination desc limit 1", addslashes($rateName), addslashes($DestinationId) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $values = array( "connectCost" => $this->db->Record['connectCost'] ); // cache values $this->rateValuesCache[$rateName][$DestinationId]['sms']=$values; return $values; } else { return false; } } } class RatingTables { private $settings; private $CDRTool; private $table; private $readonly; private $db; private $db1; private $profiles; private $ratesHistory; private $ratesHistoryCount; private $holidays; private $ENUMtlds; private $ENUMtldsCount; var $database_backend = 'mysql'; var $csv_export=array( "destinations" => "destinations.csv", "billing_customers" => "customers.csv", "billing_profiles" => "profiles.csv", "billing_rates" => "rates.csv", "billing_rates_history" => "ratesHistory.csv", "billing_discounts" => "discounts.csv", "billing_enum_tlds" => "enumtld.csv", "prepaid" => "prepaid.csv", "quota_usage" => "quotausage.csv" ); var $csv_import = array( "destinations" => "destinations.csv", "billing_customers" => "customers.csv", "billing_profiles" => "profiles.csv", "billing_rates" => "rates.csv", "billing_rates_history" => "ratesHistory.csv", "billing_discounts" => "discounts.csv" ); var $previously_imported_files = 0; var $maxrowsperpage = 15; var $insertDomainOption = array(); var $delimiter = ","; var $filesToImport = array(); var $importFilesPatterns = array( 'ratesHistory', 'rates', 'profiles', 'destinations', 'discounts', 'customers' ); var $mustReload = false; var $web_elements = array( 'table', 'export', 'web_task', 'subweb_task', 'confirmDelete', 'confirmCopy', 'next', 'id', 'search_text', 'ReloadRatingTables', 'account', 'balance', 'fromRate', 'toRate', 'sessionId' ); var $requireReload = array('destinations'); var $whereResellerFilter = " (1=1) "; var $cvs_import_dir = "/var/spool/cdrtool"; var $tables = array( "destinations" => array( "name" => "Destinations", "skip_math" => true, "keys" => array( "id" ), "exceptions" => array(), "order" => "dest_id ASC", "domainFilterColumn" => "domain", "fields" => array( "gateway" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'ip', "name" => "Trusted peer" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "domain" => array( "size" => 15, "name" => "Domain", "checkType" => 'domain', "class" => "span2" ), "subscriber" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'sip_account', "name" => "Subscriber", "class" => "span2" ), "dest_id" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Destination", ), "region" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Region" ), "dest_name" => array( "size" => 20, "name" => "Description", "class" => "span2" ), "increment" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Incr" ), "min_duration" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Min Dur" ), "max_duration" => array( "size" => 5, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Max Dur" ), "max_price" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Max Price" ) ) ), "billing_customers" => array( "name" => "Customers", "skip_math" => true, "keys" => array("id"), "domainFilterColumn" => "domain", "fields" => array( "gateway" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'ip', "name" => "Trusted Peer" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "domain" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'domain', "name" => "Domain", "class" => "span2" ), "subscriber" => array( "size" => 25, "checkType" => 'sip_account', "name" => "Subscriber", "class" => "span2" ), "profile_name1" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Profile WD" ), "profile_name1_alt" => array( "size" => 8, "name" => "Fallback" ), "profile_name2" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Profile WE" ), "profile_name2_alt" => array( "size" => 8, "name" => "Fallback" ), "timezone" => array( "size" => 16, "name" => "Timezone", "class" => "span2" ), "increment" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Incr" ), "min_duration" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Min Dur" ) ) ), "billing_discounts" => array( "name" => "Discounts", "keys" => array("id"), "domainFilterColumn" => "domain", "fields" => array( "gateway" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'ip', "name" => "Trusted Peer" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "domain" => array( "size" => 15, "checkType" => 'domain', "name" => "Domain", "class" => "span2" ), "subscriber" => array( "size" => 25, "checkType" => 'sip_account', "name" => "Subscriber", "class" => "span2" ), "application" => array( "size" => 6, "name" => "App" ), "destination" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Destination" ), "region" => array( "size" => 8, "name" => "Region" ), "connect" => array( "size" => 5, "name" => "Connect" ), "duration" => array( "size" => 5, "name" => "Duration" ) ) ), "billing_profiles" => array( "name" => "Profiles", "skip_math" => true, "keys" => array("id"), "exceptions" => array(), "size" => 6, "fields" => array( "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "name" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Profile", "class" => "span2" ), "rate_name1" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Rate 1" ), "hour1" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "00-H1" ), "rate_name2" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Rate 2" ), "hour2" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "H1-H2" ), "rate_name3" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Rate 3" ), "hour3" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "H2-H3" ), "rate_name4" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Rate 4" ), "hour4" => array( "size" => 3, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "H3-24" ), ) ), "billing_rates" => array( "name" => "Rates", "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 10, "exceptions" => array('maxPrice'), "order" => "durationRate desc", "fields" => array( "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "name" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Rate", "class" => "span2" ), "destination" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Destination" ), "application" => array( "size" => 6, "name" => "App" ), "connectCost" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name"=>"Connect" ), "durationRate" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Duration" ), "connectCostIn" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Conn In" ), "durationRateIn" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Duration In" ) ) ), "billing_rates_history" => array( "name" => "Rates history", "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 10, "order" => "destination ASC, name ASC", "fields" => array( "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "name" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Rate", "class" => "span2" ), "destination" => array( "size" => 12, "name" => "Destination" ), "application" => array( "size" => 6, "name" => "App" ), "connectCost" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Conn" ), "durationRate" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Price" ), "connectCostIn" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Conn In" ), "durationRateIn" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Price In" ), "startDate" => array( "size" => 11, "name" => "Start Date", "class" => "span2" ), "endDate" => array( "size" => 11, "name" => "End Date", "class" => "span2" ) ) ), "billing_enum_tlds" => array( "name" => "ENUM discounts", "skip_math" => true, "keys" => array("id"), "exceptions" => array(), "size" => 6, "fields" => array( "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "enum_tld" => array( "size" => 35, "mustExist" => true, "checkType" => 'domain', "name" => "ENUM TLD", "class" => "span2" ), "e164_regexp" => array( "size" => 35, "mustExist" => true, "name" => "E164 Regexp", "class" => "span2" ), "discount" => array( "size" => 10, "mustExist" => true, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Discount" ) ) ), "prepaid" => array( "name" => "Prepaid accounts", "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 15, "exceptions" => array('change_date','active_sessions','domain'), "order" => "change_date DESC", "fields" => array( "account" => array( "size" => 35, "name" => "Subscriber", "checkType" => 'sip_account', "mustExist" => true, "class" => "span2" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "balance" => array( "size" => 10, "name" => "Balance" ), "change_date" => array( "size" => 19, "name" => "Last Change", "readonly" => 1 ), "session_counter" => array( "size" => 3, "name" => "Active Sessions", "readonly" => 1 ), "max_sessions" => array( "size" => 3, "name" => "Max Sessions" ) ) ), "prepaid_cards" => array( "name" => "Prepaid cards", "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 15, "exceptions" => array('service'), "fields" => array( "batch" => array( "size" => 40, "name" => "Batch name", "readonly" => 1, "class" => "span3" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller" ), "date_batch" => array( "size" => 11, "name" => "Batch Date", "class" => "span2" ), "number" => array( "size" => 20, "checkType" => 'numeric', "mustExist" => true, "name" => "Card Number", "class" => "span2" ), "id" => array( "size" => 20, "checkType" => 'numeric', "mustExist" => true, "name" => "Card Id", ), "value" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "mustExist" => true, "name" => "Card Value" ), "blocked" => array( "size" => 1, "name" => "Lock" ), "date_active" => array( "size" => 18, "name" => "Activation Date", "class" => "span2" ) ) ), "prepaid_history" => array( "name" => "Prepaid history", "order" => "id DESC", "skip_math" => true, "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 15, "exceptions" => array('session','destination'), "fields" => array( "username" => array( "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1, "class" => "span2" ), "domain" => array( "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1, "class" => "span2" ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller", "readonly" => 1 ), "action" => array( "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1, "class" => "span2" ), "duration" => array( "size" => 5 ), "destination" => array( "size" => 15 ), "session" => array( "size" => 30, "readonly" => 1 ), "description" => array( "size" => 30, "class" => "span3" ), "value" => array( "size" => 10 ), "balance" => array( "size" => 10 ), "date" => array( "size" => 18, "class" => "span2" ) ) ), "quota_usage" => array( "name" => "Quota usage", "keys" => array("id"), "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1, "exceptions" => array( "change_date", "traffic", "duration", "calls" ), "domainFilterColumn" => "domain", "fields" => array( "datasource" => array( "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1 ), "reseller_id" => array( "size" => 8, "checkType" => 'numeric', "name" => "Reseller", "readonly" => true ), "account" => array( "size" => 30, "readonly" => 1, "name" => "Subscriber", "class" => "span2" ), "domain" => array( "size" => 15, "readonly" => 1, "class" => "span2" ), "blocked" => array( "size" => 2, "readonly" => 1 ), "notified" => array( "size" => 20, "readonly" => 1 ), "quota" => array( "size" => 5, "readonly" => 1 ), "cost" => array( "size" => 10, "readonly" => 1, "name" => "This Month" ), "cost_today" => array( "size" => 10, "readonly" => 1, "name" => "Today" ), "duration" => array( "size" => 10, "readonly" => 1 ), "calls" => array( "size" => 10, "readonly" => 1 ), "traffic" => array( "size" => 20, "readonly" => 1 ) ) ) ); private function queryHasError($query) { if ($this->db->query($query)) { return false; } $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); errorAndPrint($log); return true; } public function __construct($readonly = false) { global $CDRTool; global $RatingEngine; $this->settings = $RatingEngine; $this->CDRTool = $CDRTool; $this->table = $_REQUEST['table']; if (!$this->table || !in_array($this->table, array_keys($this->tables))) { $this->table="destinations"; } $this->readonly=$readonly; if ($this->settings['csv_delimiter']) { $this->delimiter=$this->settings['csv_delimiter']; } if (!isset($this->CDRTool['filter']['customer']) || !strlen($this->CDRTool['filter']['customer'])) { $this->whereResellerFilter = sprintf("reseller_id = %d", '99999999'); } else { if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['customer'] && $this->tables[$this->table]['fields']['reseller_id']) { $this->whereResellerFilter = sprintf("reseller_id = %d", addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['customer'])); $this->tables[$this->table]['fields']['reseller_id']['readonly']=true; } } if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { $this->tables['billing_rates']['fields']['name']['readonly'] = 1; } if (strlen($this->settings['socketIP'])) { if ($this->settings['socketIP'] == '' || $this->settings['socketIP'] == '0') { $this->settings['socketIPforClients'] = ''; } else { $this->settings['socketIPforClients'] = $this->settings['socketIP']; } } if ($this->settings['database_backend']) { $this->database_backend = $this->settings['database_backend']; } $this->db = new DB_cdrtool; $this->db1 = new DB_cdrtool; $this->db->Halt_On_Error="no"; $this->db1->Halt_On_Error="no"; } public function ImportCSVFiles($dir = false) { $results = 0; if (!$dir) $dir = "/var/spool/cdrtool"; $this->scanFilesForImport($dir); if ($this->previously_imported_files) { printf("Skipping %d previously imported files\n", $this->previously_imported_files); } $results=0; foreach (array_keys($this->filesToImport) as $file) { $importFunction = "Import".ucfirst($this->filesToImport[$file]['type']); printf("Reading file %s\n", $this->filesToImport[$file]['path']); $results = $this->$importFunction($this->filesToImport[$file]['path'],$this->filesToImport[$file]['reseller']); $this->logImport( $dir, $this->filesToImport[$file]['path'], $this->filesToImport[$file]['watermark'], $results, $this->filesToImport[$file]['reseller'] ); } return $results; } private function ImportRates($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; printf("Importing rates from %s for reseller %s:\n", $file, $reseller); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer = trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $name = trim($p[2]); $destination = trim($p[3]); $application = trim($p[4]); $connectCost = trim($p[5]); $durationRate = trim($p[6]); $connectCostIn = trim($p[7]); $durationRateIn = trim($p[8]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (!is_numeric($destination) && !strstr($destination, '@')) { // skip invalid destinations $skipped++; continue; } if (strlen($connectCost) && !is_numeric($connectCost)) { $skipped++; continue; } if (strlen($durationRate) && !is_numeric($durationRate)) { $skipped++; continue; } if (!$application) $application='audio'; if ($ops=="1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_rates ( reseller_id, name, destination, application, connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn) ); // mysql backend if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($name) { $_table = 'billing_rates_'.$name; } else { $_table = 'billing_rates_default'; } if (!$this->createRatingTable($name)) { $query = sprintf( "insert into %s ( id, reseller_id, name, destination, application, connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn ) values ( LAST_INSERT_ID(), '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($_table), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } } } $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops == "3") { $query = sprintf( "delete from billing_rates where reseller_id = '%s' and name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and application = '%s'", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application) ); // mysql backend if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($name) { $_table = 'billing_rates_'.$name; } else { $_table = 'billing_rates_default'; } $query = sprintf( "delete from %s where reseller_id = '%s' and name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and application = '%s'", addslashes($_table), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops == "2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_rates where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and application = '%s' ", addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($application) ); // mysql backend if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update billing_rates set connectCost = '%s', durationRate = '%s', connectCostIn = '%s', durationRateIn = '%s' where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and application = '%s' ", addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($application) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($name) { $_table = 'billing_rates_'.$name; } else { $_table = 'billing_rates_default'; } $query = sprintf( "update %s set connectCost = '%s', durationRate = '%s', connectCostIn = '%s', durationRateIn = '%s' where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and application = '%s' ", addslashes($_table), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($application) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_rates ( reseller_id, name, destination, application, connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { if ($name) { $_table = 'billing_rates_'.$name; } else { $_table = 'billing_rates_default'; } if (!$this->createRatingTable($name)) { $query = sprintf( "insert into %s ( id, reseller_id, name, destination, application connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn ) values ( LAST_INSERT_ID(), '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($_table), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } } } $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } } else { $skipped++; } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($skipped) print "Skipped $skipped records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results = $inserted+$updated+$deleted; return $results; } private function ImportRatesHistory($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $this->mustReload=true; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; printf("Importing rates history from %s for reseller %s:\n", $file, $reseller); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer=trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $name = trim($p[2]); $destination = trim($p[3]); $application = trim($p[4]); $connectCost = trim($p[5]); $durationRate = trim($p[6]); $connectCostIn = trim($p[7]); $durationRateIn = trim($p[8]); $startDate = trim($p[9]); $endDate = trim($p[10]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (!is_numeric($destination) && !strstr($destination, '@')) { // skip invalid destinations $skipped++; continue; } if (strlen($connectCost) && !is_numeric($connectCost)) { $skipped++; continue; } if (strlen($durationRate) && !is_numeric($durationRate)) { $skipped++; continue; } if (preg_match("/^\d{4}\-{\d{2}\-\d{2}$/", $startDate)) { $skipped++; continue; } if (preg_match("/^\d{4}\-{\d{2}\-\d{2}$/", $endDate)) { $skipped++; continue; } if ($ops=="1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_rates_history ( reseller_id, name, destination, application, connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn, startDate, endDate ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn), addslashes($startDate), addslashes($endDate) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops=="3") { $query = sprintf( "delete from billing_rates_history where reseller_id = '%s' and name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and startDate = '%s' and endDate = '%s'", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($startDate), addslashes($endDate) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops=="2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_rates_history where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and startDate = '%s' and endDate = '%s' ", addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($startDate), addslashes($endDate) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update billing_rates_history set application = '%s', connectCost = '%s', durationRate = '%s', connectCostIn = '%s', connectCostIn = '%s' where name = '%s' and destination = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and startDate = '%s' and endDate = '%s' ", addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($startDate), addslashes($endDate) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_rates_history ( reseller_id, name, destination, application, connectCost, durationRate, connectCostIn, durationRateIn, startDate, endDate ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($name), addslashes($destination), addslashes($application), addslashes($connectCost), addslashes($durationRate), addslashes($connectCostIn), addslashes($durationRateIn), addslashes($startDate), addslashes($endDate) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } } else { $skipped++; } $j++; if ($j=="10000") { flush(); $j=0; } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($skipped) print "Skipped $skipped records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results = $inserted + $updated + $deleted; return $results; } private function ImportCustomers($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $this->mustReload = true; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; printf("Importing customers from %s for reseller %s:\n", $file, $reseller); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer=trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $gateway = trim($p[2]); $domain = trim($p[3]); $subscriber = trim($p[4]); $profile_name1 = trim($p[5]); $profile_name1_alt = trim($p[6]); $profile_name2 = trim($p[7]); $profile_name2_alt = trim($p[8]); $timezone = trim($p[9]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (strlen($reseller_id) && !is_integer($reseller_id)) { $skipped++; continue; } if ($ops=="1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_customers ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, profile_name1, profile_name2, timezone, profile_name1_alt, profile_name2_alt ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($profile_name1), addslashes($profile_name2), addslashes($timezone), addslashes($profile_name1_alt), addslashes($profile_name2_alt) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops == "3") { $query = sprintf( "delete from billing_customers where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops == "2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_customers where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update billing_customers set profile_name1 = '%s', profile_name2 = '%s', profile_name1_alt = '%s', profile_name2_alt = '%s', timezone = '%s' where gateway = '%s' and domain = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and subscriber = '%s'\n", addslashes($profile_name1), addslashes($profile_name2), addslashes($profile_name1_alt), addslashes($profile_name2_alt), addslashes($timezone), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($subscriber) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_customers ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, profile_name1, profile_name2, timezone, profile_name1_alt, profile_name2_alt ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($profile_name1), addslashes($profile_name2), addslashes($timezone), addslashes($profile_name1_alt), addslashes($profile_name2_alt) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $inserted++; } } } else { $skipped++; } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($skipped) print "Skipped $skipped records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results=$inserted+$updated+$deleted; return $results; } private function ImportDestinations($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $this->mustReload=true; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; printf("Importing destinations from %s for reseller %s:\n", $file, $reseller); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer=trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $gateway = trim($p[2]); $domain = trim($p[3]); $subscriber = trim($p[4]); $dest_id = trim($p[5]); $region = trim($p[6]); $dest_name = trim($p[7]); $increment = intval($p[8]); $min_duration = intval($p[9]); $max_duration = intval($p[10]); $max_price = trim($p[11]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (!is_numeric($dest_id) && !strstr($dest_id, '@')) { // skip invalid destinations $skipped++; continue; } if ($ops=="1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into destinations ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, dest_id, region, dest_name, increment, min_duration, max_duration, max_price ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($dest_id), addslashes($region), addslashes($dest_name), addslashes($increment), addslashes($min_duration), addslashes($max_duration), addslashes($max_price) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops == "3") { $query = sprintf( "delete from destinations where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and dest_id = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($dest_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops == "2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from destinations where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and dest_id = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($dest_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update destinations set region = '%s', dest_name = '%s', increment = '%s', min_duration = '%s', max_duration = '%s', max_price = '%s' where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and dest_id = '%s' ", addslashes($region), addslashes($dest_name), addslashes($increment), addslashes($min_duration), addslashes($max_duration), addslashes($max_price), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($dest_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into destinations ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, dest_id, region, dest_name, increment, min_duration, max_duration, max_price ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($dest_id), addslashes($region), addslashes($dest_name), addslashes($increment), addslashes($min_duration), addslashes($max_duration), addslashes($max_price) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } } else { $skipped++; } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($skipped) print "Skipped $skipped records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results = $inserted + $updated + $deleted; return $results; } private function ImportDiscounts($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $this->mustReload=true; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; printf("Importing discounts from %s for reseller %s:\n", $file, $reseller); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer=trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $gateway = trim($p[2]); $domain = trim($p[3]); $subscriber = trim($p[4]); $application = trim($p[5]); $destination = trim($p[6]); $region = trim($p[7]); $connect = intval($p[8]); $duration = intval($p[9]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (!is_numeric($destination) && !strstr($destination, '@')) { // skip invalid destinations $skipped++; continue; } if ($ops == "1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_discounts ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, application, destination, region, connect, duration ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($application), addslashes($destination), addslashes($region), addslashes($connect), addslashes($duration) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops == "3") { $query=sprintf( "delete from billing_discounts where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and application = '%s' and destination = '%s' and region = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($application), addslashes($destination), addslashes($region) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops == "2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_discounts where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and application = '%s' and destination = '%s' and region = '%s' ", addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($application), addslashes($destination), addslashes($region) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update billing_discounts set connect = '%s', duration = '%s', where gateway = '%s' and reseller_id = '%s' and domain = '%s' and subscriber = '%s' and application = '%s' and destination = '%s' and region = '%s' ", addslashes($connect), addslashes($duration), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($application), addslashes($destination), addslashes($region) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_discounts ( reseller_id, gateway, domain, subscriber, application, destination, region, connect, duration ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($gateway), addslashes($domain), addslashes($subscriber), addslashes($application), addslashes($destination), addslashes($region), addslashes($connect), addslashes($duration) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } } else { $skipped++; } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($skipped) print "Skipped $skipped records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results = $inserted + $updated + $deleted; return $results; } private function ImportProfiles($file, $reseller = 0) { if (!$file || !is_readable($file) || !$fp = fopen($file, "r")) return false; $this->mustReload=true; $i=0; $inserted = 0; $updated = 0; $deleted = 0; print "Importing Profiles:\n"; while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $buffer=trim($buffer); $p = explode($this->delimiter, $buffer); $ops = trim($p[0]); $profile = trim($p[2]); $rate1 = trim($p[3]); $hour1 = trim($p[4]); $rate2 = trim($p[5]); $hour2 = trim($p[6]); $rate3 = trim($p[7]); $hour3 = trim($p[8]); $rate4 = trim($p[9]); $hour4 = trim($p[10]); if ($reseller) { $reseller_id = intval($reseller); } else { $reseller_id = intval($p[1]); } if (!$hour1) $hour1=0; if (!$hour2) $hour2=0; if (!$hour3) $hour3=0; if (!$hour4) $hour4=0; if ($ops=="1") { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_profiles ( reseller_id, name, rate_name1, hour1, rate_name2, hour2, rate_name3, hour3, rate_name4, hour4 ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($profile), addslashes($rate1), addslashes($hour1), addslashes($rate2), addslashes($hour2), addslashes($rate3), addslashes($hour3), addslashes($rate4), addslashes($hour4) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } elseif ($ops == "3") { $query = sprintf( "delete from billing_profiles where name = '%s' and reseller_id= '%s' ", addslashes($profile), addslashes($reseller_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $deleted++; } } elseif ($ops == "2") { $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_profiles where name = '%s' and reseller_id= '%s' ", addslashes($profile), addslashes($reseller_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update billing_profiles set rate_name1 = '%s', rate_name2 = '%s', rate_name3 = '%s', rate_name4 = '%s', hour1 = '%s', hour2 = '%s', hour3 = '%s', hour4 = '%s' where name = '%s' and reseller_id= '%s' \n", addslashes($rate1), addslashes($rate2), addslashes($rate3), addslashes($rate4), addslashes($hour1), addslashes($hour2), addslashes($hour3), addslashes($hour4), addslashes($profile), addslashes($reseller_id) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $updated++; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into billing_profiles ( reseller_id, name, rate_name1, hour1, rate_name2, hour2, rate_name3, hour3, rate_name4, hour4 ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", addslashes($reseller_id), addslashes($profile), addslashes($rate1), addslashes($hour1), addslashes($rate2), addslashes($hour2), addslashes($rate3), addslashes($hour3), addslashes($rate4), addslashes($hour4) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows() >0) { $inserted++; } else { $failed++; } } } $this->showImportProgress($file); $i++; } if ($i) print "Read $i records\n"; if ($inserted) print "Inserted $inserted records\n"; if ($updated) print "Updated $updated records\n"; if ($deleted) print "Delete $deleted records\n"; $results = $inserted + $updated + $deleted; return $results; } public function LoadRatingTables() { $log = sprintf( "Memory usage: %0.2fMB, memory limit: %sB", memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, ini_get('memory_limit') ); logger($log); $loaded['profiles'] = $this->LoadProfilesTable(); $loaded['ratesHistory'] = $this->LoadRatesHistoryTable(); $loaded['holidays'] = $this->LoadHolidaysTable(); $loaded['enumTlds'] = $this->LoadENUMtldsTable(); foreach (array_keys($loaded) as $_load) { logger("Loaded $loaded[$_load] $_load into memory"); } $log = sprintf( "Memory usage: %0.2fMB, memory limit: %sB", memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, ini_get('memory_limit') ); logger($log); return $loaded; } private function LoadENUMtldsTable() { $query = "select * from billing_enum_tlds"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $i=0; $rows=$this->db->num_rows(); while ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->db->Record['enum_tld']) { $i++; $_app=$this->db->Record['application']; if (!$_app) $_app='audio'; $_ENUMtlds[$this->db->Record['enum_tld']] = array( "discount" => $this->db->Record['discount'], "e164_regexp" => $this->db->Record['e164_regexp'] ); } } $this->ENUMtlds = $_ENUMtlds; $this->ENUMtldsCount = $i; return $i; } private function LoadRatesHistoryTable() { $query = "select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startDate) as startDateTimestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(endDate) as endDateTimestamp from billing_rates_history order by name ASC,destination ASC,startDate DESC"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $i=0; $rows=$this->db->num_rows(); while ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->db->Record['name'] && $this->db->Record['destination']) { $i++; $_app = $this->db->Record['application']; if (!$_app) $_app='audio'; $_rates[$this->db->Record['name']][$this->db->Record['destination']][$_app][$this->db->Record['id']]= array( "connectCost" => $this->db->Record['connectCost'], "durationRate" => $this->db->Record['durationRate'], "connectCostIn" => $this->db->Record['connectCostIn'], "durationRateIn" => $this->db->Record['durationRateIn'], "increment" => $this->db->Record['increment'], "min_duration" => $this->db->Record['min_duration'], "startDate" => $this->db->Record['startDateTimestamp'], "endDate" => $this->db->Record['endDateTimestamp'] ); } } $this->ratesHistory = $_rates; $this->ratesHistoryCount = $i; return $i; } private function LoadProfilesTable() { $query = "select * from billing_profiles order by name"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $i=0; while ($this->db->next_record()) { $i++; if ($this->db->Record['name'] && $this->db->Record['hour1'] > 0) { $_profiles[$this->db->Record['name']]= array( "rate_name1" => $this->db->Record['rate_name1'], "hour1" => $this->db->Record['hour1'], "rate_name2" => $this->db->Record['rate_name2'], "hour2" => $this->db->Record['hour2'], "rate_name3" => $this->db->Record['rate_name3'], "hour3" => $this->db->Record['hour3'], "rate_name4" => $this->db->Record['rate_name4'], "hour4" => $this->db->Record['hour4'], ); } } $this->profiles=$_profiles; return $i; } private function LoadHolidaysTable() { $query="select * from billing_holidays order by day"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $i=0; $_holidays = array(); while ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->db->Record['day']) { $i++; if (!array_key_exists($this->db->Record['day'], $_holidays)) { $_holidays[$this->db->Record['day']] = 0; } $_holidays[$this->db->Record['day']]++; } } $this->holidays=$_holidays; return $i; } public function checkRatingEngineConnection() { if ($this->settings['socketIPforClients'] && $this->settings['socketPort'] && $fp = fsockopen($this->settings['socketIPforClients'], $this->settings['socketPort'], $errno, $errstr, 2) ) { fclose($fp); return true; } return false; } function showCustomers($filter) { return true; foreach (array_keys($this->customers) as $key) { if (strlen($filter)) { if (preg_match("/$filter/", $key)) { $customers = $customers.$key."\n"; } } else { $customers = $customers.$key."\n"; } } return $customers; } public function showProfiles() { foreach (array_keys($this->profiles) as $key) { $profiles=$profiles.$key."\n"; } return $profiles; } public function showENUMtlds() { foreach (array_keys($this->ENUMtlds) as $key) { $ENUMtlds=$ENUMtlds.$key."\n"; } return $ENUMtlds; } private function scanFilesForImport($dir) { $import_dirs[$this->cvs_import_dir] = array( 'path' => $this->cvs_import_dir, 'reseller' => 0 ); if ($handle = opendir($this->cvs_import_dir)) { while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { $reseller=0; if ($filename == "." || $filename == "..") continue; $fullPath = $this->cvs_import_dir."/".$filename; if (is_dir($fullPath) && is_numeric($filename)) { $reseller = $filename; $import_dirs[$fullPath]=array( 'path' => $fullPath, 'reseller'=> $reseller ); } } } foreach (array_keys($import_dirs) as $_dir) { if ($handle = opendir($_dir)) { while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { foreach ($this->importFilesPatterns as $_pattern) { if (strstr($filename, $_pattern) && preg_match("/\.csv$/", $filename)) { $fullPath = $_dir."/".$filename; if ($content = file_get_contents($fullPath)) { $watermark = $filename."-".md5($content); if ($this->hasFileBeenImported($filename, $watermark)) { $this->previously_imported_files++; break; } $this->filesToImport[$filename] = array( 'name' => $filename, 'watermark' => $watermark, 'type' => $_pattern, 'path' => $fullPath, 'reseller' => $import_dirs[$_dir]['reseller'] ); } break; } } } } } } } private function hasFileBeenImported($filename, $watermark) { $query = sprintf( "select * from log where url = '%s'\n", addslashes($watermark) ); if (!$this->queryHasError($query)) { if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); /* $log=sprintf ("File %s has already been imported at %s.\n",$filename,$this->db->f('date')); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; */ return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } private function logImport($dir, $filename, $watermark, $results = 0, $reseller = 0) { $query = sprintf( "insert into log ( date, login, ip, url, results, description, datasource, reseller_id ) values ( NOW(), 'ImportScript', 'localhost', '%s', '%s', 'Imported %s', '%s', %d )", addslashes($watermark), addslashes($results), addslashes($filename), addslashes($dir), addslashes($reseller) ); $log = sprintf( "Imported file %s, %d records have been affected\n", $filename, $results ); logger($log); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } } function showImportProgress($filename = 'unspecified', $increment = 5000) { $this->importIndex++; if ($this->importIndex == $increment) { printf("Loaded %d records from %s\n", $this->importIndex, $filename); flush(); $this->importIndex=0; } } function createRatingTable($name) { if ($name) { $table='billing_rates_'.$name; } else { $table='billing_rates_default'; } $query = sprintf( "create table %s select * from billing_rates where name = '%s'\n", addslashes($table), addslashes($name) ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $query = sprintf( "alter table %s add index rate_idx (name)", addslashes($table) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } $query = sprintf( "alter table %s add index destination_idx (destination)", addslashes($table) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } printf("Created table %s\n", $table); return true; } else { return false; } } public function splitRatingTable() { $query = "select count(*) as c from billing_rates"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $this->db->next_record(); $rows=$this->db->f('c'); $query="select distinct(name) from billing_rates order by name ASC"; if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } while ($this->db->next_record()) { $rate_names[]=$this->db->f('name'); } foreach ($rate_names as $name) { if (!$name) $name='default'; $table="billing_rates_".$name; $query = sprintf("drop table if exists %s", addslashes($table)); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $query = sprintf( "create table %s select * from billing_rates where name = '%s'\n", addslashes($table), addslashes($name) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } else { $query = sprintf( "alter table %s add index rate_idx (name)", addslashes($table) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $query = sprintf( "alter table %s add index destination_idx (destination)", addslashes($table) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $query = sprintf("select count(*) as c from %s", addslashes($table)); $this->db->query($query); $this->db->next_record(); $records=$this->db->f('c'); $created_records=$created_records+$records; $progress=100*$created_records/$rows; printf( "Created table %s with %s records (%.1f %s)\n", $table, $records, $progress, '%' ); } } return true; } public function updateTable() { global $auth; $loginname=$auth->auth["uname"]; foreach ($this->web_elements as $_el) { ${$_el}= $_REQUEST[$_el]; } if (!$table) return false; if ($this->readonly) { return true; } // Init table structure if (!is_array($this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) $this->tables[$table]['exceptions']=array(); if (!is_array($this->tables[$table]['keys'])) $this->tables[$table]['keys']=array(); if (!is_array($this->tables[$table]['fields'])) $this->tables[$table]['fields']=array(); $metadata = $this->db->metadata($table = "$table"); $cc = count($metadata); // end init table structure if ($web_task =="update") { $affected_rows=0; if ($subweb_task == "Update") { if ($this->checkValues($table, $_REQUEST)) { $update_set=''; $k=0; while ($k < $cc) { $k++; $Fname=$metadata[$k]['name']; if (!$Fname) continue; $value=$_REQUEST[$Fname]; if ($this->tables[$table]['fields'][$Fname]['readonly']) { continue; } if (in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { continue; } if (in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['keys'])) { continue; } if ($kkk > 0) { $comma = ","; } else { $comma = ""; } if (!$this->tables[$table]['skip_math'] && preg_match("/^([\+\-\*\/])(.*)$/", $value, $sign)) { $update_set .= $comma.addslashes($Fname)."= ROUND(".addslashes($Fname). " ".$sign[1]. "'".$sign[2]."')"; } else { $update_set .= $comma.addslashes($Fname)."='".addslashes($value)."'"; } $kkk++; } $k=0; while ($k < $cc) { if ($metadata[$k]['name'] == 'change_date') { $update_set .= sprintf("%s %s = NOW() ", $comma, addslashes($metadata[$k]['name'])); break; } $k++; } $log_entity=" id = $id "; $where = sprintf(" id = '%s' and %s", addslashes($id), $this->whereResellerFilter); if ($table == "billing_rates") { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { $rate_table_affected = array(); $query_r = "select distinct (name) from billing_rates where". $where; if ($this->db->query($query_r)) { while ($this->db->next_record()) { $rate_tables_affected[]='billing_rates_'.$this->db->f('name'); } } else { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } } elseif ($table=="prepaid") { register_shutdown_function("unLockTables", $this->db); if ($this->db->query("lock table prepaid write")) { $query_q = sprintf( "select * from prepaid where account = '%s'", addslashes($account) ); if ($this->db->query($query_q) && $this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $old_balance=$this->db->f('balance'); } $this->db->query("unlock tables"); } } $query = sprintf( "update %s set %s where %s ", addslashes($table), $update_set, $where ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows=$this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows) { if ($table=="prepaid") { list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); $value=$balance-$old_balance; if (floatval($balance) != floatval($old_balance)) { $query = sprintf( "insert into prepaid_history (username,domain,action,description,value,balance,date,reseller_id) values ('%s','%s','Set balance','Manual update','%s','%s',NOW(),%d)", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain), addslashes($value), addslashes($balance), $this->CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } } elseif ($table=='billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { foreach ($rate_tables_affected as $extra_rate_table) { $query_u = sprintf( "update %s set %s where %s ", addslashes($extra_rate_table), $update_set, $where ); if (!$this->db->query($query_u)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query_u, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } } } if (in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { if (!$this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'")) { printf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } } else { printf( "Database error for query '%s': %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } else { print "

Correct the values and try again."; } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Update selection") { $k=0; $kkk=0; $update_set=''; while ($k < $cc) { $k++; $Fname=$metadata[$k]['name']; $value=$_REQUEST[$Fname]; if (!strlen($value)) continue; if ($this->tables[$table]['fields'][$Fname]['readonly']) { continue; } if (in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { continue; } if (in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['keys'])) { continue; } if ($kkk > 0) { $comma = ","; } else { $comma=""; } if ($value == "NULL") { $value=""; } if (preg_match("/^([\+\-\*\/])(.*)$/", $value, $sign)) { $update_set .= $comma.$Fname." = ROUND(".$Fname. " ".$sign[1]. "'".$sign[2]."')"; } else { $update_set .= $comma.$Fname." = '".$value."'"; } $kkk++; } $where = $this->whereResellerFilter; if ($kkk) { // reconstruct where clause to apply all changes to selection // build where clause // Search build for each field $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { $f_name="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$f_name]; if (preg_match("/^([<|>]+)(.*)$/", $value, $likes)) { $like=$likes[1]; $likewhat=$likes[2]; $quotes=""; } else { $like="like"; $likewhat=$value; $quotes="'"; } if (strlen($value)) { $where .= " and $Fname $like $quotes".$likewhat."$quotes"; $t++; } } $j++; } if ($table == 'billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { $rate_table_affected = array(); $query_r = "select distinct (name) from billing_rates where". $where; if ($this->db->query($query_r)) { while ($this->db->next_record()) { $rate_tables_affected[] = 'billing_rates_'.$this->db->f('name'); } } else { printf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } $query = sprintf( "update %s set %s where %s ", addslashes($table), $update_set, $where ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows=$this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows) { if ($table == 'billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { foreach ($rate_tables_affected as $extra_rate_table) { $query_u = sprintf( "update %s set %s where %s ", addslashes($extra_rate_table), $update_set, $where ); if (!$this->db->query($query_u)) { printf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query_u, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } } if (in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { $this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); } } } else { printf("Database error: %s", $this->db->Error); } } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Delete selection") { if ($confirmDelete) { // reconstruct where clause to apply all changes to selection // build where clause // Search build for each field $where = $this->whereResellerFilter; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { $f_name="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$f_name]; if (preg_match("/^([<|>]+)(.*)$/", $value, $likes)) { $like = $likes[1]; $likewhat = $likes[2]; $quotes = ""; } else { $like = "like"; $likewhat = $value; $quotes = "'"; } if (strlen($value)) { $where .= " and $Fname $like $quotes".$likewhat."$quotes"; $t++; } } $j++; } if ($table == 'billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { $rate_table_affected=array(); $query_r = "select distinct (name) from billing_rates where". $where; if ($this->db->query($query_r)) { while ($this->db->next_record()) { $rate_tables_affected[] = 'billing_rates_'.$this->db->f('name'); } } else { printf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } $query = sprintf( "delete from %s where %s", addslashes($table), $where ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows = $this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows) { if ($table == 'billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { foreach ($rate_tables_affected as $extra_rate_table) { $query_u = sprintf( "delete from %s where %s ", addslashes($extra_rate_table), $where ); if (!$this->db->query($query_u)) { printf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query_u, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } } if (in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { $this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); } } } else { printf( "Database error: %s", $this->db->Error ); } unset($confirmDelete); } else { print "

"; print "Please confirm the deletion by pressing the Delete button again. "; print ""; print ""; } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Copy rate" && strlen($fromRate) && strlen($toRate)) { $toRate=preg_replace("/%/", "", $toRate); if ($confirmCopy) { if ($toRate == 'history') { $values = sprintf( "(reseller_id,name,destination,application,connectCost,durationRate,connectCostIn,durationRateIn,startDate,endDate) select billing_rates.reseller_id, '%s', billing_rates.destination, billing_rates.application, billing_rates.connectCost, billing_rates.durationRate, billing_rates.connectCostIn, billing_rates.durationRateIn, NOW(), NOW() from billing_rates ", addslashes($fromRate) ); } else { $values = sprintf( "(reseller_id,name,destination,application,connectCost,durationRate,connectCostIn,durationRateIn) select billing_rates.reseller_id, '%s', billing_rates.destination, billing_rates.application, billing_rates.connectCost, billing_rates.durationRate, billing_rates.connectCostIn, billing_rates.durationRateIn from billing_rates ", addslashes($toRate) ); } $where = $this->whereResellerFilter; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { $f_name="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$f_name]; if (preg_match("/^([<|>]+)(.*)$/", $value, $likes)) { $like=$likes[1]; $likewhat=$likes[2]; $quotes=""; } else { $like="like"; $likewhat=$value; $quotes="'"; } if (strlen($value)) { $where .= sprintf( " and %s %s %s%s%s ", addslashes($Fname), $like, $quotes, addslashes($likewhat), $quotes ); $t++; } } $j++; } if ($toRate == 'history') { $query="insert into billing_rates_history $values where $where"; } else { $query="insert into billing_rates $values where $where"; } if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows=$this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows) { print "$affected_rows rates copied. "; if ($table == 'billing_rates') { if ($this->settings['split_rating_table']) { $query = sprintf( "create table billing_rates_%s select * from billing_rates where %s ", addslashes($toRate), $where ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { printf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } } if (in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { $this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); } } if ($toRate == 'history') { // Switch to history $table = 'billing_rates_history'; // Init table structure $this->tables[$table]['exceptions']= $this->tables[$table]['exceptions']; $this->tables[$table]['keys'] = $this->tables[$table]['keys']; $this->tables[$table]['fields'] = $this->tables[$table]['fields']; $metadata = $this->db->metadata($table = "$table"); $cc = count($metadata); // end init table structure } unset($confirmCopy); } else { printf("Database error: %s", $this->db->Error); } $log_entity="rate=$toRate"; } else { print "

"; print "Please confirm the copy of rate $fromRate to $toRate. "; print ""; } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Insert") { //print "


"; if ($this->checkValues($table, $_REQUEST)) { $query=sprintf("insert into %s ( ", addslashes($table)); $k=1; $kkk=0; while ($k < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$k]['name']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { if ($kkk > 0) { $comma = ","; } else { $comma=""; } $query .= $comma.addslashes($Fname); $kkk++; } $k++; } $query .= ") values ( "; $k=1; $kkk=0; while ($k < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$k]['name']; $value=$_REQUEST[$Fname]; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['exceptions'])) { if ($kkk > 0) { $comma = ","; } else { $comma=""; } if ($Fname == 'reseller_id' && $this->CDRTool['filter']['reseller']) { $query .= $comma."'".addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['reseller'])."'"; } else { $query .= $comma."'".addslashes($value)."'"; } $kkk++; } $k++; } $query .= ") "; $k=1; while ($k < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$k]['name']; $value=$_REQUEST[$Fname]; if (in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$table]['keys'])) { if ($value == "") { $Fname_print_insert = substr($Fname, 4); print "$Fname_print_insert = ????
"; $empty_insert = 1; } } $k++; } if (!$empty_insert) { if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows=$this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows) { $this->db->query("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as lid"); $this->db->next_record(); $log_entity = sprintf("id=%s", $this->db->f('lid')); if (in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { $this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); } } } else { printf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); } } else { print " Error: The insert statement contains an empty key! "; } } else { print "

Correct the values and try again."; } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Delete") { if ($confirmDelete) { $query = sprintf( "delete from %s where id = '%s' and %s ", addslashes($table), addslashes($id), addslashes($this->whereResellerFilter) ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $affected_rows=$this->db->affected_rows(); if ($affected_rows && in_array($table, $this->requireReload)) { $this->db->query("update settings set var_value= '1' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); } $log_entity = sprintf("id=%s", $id); } else { printf("Database error: %s", $this->db->Error); } unset($confirmDelete); } else { $idForDeletion=$id; print "

"; print "Please confirm the deletion by pressing the Delete button again. "; print ""; print ""; } } elseif ($subweb_task == "Delete session" && $sessionId && $table=='prepaid') { $query = sprintf( "select active_sessions from %s where id = %d and %s", addslashes($table), addslashes($id), $this->whereResellerFilter ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; } if (!$this->db->num_rows()) return; $this->db->next_record(); if (strlen($this->db->f('active_sessions'))) { // remove session $active_sessions=array(); $old_active_sessions = json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true); if (!count($old_active_sessions)) return; foreach (array_keys($old_active_sessions) as $_key) { if ($_key==$sessionId) continue; $active_sessions[$_key]=$old_active_sessions[$_key]; } } else { $active_sessions=array(); } $query = sprintf( "update %s set active_sessions = '%s', session_counter = %d where id = %d", addslashes($table), addslashes(json_encode($active_sessions)), count($active_sessions), addslashes($id) ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { return 1; } else { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } } if ($affected_rows && $table!="prepaid") { $log_query = sprintf( "insert into log (date,login,ip,datasource,results,description,reseller_id) values (NOW(),'%s','%s','Rating','%d','%s in table %s %s',%d)", addslashes($loginname), addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), addslashes($affected_rows), addslashes($subweb_task), addslashes($table), addslashes($log_entity), addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['reseller']) ); $this->db->query($log_query); } } } public function showTable() { $PHP_SELF=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; foreach ($this->web_elements as $_el) { ${$_el}= $_REQUEST[$_el]; } if ($this->table == 'prepaid_cards') { print "

Prepaid card generator"; } // Init table structure if (!is_array($this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions']=array(); if (!is_array($this->tables[$this->table]['keys'])) $this->tables[$this->table]['keys']=array(); if (!is_array($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'])) $this->tables[$this->table]['fields']=array(); if ($this->table=='prepaid' && strlen($_REQUEST['search_session_counter'])) { $this->readonly=true; } if ($this->readonly) { $this->tables[$this->table]['readonly']=1; } $metadata = $this->db->metadata($this->table); $cc = count($metadata); // end init table structure // // delimiter for exporting records if ($this->settings['csv_delimiter']) { $delimiter=$this->settings['csv_delimiter']; } else { $delimiter=","; } $query = sprintf( "select count(*) as c from %s where %s", addslashes($this->table), $this->whereResellerFilter ); $t=0; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; $class=$metadata[$j]['class']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $f_name="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$f_name]; if (preg_match("/^([<|>]+)(.*)$/", $value, $likes)) { $like=$likes[1]; $likewhat=$likes[2]; $quotes=""; } else { $like="like"; $likewhat=$value; $quotes="'"; } if (strlen($value)) { $where .= sprintf( " and %s %s %s%s%s ", addslashes($Fname), $like, $quotes, addslashes($likewhat), $quotes ); $t++; } } $j++; } $query .= $where; $this->db->query($query); $this->db->next_record(); $rows=$this->db->Record['c']; if (!$export) { print " "; if ($this->csv_import[$this->table]) { print "
"; if ($rows == 0) { print "No records found. "; } else { print "$selectie $rows records found. "; } if ($this->settings['socketIPforClients'] && $this->settings['socketPort']) { $engineAddress = $this->settings['socketIPforClients'].":".$this->settings['socketPort']; if ($this->checkRatingEngineConnection()) { print " | Rating engine running at $engineAddress"; } else { print " | Cannot connect to rating engine $engineAddress"; } } print " | Rating documentation"; print "
"; printf( "
Select file Change Remove
", $this->table, $this->table ); print "
"; } else { print ""; } print "
"; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; print ""; } $j++; } if ($this->table!=='prepaid_cards') { printf( " ", $this->table, $this->csv_export[$this->table], $this->csv_export[$this->table] ); } if ($this->settings['socketIPforClients'] && $this->settings['socketPort']) { if ($ReloadRatingTables) { reloadRatingEngineTables(); } else { $this->db->query("select var_value from settings where var_name = 'reloadRating' and var_value='1'"); if ($this->db->num_rows()) { print "table>Reload rating tables"; } } } print "
"; } else { $this->maxrowsperpage = 10000000; } if (!$next) { $i=0; $next=0; } else { $i=intval($next); } $j=0; $z=0; if ($rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) { $maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage + $next; if ($maxrows > $rows) { $maxrows=$rows; $prev_rows=$maxrows; } } else { $maxrows=$rows; } if (!$order && $this->tables[$this->table]['order']) { $order = sprintf( " order by %s ", addslashes($this->tables[$this->table]['order']) ); } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where (1=1) %s and %s %s limit %d, %d", addslashes($this->table), $where, $this->whereResellerFilter, $order, intval($i), intval($this->maxrowsperpage) ); $this->db->query($query); $num_fields=$this->db->num_fields(); $k=0; if (!$export) { if ($this->table=='prepaid') { print " "; } else { print "
"; } } while ($k < $cc) { $th = $metadata[$k]['name']; if (!in_array($th, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$th]['name']) { $th=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$th]['name']; } else { $th=ucfirst($th); } if (!$export) { print ""; } else { if ($k) { printf("%s%s", $delimiter, $th); } else { print "Ops"; } } $t_columns++; } $k++; } if ($export) { print "\n"; } if (!$export) { print " "; $t_columns=$t_columns+2; // SEARCH FORM print " "; // Search form print " "; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME = "search_".$Fname; $value = $_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; if ($value != "") { $selection_made=1; } $maxlength=$size; if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']) { $field_size = $this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']; } else { $field_size = $el_size; } $class=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['class']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['keys'])) { if (!$class) { $class = "span1"; } print ""; } else { print ""; } } $j++; } printf( " ", $PHP_SELF ); print " "; //print " // // // //"; if ($selection_made && !$this->tables[$this->table]['readonly']) { // Update all form print " "; $j=0; print " "; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']) { $field_size=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']; } else { $field_size=$el_size; } $class=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['class']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['keys'])) { if (!$class) { $class="span1"; } print ""; } else { print ""; } } $j++; } $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; print ""; } $j++; } if ($subweb_task=="Delete selection" && !$confirmDelete) { print " "; } elseif (!$this->tables[$this->table]['readonly']) { // Insert form $j=0; print " "; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']) { $field_size=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']; } else { $field_size=$el_size; } $class=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['class']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['keys'])) { if (!$class) { $class='span1'; } print ""; } else { print ""; } } $j++; } $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME = "search_".$Fname; $value = $_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; print ""; } $j++; } print " "; //print " // // // //"; } } while ($i < $maxrows) { $this->db->next_record(); $id = $this->db->f('id'); $status = $this->db->f('status'); $found = $i+1; if (!$export) { print " "; if ($this->table == 'prepaid') { $active_sessions = json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true); if (!isset($active_sessions)) { $active_sessions = array(); } $account=$this->db->f('account'); $extraInfo="
Use _ to match one character and % to match any. Use > or < to find greater or smaller values.
  "; print("
"; print "

Use + or - to add/substract from curent values. Use * or / to multiply/divide curent values.
 "; print ""; print ""; print " ($rows records)"; } elseif (!$this->tables[$this->table]['readonly']) { if ($this->table == "billing_rates" && strlen($_REQUEST['search_name'])) { if ($subweb_task=="Copy rate" && !$confirmCopy) { print ""; print ""; } else { print ""; print "
"; } print " "; printf(" id %s to", $_REQUEST['search_name']); $query = sprintf( "select distinct(name) as name from billing_rates where name like '%s' order by name DESC limit 1", addslashes($_REQUEST['search_name']) ); $this->db1->query($query); $this->db1->next_record(); $_rateName = $this->db1->f('name'); $_rateName = preg_replace("/%/", "", $_rateName); if (preg_match("/^(.*)_(\d+)$/", $_rateName, $m)) { $_idx = $m[2] + 1; $newRateName = $m[1]."_".$_idx; } else { $newRateName = $_rateName."_1"; } printf( "", $_REQUEST['search_name'] ); $selected_newtable[$toRate]='selected'; printf( "", $newRateName, $selected_newtable[$newRateName], $newRateName, $selected_newtable['history'] ); } else { print "
"; print "
"; } } print "

"; $t=0; foreach (array_keys($active_sessions) as $_session) { $t++; $maxsessiontime=$active_sessions[$_session]['MaxSessionTime']; $extraInfo .= sprintf( "", $t, $_session ); $duration = time() - $active_sessions[$_session]['timestamp']; foreach (array_keys($active_sessions[$_session]) as $key) { if ($key=='timestamp') { $extraInfo .= sprintf( "", Date("Y-m-d H:i", $active_sessions[$_session]['timestamp']) ); $extraInfo .= sprintf( "", sec2hms($duration), $duration ); } else { $extraInfo .= sprintf( "", ucfirst($key), $active_sessions[$_session][$key] ); } } if ($maxsessiontime < $duration) { $extraInfo .= sprintf( "", $duration - $maxsessiontime ); $extraInfo .= ""; } //if (!$this->readonly) { //} } $extraInfo.=sprintf( "
%d. Session id%s
Progress%s (%s s)
Session expired since %d s
", $this->table, $next, $_session, $search_text ); } print "$found. "; } $j=0; while ($j < $this->db->num_fields()) { $value=$this->db->Record[$metadata[$j]['name']]; $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; $class=$metadata[$j]['class']; if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']) { $field_size=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['size']; } else { $field_size=$el_size; } $class=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['class']; if ($this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['readonly']=="1") { $extra_form_els = "disabled=true"; } else { $extra_form_els = ""; } $class=$this->tables[$this->table]['fields'][$Fname]['class']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { if (!$export) { if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['keys']) && !$this->readonly) { if ($this->table == 'prepaid' && $Fname == 'session_counter' && $value) { if (count($active_sessions) > 1) { $session_counter_txt = sprintf("%d sessions", $value); } else { $session_counter_txt = sprintf("%d session", $value); } printf( "%s", $found, $session_counter_txt ); } else { if (!$class) { $class="span1"; } print " "; } } else { if ($this->table == 'prepaid' && $Fname == 'session_counter' && $value) { if (count($active_sessions) > 1) { $session_counter_txt = sprintf("%d sessions", $value); } else { $session_counter_txt = sprintf("%d session", $value); } printf( "%s", $found, $session_counter_txt ); } else { print "$value"; } } } else { if ($j) { printf("%s%s", $delimiter, $value); } else { print "2"; } } } $j++; } $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME = "search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; if (!$export) { print ""; } } $j++; } if ($export) { print "\n"; } if (!$export) { if (!$this->tables[$this->table]['readonly']) { if ($subweb_task=="Delete" && $idForDeletion == $id && !$confirmDelete) { print ""; print ""; print ""; } else { print "

"; print ""; } print " table> "; if ($extraInfo!='') { print " $extraInfo "; } } else { if ($this->table == 'prepaid') { print " $extraInfo "; } } } $i++; } if (!$export) { print " "; print "
"; if ($next != 0) { $show_next = $this->maxrowsperpage - $next; if ($show_next < 0) { $mod_show_next = $show_next - 2 * $show_next; print ""; } print " maxrowsperpage> table> "; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; print " "; } $j++; } } print "
"; if ($rows>$this->maxrowsperpage && $rows!=$maxrows) { $show_next = $this->maxrowsperpage + $next; print " maxrowsperpage> table> "; $j=0; while ($j < $cc) { $Fname=$metadata[$j]['name']; $size=$metadata[$j]['len']; if (!in_array($Fname, $this->tables[$this->table]['exceptions'])) { $SEARCH_NAME="search_".$Fname; $value=$_REQUEST[$SEARCH_NAME]; print ""; } $j++; } print " "; } print "
"; print " "; } } private function checkValues($table, $values = array()) { if (!$table) return false; $metadata = $this->db->metadata($table); if (!is_array($metadata)) return false; $k=1; while ($k < count($metadata)) { $db_name = $metadata[$k]['name']; $k++; $web_name = $this->tables[$table]['fields'][$db_name]['name']; $value = $values[$db_name]; $checkType = $this->tables[$table]['fields'][$db_name]['checkType']; $mustExist = $this->tables[$table]['fields'][$db_name]['mustExist']; if ($web_name) { $name_print=$web_name; } else { $name_print=$db_name; } if ($mustExist) { if (!strlen($value)) { printf("Error: field '%s' must be filled in\n", $name_print); return false; } } if ($checkType) { if (!strlen($value)) { if (!$mustExist) continue; } if ($checkType == 'sip_account') { if (!checkSipAccount($value)) { printf( "Error: value '%s' for field '%s' must be of format 'user@domain'\n", $value, $name_print ); return false; } } if ($checkType == 'domain') { if (stristr($value, "-.") || !preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/i", $value)) { printf( "Error: value '%s' for field '%s' must be of format 'example.com'\n", $value, $name_print ); return false; } } if ($checkType == 'ip') { if (!preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$/i", $value, $m)) { printf( "Error: value '%s' for field '%s' must be of format 'X.X.X.X'\n", $value, $name_print ); return false; } else { $i=1; while ($i<=4) { if ($m[$i] < 0 || $m[$i] > 255) { printf( "Error: value '%s' for field '%s' must be of a valid IP address\n", $value, $name_print ); return false; } $i++; } } } if ($checkType == 'numeric') { if (!is_numeric($value)) { printf( "Error: value '%s' for field '%s' must be of type '%s'\n", $value, $name_print, $checkType ); return false; } } } } return true; } public function importTable($table = '') { // import a table from web if (!is_array($_FILES[$table]) || $_FILES[$table]['size'] == 0) return false; foreach ($this->importFilesPatterns as $_pattern) { if (strstr($_FILES[$table]['name'], $_pattern) && preg_match("/\.csv$/", $_FILES[$table]['name'])) { if ($this->CDRTool['filters']['reseller']) { $dir=$this->cvs_import_dir.'/'.$this->CDRTool['filters']['reseller']; if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (!mkdir($dir)) { printf("Error: cannot create directory %s", $dir); return false; } } $fullPath=$this->cvs_import_dir.'/'.$this->CDRTool['filters']['reseller'].'/'.$_FILES[$table]['name']; } else { $fullPath=$this->cvs_import_dir.'/'.$_FILES[$table]['name']; } if (!is_file($fullPath)) { if ($fp = fopen($fullPath, "w")) { } else { printf("Error: cannot open file %s for writing", $fullPath); return false; } } else { list($basename, $extension) = explode('.', $_FILES[$table]['name']); $j=0; while (1) { $j++; if ($this->CDRTool['filters']['reseller']) { $fullPath=$this->cvs_import_dir.'/'.$this->CDRTool['filters']['reseller'].'/'.$basename.'-'.$j.'.'.$extension; } else { $fullPath=$this->cvs_import_dir.'/'.$basename.'-'.$j.'.'.$extension; } if (is_file($fullPath)) continue; if ($fp = fopen($fullPath, "w")) { break; } else { printf("Error: cannot open file %s for writing", $fullPath); return false; } } } $content = fread( fopen($_FILES[$table]['tmp_name'], "r"), $_FILES[$table]['size'] ); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); printf( "

Imported %s bytes into %s", $_FILES[$table]['size'], $fullPath ); break; } } } } class OpenSIPSQuota { private $CDRdb; private $table; private $CDRTool; private $cdr_source; private $path; private $db_subscribers; private $AccountsDB; private $enableThor; private $BillingPartyIdField; private $parent; private $db; private $db1; private $CDRS; private $quota_init_flag; private $quota_reset_flag; private $notificationAddresses; private $SOAPurl; private $SOAPlogin; private $SoapAuth; private $soapclient; public $localDomains = array(); public $quotaGroup = 'quota'; // group set if subscriber was blocked by quota public $timeout = 5; // soap connection timeout public $daily_quota = 0; // by default do not check daily quota private function queryHasError($query, $db = null) { if (is_null($db)) { $db = $this->db; } if ($db->query($query)) { return false; } $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $db->Error, $db->Errno ); errorAndPrint($log); return true; } public function __construct($parent) { global $DATASOURCES; $this->CDRdb = $parent->CDRdb; $this->table = $parent->table; $this->CDRTool = $parent->CDRTool; $this->cdr_source = $parent->cdr_source; $this->path = $this->CDRTool['Path']; $this->db_subscribers = $parent->db_subscribers; if (!class_exists($this->db_subscribers)) { printf("Info: No database defined for SIP accounts for source '%s'.\n", $this->cdr_source); return false; } $this->AccountsDB = new $this->db_subscribers; $this->enableThor = $parent->enableThor; $parent->LoadDomains(); $this->localDomains = $parent->localDomains; $this->cdr_source = $parent->cdr_source; $this->BillingPartyIdField = $parent->CDRFields['BillingPartyId']; $this->parent = $parent; $this->db = new DB_cdrtool; $this->db->Halt_On_Error="no"; $this->db1 = new DB_cdrtool; $this->db1->Halt_On_Error="no"; $this->CDRS = $parent; $this->quota_init_flag = $parent->quota_init_flag; $this->quota_reset_flag = $parent->quota_reset_flag; if ($parent->daily_quota && is_numeric($parent->daily_quota) && $parent->daily_quota > 1 && $parent->daily_quota < 100) { $this->daily_quota = $parent->daily_quota; } // load e-mail addresses for quota notifications $query = "select * from settings where var_module = 'notifications'"; if ($this->db->query($query) && $this->db->num_rows()) { while ($this->db->next_record()) { $_bp = $this->db->f('billing_party'); $_name = $this->db->f('var_name'); $_value = $this->db->f('var_value'); if ($_bp && $_name && $_value) { $this->notificationAddresses[$_bp][$_name]=$_value; } } } if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']) { require("/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc"); require_once("ngnpro_soap_library.php"); if (in_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'], array_keys($soapEngines))) { $this->SOAPurl = $soapEngines[$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']]['url']; $log = sprintf( "Using SOAP engine %s to block accounts at %s\n", $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'], $this->SOAPurl ); logger($log); $this->SOAPlogin = array( "username" => $soapEngines[$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SoapAuth=array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); $this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $this->soapclient->_options['timeout'] = $this->timeout; } else { $e = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']; $log = "Error: soap engine id $e not found in /etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc\n"; print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } else { $log = "Using database queries to block accounts\n"; logger($log); } } public function showAccountsWithQuota($treshhold = '') { $query = sprintf( "select * from quota_usage where datasource = '%s' and quota > 0 and cost > 0", addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } while ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->db->f('blocked')) { $blockedStatus="blocked"; } else { $blockedStatus=''; } $usageRatio = $this->db->f('cost') * 100 / $this->db->f('quota'); if ($treshhold && $treshhold > $usageRatio) continue; $usageStatus = sprintf("usage=%-10s", $this->db->f('cost')); printf( "%-35s quota=%-6s %s %.2f%s %s\n", $this->db->f('account'), $this->db->f('quota'), $usageStatus, $usageRatio, '%', $blockedStatus ); } } public function deblockAccounts($reset_quota_for = array()) { // deblock users blocked by quota if (!$this->db_subscribers) { print("Info: No database defined for SIP accounts.\n"); return false; } if (!count($reset_quota_for)) { printf("Deblocking all SIP accounts blocked by quota\n"); } else { printf("Deblocking %d SIP accounts blocked by quota\n", count($reset_quota_for)); } if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf("select username, domain, profile from sip_accounts where (1=1) "); if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $k=0; foreach ($reset_quota_for as $_account) { if ($k) $usage_keys.= ", "; $usage_keys.="'".addslashes($_account)."'"; $k++; } $query.= "and CONCAT(username,'@',domain) in (".$usage_keys.")"; } if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $i = 0; while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { $i++; $_account=$this->AccountsDB->f('username')."@".$this->AccountsDB->f('domain'); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); if (in_array('quota', $_profile->groups)) { $blockedAccounts[]=$_account; } if ($i%5000 == 0) { print "$i accounts checked for deblocking\n"; flush(); } } if ($i) { print "$i accounts checked for deblocking\n"; flush(); } } else { $query = sprintf( "select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account from grp where grp = '%s'", addslashes($this->quotaGroup) ); if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $k=0; foreach ($reset_quota_for as $_account) { if ($k) $usage_keys.= ", "; $usage_keys .= "'".addslashes($_account)."'"; $k++; } $query.= "and CONCAT(username,'@',domain) in (".$usage_keys.")"; } if ($this->queryHasError($query, $this->AccountsDB)) { return false; } $blockedAccounts=array(); $i = 0; while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { $i++; $blockedAccounts[]=$this->AccountsDB->f('account'); if ($i%10000 == 0) { print "$i accounts checked for deblocking\n"; flush(); } } } if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $blockedAccounts = array_intersect($blockedAccounts, $reset_quota_for); } if (count($blockedAccounts) >0) { $this->unBlockRemoteAccounts($blockedAccounts); if (!$this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf("delete from grp where grp = '%s'", $this->quotaGroup); if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $k=0; foreach ($reset_quota_for as $_account) { if ($k) $usage_keys.= ", "; $usage_keys.="'".addslashes($_account)."'"; $k++; } $query.= "and CONCAT(username,'@',domain) in (".$usage_keys.")"; } if ($this->queryHasError($query, $this->AccountsDB)) { return false; } } } if (count($blockedAccounts)) { $log = sprintf( "Reset %d users blocked by quota\n", count($blockedAccounts) ); loggerAndPrint($log); } } private function initQuotaUsageFromDatabase($month = "", $reset_quota_for = array()) { if (!$month) { $this->startTime = Date("Y-m-01 00:00", time()); } else { $this->startTime = $month."-01 00:00"; } $j=0; $usage_keys=''; if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $log = sprintf( "Init quota of data source %s for %d accounts\n", addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source), count($reset_quota_for) ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $k=0; foreach ($reset_quota_for as $_account) { if ($k) $usage_keys.= ", "; $usage_keys.="'".addslashes($_account)."'"; $k++; } $usage_keys="and ".addslashes($this->BillingPartyIdField). " in (".$usage_keys.")"; } else { if (count($this->localDomains)) { $domain_filter="and Realm in ("; $t=0; foreach (array_keys($this->localDomains) as $_domain) { if (!$_domain) continue; if ($t) $domain_filter .= ","; $domain_filter .= sprintf("'%s'", addslashes($_domain)); $t++; } $domain_filter .= ") "; } $log = sprintf( "Init quota of data source %s for all accounts\n", $this->CDRS->cdr_source ); loggerAndPrint($log); } $query = sprintf( "select %s, count(*) as calls, sum(AcctSessionTime) as duration, sum(Price) as cost, sum(AcctInputOctets + AcctOutputOctets)/2 as traffic from %s where AcctStartTime >= '%s' and Normalized = '1' %s %s group by %s\n", addslashes($this->BillingPartyIdField), addslashes($this->table), addslashes($this->startTime), $domain_filter, $usage_keys, addslashes($this->BillingPartyIdField) ); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { if ($this->CDRdb->Errno != 1146) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->CDRdb->Error, $this->CDRdb->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } $rows = $this->CDRdb->num_rows(); $log = sprintf( "%d callers generated traffic in %s for data source %s\n", $rows, Date("Y-m", time()), $this->CDRS->cdr_source ); print $log; flush(); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $j=0; $progress=0; while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) { if ($rows > 1000) { if ($j > $progress * $rows/100) { $progress++; if ($progress % 10 == 0) { print "$progress% "; flush(); } } } unset($accounts); $accounts[$this->CDRdb->f($this->BillingPartyIdField)]['usage']['calls'] = $this->CDRdb->f('calls'); $accounts[$this->CDRdb->f($this->BillingPartyIdField)]['usage']['duration'] = $this->CDRdb->f('duration'); $accounts[$this->CDRdb->f($this->BillingPartyIdField)]['usage']['cost'] = $this->CDRdb->f('cost'); $accounts[$this->CDRdb->f($this->BillingPartyIdField)]['usage']['traffic'] = $this->CDRdb->f('traffic'); $accounts[$this->CDRdb->f($this->BillingPartyIdField)]['usage']['cost_today'] = 0; $this->CDRS->cacheQuotaUsage($accounts); $j++; } } public function checkQuota($notify) { global $UserQuota; $this->initQuotaUsage(); $query = sprintf( "select * from quota_usage where datasource = '%s' and quota > 0 and (cost > quota or cost_today >= quota * $this->daily_quota/100)", addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $toNotify=array(); $_checks=0; while ($this->db->next_record()) { $account=$this->db->f('account'); list($username, $domain)=explode("@", $account); if ($this->db->f('cost') >= $this->db->f('quota')) { $quota_exceeded = true; $exceeded_period = 'monthly'; } elseif ($this->daily_quota && ($this->db->f('cost_today') >= $this->db->f('quota') * $this->daily_quota/100)) { $quota_exceeded = true; $exceeded_period = 'daily'; } else { $quota_exceeded = false; } if ($quota_exceeded) { $exceeding_accounts++; if (!$this->db->f('blocked')) { $reason='Cost exceeded'; if (!$seen_title) { $line = sprintf( "%40s %6s %8s %8s %13s %s\n", "User", "Calls", "Price", "Minutes", "Traffic", "Reason" ); print $line; $email_body=$line; $seen_title++; } $line = sprintf( "%40s %6s %8s %8s %10s MB %s\n", $account, $this->db->f('calls'), $this->db->f('cost'), number_format($this->db->f('duration') / 60, 0, "", ""), number_format($this->db->f('traffic') / 1024 / 1024, 2), $reason ); $email_body = $email_body.$line; print $line; if ($this->enableThor) { $this->domain_table = "sip_domains"; } else { $this->domain_table = "domain"; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where domain = '%s'", addslashes($this->domain_table), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%d) %s\n", $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno, $query ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_reseller = $this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id'); } else { $_reseller = 0; } $log = sprintf( "%s quota exceeded for %s (%s > %s)", ucfirst($exceeded_period), $account, $this->db->f('cost'), $this->db->f('quota') ); logger($log); $log_query = sprintf( "insert into log (date,login,ip,datasource,results,description,reseller_id) values (NOW(),'quotacheck','localhost','QuotaCheck','1','%s',%d)", addslashes($log), $_reseller ); if (!$this->db1->query($log_query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->db1->Error, $this->db1->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->blockAccount($account)) { if ($notify) { $toNotify[]=$account; } $blocked_now++; $blockedAccountsNow=$blockedAccountsNow.$account."\n"; } } else { $blockedAccountsPrevious=$blockedAccountsPrevious.$account."\n"; $blocked_previous++; } } $_checks++; } if ($exceeding_accounts) { $line = sprintf("%6d accounts have exceeded their traffic limits\n", $exceeding_accounts); print $line; $email_body=$email_body.$line; } else { $log=sprintf("No quota has been exceeded\n"); logger($log); } if ($blocked_now) { $line = sprintf("%6d accounts have been blocked now\n", $blocked_now); $email_body=$email_body.$line; } if ($blockedAccountsNow) { $line = "Blocked accounts now:\n".$blockedAccountsNow; print $line; $email_body=$email_body.$line.$batch_block; } if ($blockedAccountsPrevious) { $line = "Blocked acccounts previously:\n".$blockedAccountsPrevious; print $line; $email_body=$email_body.$line.$batch_unblock; } // send notification to the provider if ($this->CDRTool['provider']['toEmail'] && $blockedAccountsNow) { $from = $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail']; $to = $this->CDRTool['provider']['toEmail']; $bcc = $this->CDRTool['provider']['bccEmail']; $service = $this->CDRTool['provider']['service']; if (!$service) $service = "SIP"; if ($from) $extraHeaders="From: $from\r\nBCC: $from"; if ($bcc) $extraHeaders=$extraHeaders.",".$bcc; print("Notify CDRTool provider at $to\n"); mail($to, "$service platform - CDRTool quota check", $email_body, $extraHeaders); } if ($notify && is_array($toNotify) && count($toNotify) >0) { // send notification to accounts foreach ($toNotify as $rcpt) { $this->notify($rcpt); } } } private function notify($account) { global $DATASOURCES; list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if (!$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['UserQuotaNotify']) { return false; } // get account information if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf( "select first_name,last_name,email,profile from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); } else { $query = sprintf( "select first_name,last_name,email_address as email,profile from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); } if ($this->queryHasError($query, $this->AccountsDB)) { return false; } if (!$this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) return false; $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $fullname = $this->AccountsDB->f('first_name')." ".$this->AccountsDB->f('last_name'); $toEmail = $this->AccountsDB->f('email'); $profile = json_decode($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'), true); $providerName=$this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['providerName']; if (!$providerName) $providerName="your SIP service provider"; $body = sprintf( "Dear __NAME__,\n\n". "Your SIP account %s has been temporarily blocked\n". "because your monthly quota has been exceeded.\n\n". "To unblock your account you may contact %s.\n\n". "N.B. This is an automatically generated message. Do not reply to it.\n", $account, $providerName ); $fromEmail = $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail']; $bccEmail = $this->CDRTool['provider']['bccEmail']; $seen_bcc[$bccEmail]++; if ($this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['fromEmail']) { $fromEmail=$this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['fromEmail']; } if ($this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['quotaBody']) { $body=$this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['quotaBody']; } if ($this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['quotaSubject']) { $subject=$this->notificationAddresses[$domain]['quotaSubject']; } $body = preg_replace("/__NAME__/", $fullname, $body); $body = preg_replace("/__ACCOUNT__/", $account, $body); $body = preg_replace("/__CALLERID__/", "$profile[rpid]", $body); if (!$subject) { $subject=sprintf("Monthly quota exceeded for account %s", $account); } else { $subject=preg_replace("/__ACCOUNT__/", $account, $subject); $subject=preg_replace("/__CALLERID__/", "$profile[rpid]", $subject); } if (!$toEmail || !$fromEmail) { return false; } $seen_bcc[$toEmail]++; $extraHeaders="From: $fromEmail"; if ($this->notificationAddresses[$domain][bccEmail]) { if ($bccEmail) $bccEmail.= ","; $bccEmail.=$this->notificationAddresses[$domain][bccEmail]; } if ($bccEmail) $extraHeaders = $extraHeaders."\r\nBCC: ".$bccEmail; mail($toEmail, $subject, $body, $extraHeaders); $log_msg = sprintf( "Monthly quota exceeded for %s. Notified To:%s From:%s\n", $account, $toEmail, $fromEmail ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log_msg); print $log_msg; } private function blockAccount($account) { list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if (is_object($this->soapclient)) { return $this->blockAccountRemote($account); } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into grp (username,domain,grp,last_modified) values ('%s','%s','%s',NOW())", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain), addslashes($this->quotaGroup) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { if ($this->AccountsDB->Errno != 1062) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } else { return true; } } else { $this->markBlocked($account); return true; } } } private function blockAccountRemote($account) { list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if (!$username || !$domain) { $log = sprintf("Error: misssing username/domain in blockAccountRemote()"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->addToGroup(array("username" => $username,"domain"=> $domain), "quota"); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); $log = sprintf( "Error from %s: %s (%s)", $this->SOAPurl, $error_fault->faultstring, $error_fault->faultcode ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; if ($error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode != "1030") { $from = $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail']; $to = $this->CDRTool['provider']['toEmail']; $extraHeaders = "From: $from"; $email_body = "Remote SOAP request failure when calling blockAccountRemote(): \n\n". $log; mail($to, "CDRTool SOAP client failure", $email_body, $extraHeaders); } return false; } else { $log = sprintf("Block account %s at %s", $account, $this->SOAPurl); logger($log); $this->markBlocked($account); return true; } } private function unBlockRemoteAccounts($accounts) { if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) { return; } foreach ($accounts as $account) { list($username, $domain)=explode("@", $account); if (!$username || !$domain) return true; $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->removeFromGroup(array("username" => $username,"domain"=> $domain), "quota"); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); if ($error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode && $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode != "1030" && $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode != "1031" ) { $from = $this->CDRTool[provider][fromEmail]; $to = $this->CDRTool[provider][toEmail]; $extraHeaders="From: $from"; $email_body="SOAP request failure: \n\n". $log = sprintf( "SOAP client error: %s %s\n", $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); mail($to, "CDRTool SOAP failure", $email_body, $extraHeaders); } } else { $log = sprintf("Unblock remote account %s at %s", $account, $this->SOAPurl); logger($log); } } } private function saveQuotaInitFlag() { $query = sprintf("insert into memcache (`key`,`value`) values ('%s','1')", addslashes($this->quota_init_flag)); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { if ($this->db->Errno != '1062') { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); print $log; logger($log); return false; } } return true; } public function deleteQuotaInitFlag() { $query = sprintf( "delete from memcache where `key` in ('%s','%s')", addslashes($this->quota_init_flag), addslashes($this->quota_reset_flag) ); return (bool)!$this->queryHasError($query); } private function deleteQuotaUsageFromCache($reset_quota_for = array()) { $query = sprintf( "delete from quota_usage where datasource = '%s' ", addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source) ); if (count($reset_quota_for)) { $query.= " and account in ("; $t=0; foreach ($reset_quota_for as $_account) { if ($t) $query.=","; $query.= sprintf("'%s'", $_account); $t++; } $query.=")"; } if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $log = sprintf("Deleted %d keys from cache\n", $this->db->affected_rows()); loggerAndPrint($log); } return true; } private function initQuotaUsage() { $query = sprintf( "select value from memcache where `key` = '%s'", addslashes($this->quota_init_flag) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) return true; $lockName = sprintf("%s:%s", $this->CDRS->cdr_source, $this->CDRS->table); if (!$this->CDRS->getNormalizeLock($lockName)) { $log = "Error: cannot initialize now the quota because a normalization process in progress\n"; print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $query = sprintf( "select value from memcache where `key` = '%s'", addslashes($this->quota_reset_flag) ); if ($this->queryHasError($query)) { return false; } $reset_quota_for= array(); if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $reset_quota_for = json_decode($this->db->f('value')); } $this->deblockAccounts($reset_quota_for); $this->deleteQuotaUsageFromCache($reset_quota_for); $this->initQuotaUsageFromDatabase('', $reset_quota_for); if ($this->CDRS->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']) { $log = sprintf( "Saved %d accounts in quota cache\n", $this->CDRS->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys'] ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->CDRS->status['cached_keys']['failed_keys']) { $log = sprintf( "Error: failed to save %d account\n", $this->CDRS->status['cached_keys']['failed_keys'] ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->saveQuotaInitFlag()) { $query = sprintf( "delete from memcache where `key` = '%s'", addslashes($this->quota_reset_flag) ); return (bool)!$this->queryHasError($query); } else { $log = "Error: failed to save key quotaCheckInit"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } private function markBlocked($account) { $query = sprintf( "update quota_usage set blocked = '1', notified = NOW() where account = '%s' and datasource = '%s'", addslashes($account), addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source) ); return (bool)!$this->queryHasError($query, $this->db1); } public function resetDailyQuota() { $query = sprintf( "update quota_usage set cost_today = 0 where datasource = '%s'", addslashes($this->CDRS->cdr_source) ); return (bool)!$this->queryHasError($query, $this->db1); } } class RatingEngine { private $settings; private $db; private $CDRS; private $db_subscribers_class; private $AccountsDB; private $enableThor; var $method = ''; var $log_runtime = false; var $prepaid_table = "prepaid"; public $init_ok = false; public function __construct() { global $RatingEngine; // set in global.inc global $DATASOURCES; // set in global.inc if (!strlen($RatingEngine['socketIP']) || !$RatingEngine['socketPort'] || !$RatingEngine['cdr_source']) { $log = sprintf("Please define \$RatingEngine['socketIP'], \$RatingEngine['socketPort'] and \$RatingEngine['cdr_source'] in /etc/cdrtool/global.inc\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (preg_match("/^\d{1-3}\.\d{1-3}\.\d{1-3}\.\d{1-3}$/", $RatingEngine['socketIP'])) { $log = sprintf("Invalid \$RatingEngine['socketIP'] in /etc/cdrtool/global.inc\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (intval($RatingEngine['socketPort']) < 1 || intval($RatingEngine['socketPort']) > 65535) { $log = sprintf("Invalid \$RatingEngine['socketPort'] in /etc/cdrtool/global.inc\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!is_array($DATASOURCES[$RatingEngine['cdr_source']])) { $log = sprintf("Datasource '%s' does not exist in /etc/cdrtool/global.inc\n", $RatingEngine['cdr_source']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $this->settings = $RatingEngine; if ($this->settings['log_runtime']) { $this->log_runtime=true; } // init database $this->db = new DB_CDRTool; $query=sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` = 'destinations_sip' or `key` = 'destinations'"); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s) for query %s", $db->Error, $db->Errno, $query ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } // init CDR datasource $CDR_class = $DATASOURCES[$RatingEngine['cdr_source']]['class']; $this->CDRS = new $CDR_class($RatingEngine['cdr_source']); // load Rating Tables $this->CDRS->RatingTables = new RatingTables(); $this->CDRS->RatingTables->LoadRatingTables(); // init subscribers database $this->db_subscribers_class = $this->CDRS->db_subscribers; if (!class_exists($this->db_subscribers_class)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: No database defined for SIP accounts"); return false; } $this->AccountsDB = new $this->db_subscribers_class; $this->enableThor = $this->CDRS->enableThor; $this->init_ok = true; } function reloadRatingTables() { $b=time(); //$query="delete from memcache where `key` in ('destinations','destinations_sip','ENUMtlds')"; $query = "delete from memcache where `key` in ('ENUMtlds')"; if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } $this->CDRS->RatingTables->LoadRatingTables(); $e=time(); $d=$e-$b; if ($d > 0 ) syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Reloaded rating tables in $d seconds"); $b=time(); $this->CDRS->LoadDestinations(); $e=time(); $d=$e-$b; if ($d > 0 ) syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Reloaded destinations in $d seconds"); $this->db->query("update settings set var_value = '' where var_name = 'reloadRating'"); return 1; } function reloadCustomers($customerFilter) { return 1; } function reloadDomains() { return 1; } function reloadQuota($account) { if (!$account) return false; $quota = $this->getQuota($account); $blocked = $this->getBlockedByQuotaStatus($account); $query = sprintf( "update quota_usage set quota = '%s', blocked = '%s' where datasource = '%s' and account = '%s'", $quota, intval($blocked), $this->CDRS->cdr_source, addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query '%s': %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } return 1; } function getBalanceHistory($account, $limit = 50) { list($username, $domain)=explode("@", $account); if (!$username || !$domain) return 0; $query = sprintf( "select * from prepaid_history where username = '%s' and domain = '%s' order by id desc", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if ($limit) $query.= sprintf(" limit %d", $limit); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "getBalanceHistory error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } while ($this->db->next_record()) { $history[] = array( 'account' => $account, 'action' => $this->db->f('action'), 'description' => $this->db->f('description'), 'value' => $this->db->f('value'), 'balance' => $this->db->f('balance') ); } $line = json_encode($history); return $line; } function DebitBalanceAudio($account, $balance, $session_id, $duration, $force = false) { $this->old_session_count = 0; $this->new_session_count = 0; $els = explode(":", $account); if (count($els) == 2) { $account=$els[1]; } if (!$account) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceAudio() error: missing account"); return 0; } if (!is_numeric($balance)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceAudio() error: balance must be numeric"); return 0; } if (!$session_id) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceAudio() error: missing call id"); return 0; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } if (!$this->db->num_rows()) { $log = sprintf("DebitBalanceAudio() error: account %s does not exist", $account); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } $this->db->next_record(); if (strlen($this->db->f('active_sessions'))) { // remove active session $active_sessions = array(); $old_active_sessions = json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true); $destination=$old_active_sessions[$session_id]['Destination']; if (!$force) { if (!in_array($session_id, array_keys($old_active_sessions))) { $this->sessionDoesNotExist=true; $log = sprintf( "Error: session %s of %s does not exist", $session_id, $account ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } foreach (array_keys($old_active_sessions) as $_key) { if ($_key==$session_id) continue; $active_sessions[$_key]=$old_active_sessions[$_key]; } } else { if (!$force) { $this->sessionDoesNotExist=true; $log = sprintf( "Error: session %s for %s does not exist", $session_id, $account ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } $next_balance = $this->db->f('balance') - $balance; //get parallel calls and remaining_balance $this->getActivePrepaidSessions($active_sessions, $next_balance, $account); // calculate the updated maxsessiontime $maxsessiontime = $this->getAggregatedMaxSessiontime( $this->parallel_calls, $this->remaining_balance, $account ); $this->old_session_count = count($old_active_sessions); $this->new_session_count = count($active_sessions); $query = sprintf( "update %s set balance = balance - '%s', change_date = NOW(), active_sessions = '%s', session_counter = '%s' where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($balance), addslashes(json_encode($active_sessions)), count($active_sessions), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($balance > 0) { list($prepaidUser, $prepaidDomain)=explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $this->domain_table = "sip_domains"; } else { $this->domain_table = "domain"; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where domain = '%s'", addslashes($this->domain_table), addslashes($prepaidDomain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%d) %s\n", $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno, $query ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_reseller=$this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id'); } else { $_reseller=0; } $query = sprintf( "insert into prepaid_history (username,domain,action,description,value,balance,date,session,duration,destination,reseller_id) values ('%s','%s','Debit balance','Session to %s for %ds','-%s','%s',NOW(),'%s','%d','%s',%d)", addslashes($prepaidUser), addslashes($prepaidDomain), addslashes($destination), addslashes($duration), addslashes($balance), addslashes($next_balance), addslashes($session_id), addslashes($duration), addslashes($destination), addslashes($_reseller) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } return $maxsessiontime; } function DebitBalanceMessage($account, $destination, $balance, $session_id) { $els = explode(":", $account); if (count($els) == 2) { $account=$els[1]; } if (!$account) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceMessage() error: missing account"); return 0; } if (!is_numeric($balance)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceMessage() error: balance must be numeric"); return 0; } if (!$session_id) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DebitBalanceMessage() error: missing call id"); return 0; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } if (!$this->db->num_rows()) { $log = sprintf("DebitBalanceMessage() error: account %s does not exist", $account); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } $this->db->next_record(); if (strlen($this->db->f('active_sessions'))) { $active_sessions = json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true); } $next_balance=$this->db->f('balance')-$balance; //get parallel calls and remaining_balance $this->getActivePrepaidSessions($active_sessions, $next_balance, $account); // calculate the updated maxsessiontime $maxsessiontime = $this->getAggregatedMaxSessiontime( $this->parallel_calls, $this->remaining_balance, $account ); $query = sprintf( "update %s set balance = balance - '%s', change_date = NOW() where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($balance), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($balance > 0) { list($prepaidUser, $prepaidDomain) = explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $this->domain_table = "sip_domains"; } else { $this->domain_table = "domain"; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where domain = '%s'", addslashes($this->domain_table), addslashes($prepaidDomain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%d) %s\n", $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno, $query ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_reseller=$this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id'); } else { $_reseller=0; } $query = sprintf( "insert into prepaid_history (username,domain,action,description,value,balance,date,session,destination,reseller_id) values ('%s','%s','Debit balance','Message to %s','-%s','%s',NOW(),'%s','%s',%d)", addslashes($prepaidUser), addslashes($prepaidDomain), addslashes($destination), addslashes($balance), addslashes($next_balance), addslashes($session_id), addslashes($destination), addslashes($_reseller) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } return true; } function CreditBalance($account, $balance) { if (!is_numeric($balance)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "CreditBalance() error: balance \"$balance\"is invalid"); return 0; } $els = explode(":", $account); if (count($els) == 2) { $account=$els[1]; } if (!$account) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "CreditBalance() error: missing account"); return 0; } list($prepaidUser, $prepaidDomain) = explode("@", $account); $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $current_balance = $this->db->f('balance'); $query = sprintf( "update %s set balance = balance + '%s', change_date = NOW() where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($balance), addslashes($account) ); $this->db->query($query); if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $new_balance = $current_balance + $balance; $log = sprintf("Prepaid account %s credited with %s", $account, $balance); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); // log to prepaid_history $query = sprintf( "insert into prepaid_history (username,domain,action,description,value,balance,date) values ('%s','%s','Set balance','Manual update','%s','%s',NOW())", addslashes($prepaidUser), addslashes($prepaidDomain), addslashes($balance), addslashes($new_balance) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } return 1; } else { $log = sprintf( "CreditBalance() error: failed to credit balance: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into %s (balance, account, change_date) values ('%s','%s',NOW())", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($balance), addslashes($account) ); $this->db->query($query); if ($this->db->affected_rows()) { $log = sprintf("Added prepaid account %s with balance=%s", $account, $balance); logger($log); // log to prepaid_history $query = sprintf( "insert into prepaid_history (username,domain,action,description,value,balance,date) values ('%s','%s','Set balance','Manual update','%s','%s',NOW())", addslashes($prepaidUser), addslashes($prepaidDomain), addslashes($balance), addslashes($balance) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } return 1; } else { $log = sprintf( "CreditBalance() error: failed to credit balance: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } } function DeleteBalance($account) { $els = explode(":", $account); if (count($els) == 2) { $account = $els[1]; } if (!$account) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DeleteBalance() error: missing account"); return 0; } $query = sprintf( "delete from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($account) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "DeleteBalance error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $log = sprintf("Prepaid account %s has been deleted", $account); logger($log); return 1; } function DeleteBalanceHistory($account) { $account=trim($account); $els = explode(":", $account); if (count($els) == 2) { $account=$els[1]; } if (!$account) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DeleteBalanceHistory() error: missing account"); return 0; } list($username, $domain) = explode('@', $account); $query = sprintf( "delete from prepaid_history where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "DeleteBalanceHistory error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $log = sprintf("History of prepaid account %s has been deleted", $account); logger($log); return 1; } function GetEntityProfiles($entity) { if (!$entity) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "GetEntityProfiles"); return 0; } $query = sprintf( "select * from billing_customers where subscriber = '%s' or domain = '%s' or gateway = '%s'", addslashes($entity), addslashes($entity), addslashes($entity) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "GetEntityProfiles error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->db->num_rows() == 1) { $this->db->next_record(); $entity = array( 'entity' => $entity, 'profileWeekday' => $this->db->f('profile_name1'), 'profileWeekdayAlt' => $this->db->f('profile_name1_alt'), 'profileWeekend' => $this->db->f('profile_name2'), 'profileWeekendAlt' => $this->db->f('profile_name2_alt'), 'timezone' => $this->db->f('timezone'), 'increment' => $this->db->f('increment'), 'min_duration' => $this->db->f('min_duration') ); } $line = json_encode($entity); return $line; } function SetEntityProfiles($entity, $profiles) { if (!$entity) { logger("SetEntityProfiles"); return 0; } } function showHelp() { $help= "Version\n". "Help\n". "ShowClients\n". "MaxSessionTime CallId=6432622xvv@1 From=sip:123@example.com To=sip:0031650222333@example.com Duration=7200 Gateway= Lock=1\n". "ShowPrice From=sip:123@example.com To=sip:0031650222333@example.com Gateway= Duration=59\n". "DebitBalance CallId=6432622xvv@1 From=sip:123@example.com To=sip:0031650222333@example.com Gateway= Duration=59\n". "AddBalance From=123@example.com Value=10.00\n". "GetBalance From=123@example.com\n". "GetBalanceHistory From=123@example.com\n". "DeleteBalance From=123@example.com\n". "DeleteBalanceHistory From=123@example.com\n". "ReloadQuota Account=abc@example.com\n". "GetEntityProfiles Entity=abc@example.com\n". "DumpPrepaidSessions Account=123@example.com\n". "ReloadRatingTables\n". "ReloadDomains\n". "ShowProfiles\n". "ShowENUMtlds\n" ; return $help; } function logRuntime() { if (!$this->log_runtime) return; $t=0; $log=''; foreach (array_keys($this->runtime) as $_key) { $stamp=$this->runtime[$_key]; if ($prev_stamp) { $_exec_time = $stamp - $prev_stamp; $log .= sprintf("%s=%1.7f ", $_key, $_exec_time); } $prev_stamp = $stamp; $t++; } logger($log); } - function processNetworkInput($tinput) + function processNetworkInput($tinput, $ip='') { // Read key=value pairs from input // Strip any unnecessary spaces $this->runtime = array(); $tinput = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $tinput); if ($tinput == "/" and strlen($this->last_input)) { $tinput = $this->last_input; } else { $this->last_input = $tinput; } $_els = explode(" ", trim($tinput)); $this->runtime['start']=microtime_float(); - logger("[command] $tinput"); + logger("[$ip] command: $tinput"); if (!$_els[0]) return 0; // read fields from input unset($NetFields); unset($seenField); $i=0; while ($i < count($_els)) { $i++; $_dict = explode("=", $_els[$i]); $_key = strtolower(trim($_dict[0])); if ($_key == 'callid') { $_value = trim($_dict[1]); } else { $_value = strtolower(trim($_dict[1])); } if ($_key && $seenField[$_key]) { $log = sprintf( "Error: '$_key' attribute is present more than once in $tinput" ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } else { if ($_key) { $NetFields[$_key]=$_value; $seenField[$_key]++; } } } $NetFields['action'] = strtolower($_els[0]); $this->method = $NetFields['action']; // begin processing if ($NetFields['action']=="maxsessiontime") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: missing From parameter"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['to']) { $log = "Error: missing To parameter"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['gateway']) { $log = "Error: missing gateway parameter"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['callid']) { $log = "Error: missing Call Id parameter"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['duration'] && $this->settings['MaxSessionTime']) { $NetFields['duration']=$this->settings['MaxSessionTime']; } $app_prefix = preg_replace('/[.].*$/', '', $NetFields['application']); if (strlen($app_prefix)) { if ($app_prefix == 'audio' || $app_prefix == 'sms') { $application=$NetFields['application']; } else { $log = sprintf( "Error: unsupported application %s", $NetFields['application'] ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } } else { $application='audio'; } list($username_t, $domain_t) = explode("@", $NetFields['from']); $CDRStructure = array( $this->CDRS->CDRFields['callId'] => $NetFields['callid'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['aNumber'] => $NetFields['from'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['CanonicalURI'] => $NetFields['to'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['gateway'] => $NetFields['gateway'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['duration'] => floor($NetFields['duration']), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['timestamp'] => time(), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['domain'] => $domain_t, $this->CDRS->CDRFields['application'] => $application, 'skip_fix_prepaid_duration' => true ); $CDR = new $this->CDRS->CDR_class($this->CDRS, $CDRStructure); $CDR->normalize(); $this->runtime['normalize_cdr'] = microtime_float(); $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($CDR->BillingPartyId) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query '%s': %s (%s), link_id =%s, query_id =%s", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno, $this->db->Link_ID, $this->db->Query_ID ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); $ret = sprintf( "Error: database error for query '%s': %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno )."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } if (!$this->db->num_rows()) { $log = sprintf( "MaxSessionTime=unlimited Type=postpaid CallId=%s BillingParty=%s", $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->BillingPartyId ); logger($log); $ret="none"."\n"."type=postpaid"; return $ret; } $this->db->next_record(); $current_balance = $this->db->f('balance'); $old_session_counter = $this->db->f('session_counter'); $max_sessions = $this->db->f('max_sessions'); if (strlen($this->db->f('active_sessions'))) { // load active sessions $active_sessions = json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true); if (count($active_sessions)) { // purge stale sessions $active_sessions_new=array(); $expired=0; foreach (array_keys($active_sessions) as $_session) { $expired_since = time() - $active_sessions[$_session]['timestamp'] - $active_sessions[$_session]['MaxSessionTime']; if ($expired_since > 120) { // this session has passed its maxsessiontime plus its reasonable setup time of 2 minutes, // it could be stale // because the call control module did not call debitbalance, so we purge it $log = sprintf( "Session %s for %s has expired since %d seconds", $_session, $active_sessions[$_session]['BillingPartyId'], $expired_since ); logger($log); $expired++; } else { $active_sessions_new[$_session]=$active_sessions[$_session]; } } if ($expired) { $active_sessions=$active_sessions_new; } } } else { $active_sessions=array(); } if (!$current_balance) { $log = "No balance found"; logger($log); $this->logRuntime(); $ret="0"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } if (preg_match("/^0[0-9]{1,}@/", $CDR->CanonicalURINormalized)) { if (!$CDR->DestinationId) { $log = sprintf( "Error: cannot figure out the destination id for %s", $CDR->CanonicalURI ); $this->logRuntime(); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $ret=$log."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } } else { $log = sprintf( "MaxSessionTime=unlimited Type=prepaid CallId=%s BillingParty=%s DestId=None", $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->BillingPartyId ); logger($log); $this->logRuntime(); $ret="none"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } $session_counter=count($active_sessions); if ($max_sessions && $session_counter >= $max_sessions) { $log = sprintf( "Locked: maximum number of concurrent calls %s reached, %s allowed", $session_counter, $max_sessions ); logger($log); $ret="Locked"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } $maxduration=0; // Build Rate dictionary containing normalized CDR fields plus customer Balance if (count($active_sessions)) { // set $this->remaining_balance and $this->parallel_calls for ongoing calls: if (!$this->getActivePrepaidSessions($active_sessions, $current_balance, $CDR->BillingPartyId, array($CDR->callId))) { $ret="0"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } $this->runtime['get_parallel_calls']=microtime_float(); // add this new call to the list of parallel calls $RateDictionary = array( 'duration' => $CDR->duration, 'callId' => $CDR->callId, 'Balance' => $this->remaining_balance, 'timestamp' => $CDR->timestamp, 'DestinationId' => $CDR->DestinationId, 'region' => $CDR->region, 'domain' => $CDR->domain, 'gateway' => $CDR->gateway, 'BillingPartyId' => $CDR->BillingPartyId, 'ENUMtld' => $CDR->ENUMtld, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'application' => $application ); $Rate = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $_maxduration = round($Rate->MaxSessionTime($RateDictionary)); $log = sprintf( "Maximum duration for new session %s of %s to destination %s having balance=%s is %s", $CDR->callId, $CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->DestinationId, $this->remaining_balance, $_maxduration ); logger($log); if ($_maxduration > 0) { $this->parallel_calls[$CDR->callId] = array( 'remainingBalancePerSecond' => $this->remaining_balance / $_maxduration ); } else { $log = sprintf( "Maximum duration for new session %s of %s <=0", $CDR->callId, $CDR->BillingPartyId ); logger($log); $ret="0"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } $this->parallel_calls[$CDR->callId]=array('remainingBalancePerSecond' => $this->remaining_balance/$_maxduration); $maxduration=$this->getAggregatedMaxSessiontime($this->parallel_calls, $this->remaining_balance, $CDR->BillingPartyId); } else { $RateDictionary=array( 'duration' => $CDR->duration, 'callId' => $CDR->callId, 'Balance' => $current_balance, 'timestamp' => $CDR->timestamp, 'DestinationId' => $CDR->DestinationId, 'region' => $CDR->region, 'domain' => $CDR->domain, 'gateway' => $CDR->gateway, 'BillingPartyId' => $CDR->BillingPartyId, 'ENUMtld' => $CDR->ENUMtld, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'application' => $application ); $Rate = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $this->runtime['instantiate_rate']=microtime_float(); $maxduration = round($Rate->MaxSessionTime($RateDictionary)); } // add new active session $active_sessions[$CDR->callId] = array( 'timestamp' => $CDR->timestamp, 'duration' => $CDR->duration, 'BillingPartyId' => $CDR->BillingPartyId, 'MaxSessionTime' => $maxduration, 'domain' => $CDR->domain, 'gateway' => $CDR->gateway, 'Destination' => $CDR->destinationPrint, 'DestinationId' => $CDR->DestinationId, 'region' => $CDR->region, 'connectCost' => $Rate->connectCost ); if ($CDR->ENUMtld) { $active_sessions[$CDR->callId]['ENUMtld']=$CDR->ENUMtld; } $this->runtime['calculate_maxduration']=microtime_float(); if ($maxduration < 0) { $log = sprintf( "Error: maxduration %s is negative", $maxduration ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $ret = $log."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } if ($Rate->min_duration && $maxduration < $Rate->min_duration) { $log = sprintf( "Notice: maxduration of %s is less then min_duration (%s)", $maxduration, $Rate->min_duration ); logger($log); $ret = "0"."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } if (!$Rate->billingTimezone) { $log = sprintf("Error: cannot figure out the billing timezone")."\n"."type=prepaid"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $ret=$log."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } if (!$Rate->startTimeBilling) { $log = sprintf("Error: cannot figure out the billing start time")."\n"."type=prepaid"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $ret = $log."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } $log = sprintf( "MaxSessionTime=%s Type=prepaid CallId=%s BillingParty=%s DestId=%s Balance=%s Spans=%d Counter=%d->%d", $maxduration, $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->DestinationId, $RateDictionary['Balance'], $Rate->MaxSessionTimeSpans, $old_session_counter, count($active_sessions) ); logger($log); if ($maxduration > 0) { $query = sprintf( "update %s set active_sessions = '%s', session_counter = '%s' where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes(json_encode($active_sessions)), count($active_sessions), addslashes($CDR->BillingPartyId) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $log= sprintf( "Error: database error %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); return $log; } } $this->runtime['update_prepaid']=microtime_float(); $this->logRuntime(); $ret=$maxduration."\n"."type=prepaid"; return $ret; } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "dumpprepaidsessions") { if (!$NetFields['account']) { $log = "Error: missing account parameter"; error($log); return $log; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($NetFields['account']) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } if (!$this->db->num_rows()) { $log = sprintf("DebitBalanceAudio() Error: account %s does not exist", $account); error($log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } $this->db->next_record(); return var_export(json_decode($this->db->f('active_sessions'), true), true); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "debitbalance") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: missing From parameter"; error($log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['to']) { $log = "Error: missing To parameter"; error($log); return $log; } $app_prefix = preg_replace('/[.].*$/', '', $NetFields['application']); if (!strlen($app_prefix) || (strlen($app_prefix) && $app_prefix == 'audio')) { if (!strlen($NetFields['duration'])) { $log= "Error: missing Duration parameter"; error($log); return $log; } } if (strlen($app_prefix)) { if ($app_prefix == 'audio' || $app_prefix == 'sms') { $application = $NetFields['application']; } else { $log = sprintf("Error: unsupported application %s", $NetFields['application']); error($log); return $log; } } else { $application = 'audio'; $app_prefix = 'audio'; } if (!$NetFields['gateway']) { $log = "Error: missing gateway parameter"; error($log); return $log; } if (!$NetFields['callid']) { $log = "Error: missing Call Id parameter"; error($log); return $log; } if ($NetFields['force']) { $force = true; } else { $force = false; } $timestamp = time(); list($username_t, $domain_t) = explode("@", $NetFields['from']); $CDRStructure = array( $this->CDRS->CDRFields['callId'] => $NetFields['callid'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['aNumber'] => $NetFields['from'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['CanonicalURI'] => $NetFields['to'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['gateway'] => $NetFields['gateway'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['ENUMtld'] => $NetFields['enumtld'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['duration'] => floor($NetFields['duration']), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['timestamp'] => time(), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['domain'] => $domain_t, $this->CDRS->CDRFields['application'] => $application, 'skip_fix_prepaid_duration' => true ); // Init CDR $CDR = new $this->CDRS->CDR_class($this->CDRS, $CDRStructure); $CDR->normalize(); $this->runtime['normalize_cdr']=microtime_float(); // Build Rate dictionary containing normalized CDR fields plus customer Balance $RateDictionary = array( 'callId' => $NetFields['callid'], 'timestamp' => $CDR->timestamp, 'duration' => $CDR->duration, 'DestinationId' => $CDR->DestinationId, 'region' => $CDR->region, 'domain' => $CDR->domain, 'gateway' => $CDR->gateway, 'BillingPartyId' => $CDR->BillingPartyId, 'ENUMtld' => $CDR->ENUMtld, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'application' => $application ); $Rate = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $this->runtime['instantiate_rate']=microtime_float(); if ($app_prefix == 'audio') { if ($Rate->calculateAudio($RateDictionary)) { $this->runtime['calculate_rate'] = microtime_float(); $this->sessionDoesNotExist = false; $result = $this->DebitBalanceAudio( $CDR->BillingPartyId, $Rate->price, $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->duration, $force ); if ($this->sessionDoesNotExist) { return "Failed"; } $this->runtime['debit_balance']=microtime_float(); $log = sprintf( "DebitBalance=%s Duration=%s CallId=%s BillingParty=%s DestId=%s MaxSessionTime=%d Counter=%d->%d", $Rate->price, $CDR->duration, $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->DestinationId, $result, $this->old_session_count, $this->new_session_count ); logger($log); $RateReturn = "Ok"; $RateReturn.= sprintf("\nMaxSessionTime=%d", $result); if (strlen($Rate->price)) { $RateReturn.="\n".$Rate->price; if ($Rate->rateInfo) { $RateReturn.="\n".trim($Rate->rateInfo); } } return $RateReturn; } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, 'Failed to calculate rate in DebitBalance()'); return "Failed\n"; } } elseif ($app_prefix == 'sms') { // return Ok, No credit, Error if ($Rate->calculateMessage($RateDictionary)) { if ($this->DebitBalanceMessage($CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->destinationPrint, $Rate->price, $NetFields['callid'])) { $log = sprintf( "Price=%s CallId=%s BillingParty=%s DestId=%s Application=%s", $Rate->price, $NetFields['callid'], $CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->DestinationId, $application ); logger($log); $RateReturn = "Ok"; if (strlen($Rate->price)) { $RateReturn.="\n".$Rate->price; if ($Rate->rateInfo) { $RateReturn.="\n".trim($Rate->rateInfo); } } return $RateReturn; } else { return "Failed"; } } else { return "Failed"; } } else { return false; } } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "addbalance") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } if (!is_numeric($NetFields['value'])) { $log = "Error: Missing Value parameter, it must be numeric"; error($log); return 0; } return $this->CreditBalance($NetFields['from'], $NetFields['value']); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "deletebalance") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } return $this->DeleteBalance($NetFields['from']); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "deletebalancehistory") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } return $this->DeleteBalanceHistory($NetFields['from']); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "showprice") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } if (!$NetFields['to']) { $log = "Error: Missing To parameter"; error($log); return 0; } if (!strlen($NetFields['duration'])) { $log = "Error: Missing Duration parameter"; error($log); return 0; } if ($NetFields['timestamp']) { $timestamp = $NetFields['timestamp']; } else { $timestamp = time(); } if (!$NetFields['gateway']) { $log = "Error: missing gateway parameter"; error($log); return $log; } $app_prefix = preg_replace('/[.].*$/', '', $NetFields['application']); if (strlen($app_prefix)) { if ($app_prefix == 'audio' || $app_prefix == 'sms') { $application = $NetFields['application']; } else { $log = sprintf("Error: unsupported application %s", $NetFields['application']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return $log; } } else { $application = 'audio'; } list($username_t, $domain_t) = explode("@", $NetFields['from']); $CDRStructure=array ( $this->CDRS->CDRFields['callId'] => $NetFields['callid'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['aNumber'] => $NetFields['from'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['CanonicalURI'] => $NetFields['to'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['gateway'] => $NetFields['gateway'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['ENUMtld'] => $NetFields['enumtld'], $this->CDRS->CDRFields['duration'] => floor($NetFields['duration']), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['timestamp'] => time(), $this->CDRS->CDRFields['domain'] => $domain_t, $this->CDRS->CDRFields['application'] => $application, 'skip_fix_prepaid_duration' => true ); $CDR = new $this->CDRS->CDR_class($this->CDRS, $CDRStructure); $CDR->normalize(); $Rate = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $RateDictionary=array( 'callId' => $CDR->callId, 'timestamp' => $CDR->timestamp, 'duration' => $CDR->duration, 'DestinationId' => $CDR->DestinationId, 'region' => $CDR->region, 'domain' => $CDR->domain, 'gateway' => $CDR->gateway, 'BillingPartyId' => $CDR->BillingPartyId, 'ENUMtld' => $CDR->ENUMtld, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'application' => $application ); $Rate->calculateAudio($RateDictionary); $this->runtime['calculate_rate'] = microtime_float(); if (strlen($Rate->price)) { $RateReturn=$Rate->price; if ($Rate->rateInfo) { $RateReturn.="\n".trim($Rate->rateInfo); } } else { $RateReturn="0"; } return $RateReturn; } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "getbalance") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } $query = sprintf( "select * from %s where account = '%s'", addslashes($this->prepaid_table), addslashes($NetFields['from']) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->logRuntime(); return 0; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); return number_format($this->db->f('balance'), 4, ".", ""); } else { return sprintf("%0.4f", 0); } } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "getbalancehistory") { if (!$NetFields['from']) { $log = "Error: Missing From parameter"; error($log); return 0; } $history=$this->getBalanceHistory($NetFields['from']); return trim($history); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "getentityprofiles") { if (!$NetFields['entity']) { $log = "Error: Missing Entity parameter"; error($log); return 0; } $entity=$this->GetEntityProfiles($NetFields['entity']); return trim($entity); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "showprofiles") { return trim($this->CDRS->RatingTables->showProfiles()); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "showenumtlds") { return trim($this->CDRS->RatingTables->showENUMtlds()); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "version") { $version_file=$this->CDRS->CDRTool['Path']."/version"; $version="CDRTool version ".trim(file_get_contents($version_file)); return $version; } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "help") { return $this->showHelp(); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "reloadratingtables") { return $this->reloadRatingTables(); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "keepalive") { return $this->keepAlive(); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "reloadquota") { if (!$NetFields['account']) { $log = "Error: Missing Account parameter"; error($log); return 0; } return $this->reloadQuota($NetFields['account']); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "reloaddomains") { return $this->CDRS->LoadDomains(); } elseif ($NetFields['action'] == "reloadcustomers") { if ($NetFields['customer'] && $NetFields['type']) { $_customerFilter = array( 'customer' => $NetFields['customer'], 'type' => $NetFields['type'] ); } return $this->reloadCustomers($_customerFilter); } else { $log = "Error: Invalid request"; warning($log); return 0; } } function getQuota($account) { if (!$account) return; list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf( "select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); return $_profile->quota; } else { return 0; } } else { $query = sprintf( "select quota from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); return $this->AccountsDB->f('quota'); } else { return 0; } } } function getBlockedByQuotaStatus($account) { if (!$account) return 0; list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf( "select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile = json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); if (in_array('quota', $_profile->groups)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } else { $query = sprintf( "select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account from grp where grp = 'quota' and username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain) ); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } return 0; } function getActivePrepaidSessions($active_sessions, $current_balance, $BillingPartyId, $exceptSessions = array()) { $this->parallel_calls=array(); $this->remaining_balance=$current_balance; $ongoing_rates=array(); foreach (array_keys($active_sessions) as $_session) { if (in_array($_session, $exceptSessions)) { /* $log = sprintf ("Ongoing prepaid session %s for %s updated", $_session, $BillingPartyId ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); */ continue; } $Rate_session = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $passed_time = time() - $active_sessions[$_session]['timestamp']; $active_sessions[$_session]['passed_time'] = $passed_time; $RateDictionary_session = array( 'duration' => $passed_time, 'callId' => $_session, 'timestamp' => $active_sessions[$_session]['timestamp'], 'DestinationId' => $active_sessions[$_session]['DestinationId'], 'region' => $active_sessions[$_session]['region'], 'domain' => $active_sessions[$_session]['domain'], 'BillingPartyId' => $active_sessions[$_session]['BillingPartyId'], 'ENUMtld' => $active_sessions[$_session]['ENUMtld'], 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables ); $Rate_session->calculateAudio($RateDictionary_session); $log = sprintf( "Active sessions %s for %s to %s: duration=%s, price=%s ", $_session, $BillingPartyId, $active_sessions[$_session]['Destination'], $passed_time, $Rate_session->price ); logger($log); $ongoing_rates[$_session] = array( 'duration' => $passed_time, 'price' => $Rate_session->price ); } if (count($ongoing_rates)) { // calculate the virtual balance of the user at this moment in time $due_balance=0; foreach (array_keys($ongoing_rates) as $_o) { $due_balance = $due_balance + $ongoing_rates[$_o]['price']; } $this->remaining_balance = $this->remaining_balance-$due_balance; $log = sprintf( "Balance for %s having %d active sessions: database=%s, due=%s, real=%s", $BillingPartyId, count($ongoing_rates), sprintf("%0.4f", $current_balance), sprintf("%0.4f", $due_balance), sprintf("%0.4f", $this->remaining_balance) ); logger($log); } foreach (array_keys($active_sessions) as $_session) { if (in_array($_session, $exceptSessions)) { continue; } $RateDictionary_session = array( 'callId' => $_session, 'timestamp' => time(), 'Balance' => $this->remaining_balance, 'DestinationId' => $active_sessions[$_session]['DestinationId'], 'region' => $active_sessions[$_session]['region'], 'domain' => $active_sessions[$_session]['domain'], 'BillingPartyId' => $active_sessions[$_session]['BillingPartyId'], 'ENUMtld' => $active_sessions[$_session]['ENUMtld'], 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'skipConnectCost' => true ); if ($active_sessions[$_session]['duration']) { $RateDictionary_session['duration'] = $active_sessions[$_session]['duration']-$active_sessions[$_session]['passed_time']; } $Rate = new Rate($this->settings, $this->db); $_maxduration = round($Rate->MaxSessionTime($RateDictionary_session)); $log = sprintf( "Remaining duration for active session %s of %s to destination %s having balance=%s is %s", $_session, $BillingPartyId, $active_sessions[$_session]['DestinationId'], $this->remaining_balance, $_maxduration ); logger($log); if ($_maxduration > 0) { $this->parallel_calls[$_session] = array( 'remainingBalancePerSecond' => $this->remaining_balance / $_maxduration ); } else { /* $log = sprintf ("Maxduration for session %s of %s will be negative",$_session,$active_sessions[$_session]['BillingPartyId']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); */ } } return 1; } function getAggregatedMaxSessiontime($parallel_calls = array(), $balance = 0, $BillingPartyId = '') { $maxduration = 0; $sum_remaining_balance_per_second = 0; foreach (array_keys($parallel_calls) as $_call) { $sum_remaining_balance_per_second = $sum_remaining_balance_per_second + $parallel_calls[$_call]['remainingBalancePerSecond']; } if ($sum_remaining_balance_per_second > 0) { $maxduration = intval($balance / $sum_remaining_balance_per_second); if (count($parallel_calls) > 1) { $log = sprintf("Maximum agregated duration for %s is %s", $BillingPartyId, $maxduration); logger($log); } } else { /* $log = sprintf ("Error: sum_remaining_balance_per_second for %s is negative",$BillingPartyId); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); */ $maxduration = 0; } return round($maxduration); } function keepAlive() { $query = sprintf("select * from auth_user"); if (!$this->db->query($query) || !$this->db->num_rows()) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for keepalive query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $log = sprintf("Keepalive successful"); logger($log); return true; } } function reloadRatingEngineTables() { global $RatingEngine; global $DATASOURCES; if (strlen($RatingEngine['socketIP']) && $RatingEngine['socketPort']) { if ($RatingEngine['socketIP']=='' || $RatingEngine['socketIP'] == '0') { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']= ''; } else { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']=$RatingEngine['socketIP']; } // init CDR datasource $CDR_class = $DATASOURCES[$RatingEngine['cdr_source']]['class']; $CDRS = new $CDR_class($RatingEngine['cdr_source']); $CDRS->CacheDestinations(); if ($fp = fsockopen($RatingEngine['socketIPforClients'], $RatingEngine['socketPort'], $errno, $errstr, 2)) { fputs($fp, "ReloadRatingTables\n"); fclose($fp); return true; } } return false; } function keepAliveRatingEngine() { global $RatingEngine; if (strlen($RatingEngine['socketIP']) && $RatingEngine['socketPort']) { if ($RatingEngine['socketIP']=='' || $RatingEngine['socketIP'] == '0') { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']= ''; } else { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']=$RatingEngine['socketIP']; } if ($fp = fsockopen($RatingEngine['socketIPforClients'], $RatingEngine['socketPort'], $errno, $errstr, 2)) { fputs($fp, "KeepAlive\n"); fclose($fp); return true; } } return false; } function testRatingTables() { global $RatingEngine; if (!strlen($RatingEngine['socketIP']) || !$RatingEngine['socketPort']) { return false; } if ($RatingEngine['socketIP']=='' || $RatingEngine['socketIP'] == '0') { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']= ''; } else { $RatingEngine['socketIPforClients']=$RatingEngine['socketIP']; } $i=0; $b=time(); while ($i < 1000) { if (!$fp = fsockopen($RatingEngine['socketIPforClients'], $RatingEngine['socketPort'], $errno, $errstr, 2)) { print "Error connecting to rating engine\n"; break; } $i++; $number='00'.RandomNumber(1, true).RandomNumber(12).'@example.com'; $duration=RandomNumber(3, true); $command = sprintf( "ShowPrice From=sip:123@example.com To=sip:%s Gateway= Duration=%d\n", $number, $duration ); fputs($fp, $command, strlen($command)); $response = fgets($fp, 8192); fclose($fp); } $e = time(); $d = $e - $b; if ($d) { printf("Commands=%d, Time=%s seconds, Speed=%s cps\n", $i, $d, number_format($i / $d, 1)); } } ?> diff --git a/library/rating_server.php b/library/rating_server.php index 58c718c..e16ad17 100644 --- a/library/rating_server.php +++ b/library/rating_server.php @@ -1,760 +1,760 @@ pidFile = $pidFile; } public function start() { global $logger; $console_log = new StreamHandler('php://stdout'); $formatter = new LineFormatter("[%level_name%] %channel%: %message% %extra%", null, true, true); $console_log->setFormatter($formatter); $logger->pushHandler($console_log); if ($this->pidFile !== false && file_exists($this->pidFile)) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'r'); if (!$pf) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } $c = fgets($pf); fclose($pf); if ($c === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } $pid = intval($c); if (posix_kill($pid, 0) === true) { $log = sprintf("Error: Another process is already running on pid %d\n", $pid); critical($log); exit(-1); } } // do the Unix double fork magic $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log = sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // decouple from the parent environment chdir('/'); if (posix_setsid() == -1) { $log=sprintf("Error: Could not detach from terminal\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } umask(022); // and now the second fork $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log = sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); critical($log); exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // this doesn't really work. it seems php is unable to close these //fclose(STDIN); //fclose(STDOUT); //fclose(STDERR); if ($this->pidFile) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'w'); if ($pf === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to write pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); critical($log); exit(-1); } fwrite($pf, sprintf("%d\n", posix_getpid())); fclose($pf); register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "removePid")); } //pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); // for some reason these interfere badly with socket_select() pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "signalHandler", true); // pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, "signalHandler", true); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, "signalHandler", true); logger("Rating Engine moved to the background\n"); $logger->popHandler(); } private function removePid() { if (file_exists($this->pidFile)) unlink($this->pidFile); } } /* phpSocketDaemon 1.0 Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Chabot See http://www.chabotc.nl/ for more information This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ class SocketClient extends SocketCDR { public $connecting = false; public $disconnected = false; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->connecting = true; try { parent::connect($remote_address, $remote_port); } catch (SocketException $e) { echo "Caught exception: ".$e->getMessage()."\n"; } } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { $this->write_buffer .= $buffer; $this->doWrite(); } public function doWrite() { $length = strlen($this->write_buffer); try { $written = parent::write($this->write_buffer, $length); if ($written < $length) { $this->write_buffer = substr($this->write_buffer, $written); } else { $this->write_buffer = ''; } $this->onWrite(); return true; } catch (SocketException $e) { $old_socket = ($this->socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($this->socket) : (int)$this->socket); $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->onDisconnect(); return false; } return false; } public function read($length = 4096) { try { $this->read_buffer .= parent::read($length); $this->onRead(); } catch (SocketException $e) { $old_socket = ($this->socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($this->socket) : (int)$this->socket); $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->onDisconnect(); } } public function onConnect() { } public function onDisconnect() { } public function onRead() { } public function onWrite() { } public function onTimer() { } } class SocketServer extends SocketCDR { public $startTime; protected $client_class; public function __construct($client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { parent::__construct($bind_address, $bind_port, $domain, $type, $protocol); $this->client_class = $client_class; $this->listen(); if (!$bind_address) { $bind_address_print=''; } else { $bind_address_print=$bind_address; } $this->startTime=time(); $log=sprintf("Rating Engine listening on %s:%s", $bind_address_print, $bind_port); logger($log); } public function accept() { $client = new $this->client_class(parent::accept(), $this); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'SocketServerClient')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid serverClient class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketServerClient"); } $this->onAccept($client); return $client; } // override if desired public function onAccept(SocketServerClient $client) { } } class SocketServerClient extends SocketClient { public $socket; public $remote_address; public $remote_port; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public $parentServer; public $ratingEngine; public $ratingEngineSettings; public function __construct($socket, $parentServer) { $this->socket = $socket; $this->parentServer = &$parentServer; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } elseif (!socket_getpeername($this->socket, $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve remote address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } global $RatingEngineServer, $RatingEngine; $this->ratingEngine = & $RatingEngineServer; $this->ratingEngineSettings = $RatingEngine; $this->setNonBlock(); $this->onConnect(); } } class SocketDaemon { public $servers = array(); public $clients = array(); public function createServer($server_class, $client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $server = new $server_class($client_class, $bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($server, 'SocketServer')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid server class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketServer"); } $this->servers[$this->getSocketId($server->socket)] = $server; return $server; } public function createClient($client_class, $remote_address, $remote_port, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $client = new $client_class($bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'SocketClient')) { throw new SocketException("Invalid client class specified! Has to be a subclass of SocketClient"); } $client->setNonBlock(true); $client->connect($remote_address, $remote_port); $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($client->socket)] = $client; return $client; } private function getSocketId($socket) { return $socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($socket) : (int)$socket; } private function createReadSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function createWriteSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer) || $socket->connecting) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer)) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } return $ret; } private function createExceptionSet() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function cleanSockets() { foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if ($socket->disconnected || (!is_resource($socket) && !$socket->socket instanceof \Socket)) { if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)])) { unset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)]); } } } } private function getClass($socket) { if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket)])) { return $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket)]; } elseif (isset($this->servers[$this->getSocketId($socket)])) { return $this->servers[$this->getSocketId($socket)]; } else { throw (new SocketException("Could not locate socket class for $socket")); } } public function process() { // if SocketClient is in write set, and $socket->connecting === true, set connecting to false and call onConnect $read_set = $this->createReadSet(); $write_set = $this->createWriteSet(); $exception_set = $this->createExceptionSet(); $event_time = time(); while (($events = socket_select($read_set, $write_set, $exception_set, 2)) !== false) { if ($events > 0) { foreach ($read_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketServer')) { $client = $socket->accept(); $this->clients[$this->getSocketId($client->socket)] = $client; } elseif (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { // regular onRead event $socket->read(); } } foreach ($write_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { if ($socket->connecting === true) { $socket->onConnect(); $socket->connecting = false; } $socket->doWrite(); } } foreach ($exception_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->getClass($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'SocketClient')) { $socket->onDisconnect(); if (isset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)])) { unset($this->clients[$this->getSocketId($socket->socket)]); } } } } if (time() - $event_time > 1) { // only do this if more then a second passed, else we'd keep looping this for every bit received foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $socket->onTimer(); } $event_time = time(); } $this->cleanSockets(); $read_set = $this->createReadSet(); $write_set = $this->createWriteSet(); $exception_set = $this->createExceptionSet(); } } } class SocketException extends Exception { } class SocketCDR { public $socket; public $bind_address; public $bind_port; public $domain; public $type; public $protocol; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public $remote_address = null; public $remote_port = null; private function getSocketId($socket) { return $socket instanceof \Socket ? spl_object_id($socket) : (int)$socket; } public function __construct($bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { $this->bind_address = $bind_address; $this->bind_port = $bind_port; $this->domain = $domain; $this->type = $type; $this->protocol = $protocol; if (($this->socket = @socket_create($domain, $type, $protocol)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not create socket: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR: ".$this->getError()); } if (!@socket_bind($this->socket, $bind_address, $bind_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not bind socket to [$bind_address - $bind_port]: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } $this->setNonBlock(true); } public function __destruct() { if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { $this->close(); } } public function getError() { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket)); socket_clear_error($this->socket); return $error; } public function close() { if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { @socket_shutdown($this->socket, 2); @socket_close($this->socket); } $this->socket = $this->getSocketId($this->socket); } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_write($this->socket, $buffer, $length)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not write to socket: ".$this->getError()); } return $ret; } public function read($length = 4096) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_read($this->socket, $length, PHP_BINARY_READ)) == false) { throw new SocketException("Could not read from socket: ".$this->getError()); } return $ret; } public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->remote_address = $remote_address; $this->remote_port = $remote_port; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_connect($this->socket, $remote_address, $remote_port)) { throw new SocketException("Could not connect to {$remote_address} - {$remote_port}: ".$this->getError()); } } public function listen($backlog = 128) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_listen($this->socket, $backlog)) { throw new SocketException("Could not listen to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->getError()); } } public function accept() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($client = socket_accept($this->socket)) === false) { throw new SocketException("Could not accept connection to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->getError()); } return $client; } public function setNonBlock() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_nonblock($this->socket)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setBlock() { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_block($this->socket)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setRecieveTimeout($sec, $usec) { if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec" => $sec, "usec" => $usec))) { throw new SocketException("Could not set socket recieve timeout: ".$this->getError()); } } public function setReuseAddress($reuse = true) { $reuse = $reuse ? 1 : 0; if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new SocketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, $reuse)) { throw new SocketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR to '$reuse': ".$this->getError()); } } } class RatingEngineServer extends SocketServer { public $requests = array(); public $connected_clients = array(); } class RatingEngineClient extends SocketServerClient { private function handleRequest($request) { $this->parentServer->requests[$this->remote_address]++; $b = microtime(true); - $output = $this->ratingEngine->processNetworkInput($request); + $output = $this->ratingEngine->processNetworkInput($request, $this->remote_address); $output .= "\n\n"; if ($this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $e=microtime(true); $d=$e-$b; if ($d >= $this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $log = sprintf("%s request took %.4f seconds", $this->ratingEngine->method, $d); logger($log); } } // $log = sprintf("Output %s", $output); // logger($log); return $output; } public function onRead() { $tinput = trim($this->read_buffer); if ($tinput == 'exit' || $tinput =='quit') { $this->onDisconnect(); $this->close(); } elseif (strtolower($tinput) == 'showclients') { $output = ''; $j = 0; $uptime=time()-$this->parentServer->startTime; if (count($this->parentServer->connected_clients)) { $output .= "\nClients:\n\n"; foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $j++; $myself=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_client == $myself) { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s (myself)\n", $j, $_client); } else { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s\n", $j, $_client); } } } if (count($this->parentServer->requests)) { $output .= "\nRequests:\n\n"; $requests=0; foreach (array_keys($this->parentServer->requests) as $_client_ip) { $output .= sprintf("%d requests from %s\n", $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip], $_client_ip); $requests = $requests + $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip]; } } $output .= "\nStatistics:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf("Total requests: %d\n", $requests); $output .= sprintf("Uptime: %d seconds\n", $uptime); if ($uptime) $output .= sprintf("Load: %0.2f/s\n", $requests / $uptime); $output .= "\n\n"; $this->write($output); $this->read_buffer = ''; } elseif ($tinput) { $this->write($this->handleRequest($tinput)); $this->read_buffer = ''; } } public function onConnect() { if ($this->remote_address != '') { if (is_array($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'])) { $allow_connection = false; foreach ($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'] as $_allow) { if (preg_match("/^$_allow/", $this->remote_address)) { $log = sprintf("Client %s allowed by server configuration %s", $this->remote_address, $_allow); logger($log); $allow_connection = true; break; } } if (!$allow_connection) { $log = sprintf("Client %s disallowed by server configuration", $this->remote_address); logger($log); $this->close(); return true; } } } $_client = $this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; $this->parentServer->connected_clients[] = $_client; $this->parentServer->connected_clients = array_unique($this->parentServer->connected_clients); $log = sprintf("Client connection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); logger($log); } public function onDisconnect() { $new_clients = array(); foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $_connected_client=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_connected_client == $_client) continue; $new_clients[]=$_client; } $this->parentServer->connected_clients=array_unique($new_clients); $log = sprintf("Client disconnection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); logger($log); } public function onWrite() { } public function onTimer() { } } ?>