diff --git a/sip-subscribe-conference3 b/sip-subscribe-conference3 index a0decfc..5d72a69 100755 --- a/sip-subscribe-conference3 +++ b/sip-subscribe-conference3 @@ -1,632 +1,632 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import datetime import os import random import select import sys import termios import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error from itertools import chain from collections import deque from optparse import OptionParser from threading import Thread from time import time from application import log from application.notification import IObserver, NotificationCenter, NotificationData from application.python.queue import EventQueue from eventlib.twistedutil import join_reactor from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.error import ReactorNotRunning from zope.interface import implementer from sipsimple.account import Account, AccountManager, BonjourAccount from sipsimple.application import SIPApplication from sipsimple.lookup import DNSLookup, DNSManager from sipsimple.configuration import ConfigurationError, ConfigurationManager from sipsimple.configuration.settings import SIPSimpleSettings from sipsimple.core import ContactHeader, Engine, FromHeader, RouteHeader, SIPCoreError, SIPURI, Subscription, ToHeader, Route, PJSIPError from sipsimple.payloads import ParserError from sipsimple.payloads.conference import ConferenceDocument from sipsimple.storage import FileStorage from sipsimple.threading import run_in_twisted_thread from sipclient.configuration import config_directory from sipclient.configuration.account import AccountExtension from sipclient.configuration.settings import SIPSimpleSettingsExtension from sipclient.log import Logger class InputThread(Thread): def __init__(self, application): Thread.__init__(self) self.application = application self.daemon = True self._old_terminal_settings = None def run(self): notification_center = NotificationCenter() while True: for char in self._getchars(): if char == "\x04": self.application.stop() return else: notification_center.post_notification('SAInputWasReceived', sender=self, data=NotificationData(input=char)) def stop(self): self._termios_restore() def _termios_restore(self): if self._old_terminal_settings is not None: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, self._old_terminal_settings) def _getchars(self): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() if os.isatty(fd): self._old_terminal_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO new[6][termios.VMIN] = b'\000' try: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, new) if select.select([fd], [], [], None)[0]: return sys.stdin.read(4192) finally: self._termios_restore() else: return os.read(fd, 4192) @implementer(IObserver) class SubscriptionApplication(object): def __init__(self, account_name, target, trace_sip, trace_pjsip, trace_notifications): self.account_name = account_name self.target = target self.input = InputThread(self) self.output = EventQueue(self._write) self.logger = Logger(sip_to_stdout=trace_sip, pjsip_to_stdout=trace_pjsip, notifications_to_stdout=trace_notifications) self.success = False self.account = None self.subscription = None self.stopping = False self._subscription_routes = None self._subscription_timeout = 0.0 self._subscription_wait = 0.5 account_manager = AccountManager() engine = Engine() notification_center = NotificationCenter() notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=account_manager) notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=engine) notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=self.input) log.level.current = log.level.WARNING def _write(self, message): if isinstance(message, str): message = message.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) sys.stdout.write(message.decode()+'\n') def run(self): account_manager = AccountManager() configuration = ConfigurationManager() self.engine = Engine() # start output thread self.output.start() # startup configuration Account.register_extension(AccountExtension) BonjourAccount.register_extension(AccountExtension) SIPSimpleSettings.register_extension(SIPSimpleSettingsExtension) SIPApplication.storage = FileStorage(config_directory) try: configuration.start() except ConfigurationError as e: raise RuntimeError("failed to load sipclient's configuration: %s\nIf an old configuration file is in place, delete it or move it and recreate the configuration using the sip_settings script." % str(e)) account_manager.load() if self.account_name is None: self.account = account_manager.default_account else: possible_accounts = [account for account in account_manager.iter_accounts() if self.account_name in account.id and account.enabled] if len(possible_accounts) > 1: raise RuntimeError("More than one account exists which matches %s: %s" % (self.account_name, ", ".join(sorted(account.id for account in possible_accounts)))) if len(possible_accounts) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No enabled account that matches %s was found. Available and enabled accounts: %s" % (self.account_name, ", ".join(sorted(account.id for account in account_manager.get_accounts() if account.enabled)))) self.account = possible_accounts[0] if self.account is None: raise RuntimeError("Unknown account %s. Available accounts: %s" % (self.account_name, ', '.join(account.id for account in account_manager.iter_accounts()))) for account in account_manager.iter_accounts(): if account == self.account: account.sip.register = False else: account.enabled = False self.output.put('Using account %s' % self.account.id) settings = SIPSimpleSettings() # start logging self.logger.start() # start the engine self.engine.start( auto_sound=False, events={"conference": ["application/conference-info+xml"],}, udp_port=settings.sip.udp_port if "udp" in settings.sip.transport_list else None, tcp_port=settings.sip.tcp_port if "tcp" in settings.sip.transport_list else None, tls_port=settings.sip.tls_port if "tls" in settings.sip.transport_list else None, tls_verify_server=settings.tls.verify_server, tls_ca_file=os.path.expanduser(settings.tls.ca_list) if settings.tls.ca_list else None, tls_cert_file=os.path.expanduser(settings.tls.certificate) if settings.tls.certificate else None, tls_privkey_file=os.path.expanduser(settings.tls.certificate) if settings.tls.certificate else None, user_agent=settings.user_agent, sample_rate=settings.audio.sample_rate, rtp_port_range=(settings.rtp.port_range.start, settings.rtp.port_range.end), trace_sip=settings.logs.trace_sip or self.logger.sip_to_stdout, log_level=settings.logs.pjsip_level if (settings.logs.trace_pjsip or self.logger.pjsip_to_stdout) else 0 ) if self.target is None: self.target = ToHeader(SIPURI(user=self.account.id.username, host=self.account.id.domain)) else: if '@' not in self.target: self.target = '%s@%s' % (self.target, self.account.id.domain) if not self.target.startswith('sip:') and not self.target.startswith('sips:'): self.target = 'sip:' + self.target try: self.target = ToHeader(SIPURI.parse(self.target)) except SIPCoreError: self.output.put('Illegal SIP URI: %s' % self.target) self.engine.stop() return 1 self.output.put('Subscribing to %s for the conference event' % self.target.uri) # start the input thread self.input.start() # start twisted try: reactor.run() finally: self.input.stop() # stop the output self.output.stop() self.output.join() self.logger.stop() return 0 if self.success else 1 def stop(self): self.stopping = True if self.subscription is not None and self.subscription.state.lower() in ('accepted', 'pending', 'active'): self.subscription.end(timeout=1) else: self.engine.stop() def print_help(self): message = 'Available control keys:\n' message += ' t: toggle SIP trace on the console\n' message += ' j: toggle PJSIP trace on the console\n' message += ' n: toggle notifications trace on the console\n' message += ' Ctrl-d: quit the program\n' message += ' ?: display this help message\n' self.output.put('\n'+message) def handle_notification(self, notification): handler = getattr(self, '_NH_%s' % notification.name, None) if handler is not None: handler(notification) def _NH_SIPEngineDidStart(self, notification): dns_manager = DNSManager() self.engine.set_nameservers(dns_manager.nameservers) self._subscribe() def _NH_SIPSubscriptionDidStart(self, notification): route = Route(notification.sender.route_header.uri.host, notification.sender.route_header.uri.port, notification.sender.route_header.uri.parameters.get('transport', 'udp')) self._subscription_routes = None self._subscription_wait = 0.5 self.output.put('Subscription succeeded at %s:%d;transport=%s' % (route.address, route.port, route.transport)) self.success = True def _NH_SIPSubscriptionChangedState(self, notification): route = Route(notification.sender.route_header.uri.host, notification.sender.route_header.uri.port, notification.sender.route_header.uri.parameters.get('transport', 'udp')) if notification.data.state.lower() == "pending": self.output.put('Subscription pending at %s:%d;transport=%s' % (route.address, route.port, route.transport)) elif notification.data.state.lower() == "active": self.output.put('Subscription active at %s:%d;transport=%s' % (route.address, route.port, route.transport)) def _NH_SIPSubscriptionDidEnd(self, notification): notification_center = NotificationCenter() notification_center.remove_observer(self, sender=notification.sender) self.subscription = None route = Route(notification.sender.route_header.uri.host, notification.sender.route_header.uri.port, notification.sender.route_header.uri.parameters.get('transport', 'udp')) self.output.put('Unsubscribed from %s:%d;transport=%s' % (route.address, route.port, route.transport)) self.stop() def _NH_SIPSubscriptionDidFail(self, notification): notification_center = NotificationCenter() notification_center.remove_observer(self, sender=notification.sender) self.subscription = None route = Route(notification.sender.route_header.uri.host, notification.sender.route_header.uri.port, notification.sender.route_header.uri.parameters.get('transport', 'udp')) if notification.data.code: status = ': %d %s' % (notification.data.code, notification.data.reason) else: status = ': %s' % notification.data.reason self.output.put('Subscription failed at %s:%d;transport=%s%s' % (route.address, route.port, route.transport, status)) if self.stopping or notification.data.code in (401, 403, 407) or self.success: self.success = False self.stop() else: if not self._subscription_routes or time() > self._subscription_timeout: self._subscription_wait = min(self._subscription_wait*2, 30) timeout = random.uniform(self._subscription_wait, 2*self._subscription_wait) reactor.callFromThread(reactor.callLater, timeout, self._subscribe) else: route = self._subscription_routes.popleft() route_header = RouteHeader(route.uri) self.subscription = Subscription(self.target.uri, FromHeader(self.account.uri, self.account.display_name), self.target, ContactHeader(self.account.contact[route]), b"conference", route_header, credentials=self.account.credentials, refresh=self.account.sip.subscribe_interval) notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=self.subscription) self.subscription.subscribe(timeout=5) def _NH_SIPSubscriptionGotNotify(self, notification): self.output.put('Received NOTIFY') if notification.data.event == 'conference' and notification.data.body: try: conference_info = ConferenceDocument.parse(notification.data.body) except ParserError as e: self.output.put('Cannot parse body: %s' % str(e)) else: conf_desc = conference_info.conference_description print('Conference description: %s' % str(conf_desc.display_text)) print('Conference organizer: %s' % str(conference_info.host_info.web_page.value)) print('Conference participants:') i = 1 for user in conference_info.users: media = list(str(media.media_type) for media in chain(*user)) - print("%d. %s <%s> with %s" % (i, user.display_text.value, user.entity.split(":")[1], ", ".join(media))) + print("%d. %s <%s> with %s" % (i, user.display_text.value if user.display_text else user.entity.uri, user.entity.split(":")[1], ", ".join(media))) i += 1 def _NH_DNSLookupDidSucceed(self, notification): # create subscription and register to get notifications from it self._subscription_routes = deque(notification.data.result) route = self._subscription_routes.popleft() route_header = RouteHeader(route.uri) self.subscription = Subscription(self.target.uri, FromHeader(self.account.uri, self.account.display_name), self.target, ContactHeader(self.account.contact[route]), b"conference", route_header, credentials=self.account.credentials, refresh=self.account.sip.subscribe_interval) notification_center = NotificationCenter() notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=self.subscription) try: self.subscription.subscribe(timeout=5) except PJSIPError as e: self.output.put('Subscription failed: %s' % str(e)) def _NH_DNSLookupDidFail(self, notification): self.output.put('DNS lookup failed: %s' % notification.data.error) timeout = random.uniform(1.0, 2.0) reactor.callLater(timeout, self._subscribe) def _NH_SAInputWasReceived(self, notification): settings = SIPSimpleSettings() key = notification.data.input if key == 't': self.logger.sip_to_stdout = not self.logger.sip_to_stdout self.engine.trace_sip = self.logger.sip_to_stdout or settings.logs.trace_sip self.output.put('SIP tracing to console is now %s.' % ('activated' if self.logger.sip_to_stdout else 'deactivated')) elif key == 'j': self.logger.pjsip_to_stdout = not self.logger.pjsip_to_stdout self.engine.log_level = settings.logs.pjsip_level if (self.logger.pjsip_to_stdout or settings.logs.trace_pjsip) else 0 self.output.put('PJSIP tracing to console is now %s.' % ('activated' if self.logger.pjsip_to_stdout else 'deactivated')) elif key == 'n': self.logger.notifications_to_stdout = not self.logger.notifications_to_stdout self.output.put('Notification tracing to console is now %s.' % ('activated' if self.logger.notifications_to_stdout else 'deactivated')) elif key == '?': self.print_help() @run_in_twisted_thread def _NH_SIPEngineDidEnd(self, notification): self._stop_reactor() @run_in_twisted_thread def _NH_SIPEngineDidFail(self, notification): self.output.put('Engine failed.') self._stop_reactor() def _NH_SIPEngineGotException(self, notification): self.output.put('An exception occured within the SIP core:\n'+notification.data.traceback) def _stop_reactor(self): try: reactor.stop() except ReactorNotRunning: pass def _subscribe(self): settings = SIPSimpleSettings() self._subscription_timeout = time()+30 lookup = DNSLookup() notification_center = NotificationCenter() notification_center.add_observer(self, sender=lookup) if self.account.sip.outbound_proxy is not None: uri = SIPURI(host=self.account.sip.outbound_proxy.host, port=self.account.sip.outbound_proxy.port, parameters={'transport': self.account.sip.outbound_proxy.transport}) elif self.account.sip.always_use_my_proxy: uri = SIPURI(host=self.account.id.domain) else: uri = self.target.uri lookup.lookup_sip_proxy(uri, settings.sip.transport_list, tls_name=self.account.sip.tls_name) def _format_note(self, note): text = "Note" if hasattr(note, 'lang') and note.lang is not None: text += "(%s)" % note.lang else: text += ": %s" % note return text def _format_person(self, person, pidf): buf = [] # display class if person.rpid_class is not None: buf.append(" Class: %s" % person.rpid_class) # display timestamp if person.timestamp is not None: buf.append(" Timestamp: %s" % person.timestamp) # display notes if person.notes: for note in person.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) elif pidf.notes: for note in pidf.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) # display activities if person.activities is not None: activities = list(person.activities) if len(activities) > 0: text = " Activities" if person.activities.since is not None or person.activities.until is not None: text += " valid" if person.activities.since is not None: text += " from %s" % person.activities.since if person.activities.until is not None: text += " until %s" % person.activities.until text += ": %s" % ', '.join(str(activity) for activity in activities) buf.append(text) if len(person.activities.notes) > 0: for note in person.activities.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) elif len(person.activities.notes) > 0: buf.append(" Activities") for note in person.activities.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) # display mood if person.mood is not None: moods = list(person.mood) if len(moods) > 0: text = " Mood" if person.mood.since is not None or person.mood.until is not None: text += " valid" if person.mood.since is not None: text += " from %s" % person.mood.since if person.mood.until is not None: text += " until %s" % person.mood.until text += ": %s" % ', '.join(str(mood) for mood in moods) buf.append(text) if len(person.mood.notes) > 0: for note in person.mood.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) # display place is if person.place_is is not None: place_info = ', '.join('%s %s' % (key.capitalize(), getattr(person.place_is, key).value) for key in ('audio', 'video', 'text') if getattr(person.place_is, key) and getattr(person.place_is, key).value) if place_info != '': buf.append(" Place information: " + place_info) # display privacy if person.privacy is not None: text = " Private conversation possible with: " private = [] if person.privacy.audio: private.append("Audio") if person.privacy.video: private.append("Video") if person.privacy.text: private.append("Text") if len(private) > 0: text += ", ".join(private) else: text += "None" buf.append(text) # display sphere if person.sphere is not None: timeinfo = [] if person.sphere.since is not None: timeinfo.append('from %s' % str(person.sphere.since)) if person.sphere.until is not None: timeinfo.append('until %s' % str(person.sphere.until)) if len(timeinfo) != 0: timeinfo = ' (' + ', '.join(timeinfo) + ')' else: timeinfo = '' buf.append(" Current sphere%s: %s" % (timeinfo, person.sphere.value)) # display status icon if person.status_icon is not None: buf.append(" Status icon: %s" % person.status_icon) # display time and time offset if person.time_offset is not None: ctime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(person.time_offset)) time_offset = int(person.time_offset)/60.0 if time_offset == int(time_offset): offset_info = '(UTC+%d%s)' % (time_offset, (person.time_offset.description is not None and (' (%s)' % person.time_offset.description) or '')) else: offset_info = '(UTC+%.1f%s)' % (time_offset, (person.time_offset.description is not None and (' (%s)' % person.time_offset.description) or '')) buf.append(" Current user time: %s %s" % (ctime.strftime("%H:%M"), offset_info)) # display user input if person.user_input is not None: buf.append(" User is %s" % person.user_input) if person.user_input.last_input: buf.append(" Last input at: %s" % person.user_input.last_input) if person.user_input.idle_threshold: buf.append(" Idle threshold: %s seconds" % person.user_input.idle_threshold) return buf def _format_service(self, service, pidf): buf = [] # display class if service.rpid_class is not None: buf.append(" Class: %s" % service.rpid_class) # display timestamp if service.timestamp is not None: buf.append(" Timestamp: %s" % service.timestamp) # display notes for note in service.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) # display status if service.status is not None: if service.status.basic is not None: buf.append(" Basic status: %s" % service.status.basic) if service.status.extended is not None: buf.append(" Extended status: %s" % service.status.extended) # display contact if service.contact is not None: buf.append(" Contact%s: %s" % ((service.contact.priority is not None) and (' priority %s' % service.contact.priority) or '', urllib.parse.unquote(service.contact.value))) # display device ID if service.device_info is not None: description = " (%s)" % urllib.parse.unquote(service.device_info.description.value).decode('utf-8') if service.device_info.description else "" buf.append(" Service offered by device: %s%s" % (service.device_info.id, description)) # display relationship if service.relationship is not None: buf.append(" Relationship: %s" % service.relationship.value) # display service-class if service.service_class is not None: buf.append(" Service class: %s" % service.service_class.value) # display status icon if service.status_icon is not None: buf.append(" Status icon: %s" % service.status_icon) # display user input if service.user_input is not None: buf.append(" Service is %s" % service.user_input) if service.user_input.last_input: buf.append(" Last input at: %s" % service.user_input.last_input) if service.user_input.idle_threshold: buf.append(" Idle threshold: %s seconds" % service.user_input.idle_threshold) return buf def _format_device(self, device, pidf): buf = [] # display device ID if device.device_id is not None: buf.append(" Device id: %s" % device.device_id) # display class if device.rpid_class is not None: buf.append(" Class: %s" % device.rpid_class) # display timestamp if device.timestamp is not None: buf.append(" Timestamp: %s" % device.timestamp) # display notes for note in device.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) # display user input if device.user_input is not None: buf.append(" Device is %s" % device.user_input) if device.user_input.last_input: buf.append(" Last input at: %s" % device.user_input.last_input) if device.user_input.idle_threshold: buf.append(" Idle threshold: %s seconds" % device.user_input.idle_threshold) return buf def _display_pidf(self, pidf): buf = ["-"*16] buf.append("Presence for %s:" % urllib.parse.unquote(pidf.entity)) persons = {} devices = {} services = {} printed_sep = True for child in pidf: if isinstance(child, Person): persons[child.id] = child elif isinstance(child, Device): devices[child.id] = child elif isinstance(child, Service): services[child.id] = child # handle person information if len(persons) == 0: if list(pidf.notes): buf.append(" Person information:") for note in pidf.notes: buf.append(" %s" % self._format_note(note)) printed_sep = False else: for person in list(persons.values()): buf.append(" Person: %s" % person.id) buf.extend(self._format_person(person, pidf)) printed_sep = False # handle services informaation if len(services) > 0: if not printed_sep: buf.append(" " + "-"*3) for service in list(services.values()): buf.append(" Service: %s" % service.id) buf.extend(self._format_service(service, pidf)) # handle devices informaation if len(devices) > 0: if not printed_sep: buf.append(" " + "-"*3) for device in list(devices.values()): buf.append(" Device: %s" % device.id) buf.extend(self._format_device(device, pidf)) buf.append("-"*16) # push the data self.output.put('\n'.join(buf)) if __name__ == "__main__": description = "This script subscribes to the conference event package published by the specified SIP target. If a SIP target is not specified, it will subscribe to its own address. It will then interprete PIDF bodies contained in NOTIFYs and display their meaning. The program will un-SUBSCRIBE and quit when CTRL+D is pressed." usage = "%prog [options] [target-user@target-domain.com]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description) parser.print_usage = parser.print_help parser.add_option("-a", "--account-name", type="string", dest="account_name", help="The name of the account to use.") parser.add_option("-s", "--trace-sip", action="store_true", dest="trace_sip", default=False, help="Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP messages (disabled by default).") parser.add_option("-j", "--trace-pjsip", action="store_true", dest="trace_pjsip", default=False, help="Print PJSIP logging output (disabled by default).") parser.add_option("-n", "--trace-notifications", action="store_true", dest="trace_notifications", default=False, help="Print all notifications (disabled by default).") options, args = parser.parse_args() try: application = SubscriptionApplication(options.account_name, args[0] if args else None, options.trace_sip, options.trace_pjsip, options.trace_notifications) return_code = application.run() except RuntimeError as e: print("Error: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) except SIPCoreError as e: print("Error: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(return_code)