diff --git a/app/components/ConferenceBox.js b/app/components/ConferenceBox.js index a86d7ac..3a94783 100644 --- a/app/components/ConferenceBox.js +++ b/app/components/ConferenceBox.js @@ -1,1149 +1,1150 @@ 'use strict'; import React, {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; import { View, Platform, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Dimensions, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, FlatList } from 'react-native'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as sylkrtc from 'react-native-sylkrtc'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import debug from 'react-native-debug'; import superagent from 'superagent'; import autoBind from 'auto-bind'; import { RTCView } from 'react-native-webrtc'; import { IconButton, Appbar, Portal, Modal, Surface, Paragraph } from 'react-native-paper'; import config from '../config'; import utils from '../utils'; //import AudioPlayer from './AudioPlayer'; import ConferenceDrawer from './ConferenceDrawer'; import ConferenceDrawerLog from './ConferenceDrawerLog'; // import ConferenceDrawerFiles from './ConferenceDrawerFiles'; import ConferenceDrawerParticipant from './ConferenceDrawerParticipant'; import ConferenceDrawerParticipantList from './ConferenceDrawerParticipantList'; import ConferenceDrawerSpeakerSelection from './ConferenceDrawerSpeakerSelection'; import ConferenceDrawerSpeakerSelectionWrapper from './ConferenceDrawerSpeakerSelectionWrapper'; import ConferenceHeader from './ConferenceHeader'; import ConferenceCarousel from './ConferenceCarousel'; import ConferenceParticipant from './ConferenceParticipant'; import ConferenceMatrixParticipant from './ConferenceMatrixParticipant'; import ConferenceParticipantSelf from './ConferenceParticipantSelf'; import InviteParticipantsModal from './InviteParticipantsModal'; import ConferenceAudioParticipantList from './ConferenceAudioParticipantList'; import ConferenceAudioParticipant from './ConferenceAudioParticipant'; import styles from '../assets/styles/blink/_ConferenceBox.scss'; const DEBUG = debug('blinkrtc:ConferenceBox'); debug.enable('*'); function toTitleCase(str) { return str.replace( /\w\S*/g, function(txt) { return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } ); } class ConferenceBox extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); autoBind(this); this.state = { callOverlayVisible: true, ended: false, audioMuted: this.props.muted, videoMuted: !this.props.inFocus, videoMutedbyUser: false, participants: props.call.participants.slice(), showInviteModal: false, showDrawer: false, showFiles: false, shareOverlayVisible: false, showSpeakerSelection: false, activeSpeakers: props.call.activeParticipants.slice(), selfDisplayedLarge: false, eventLog: [], sharedFiles: props.call.sharedFiles.slice(), largeVideoStream: null, previousParticipants: this.props.previousParticipants, inFocus: this.props.inFocus, reconnectingCall: this.props.reconnectingCall, terminated: this.props.terminated }; const friendlyName = this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0]; //if (window.location.origin.startsWith('file://')) { this.callUrl = `${config.publicUrl}/conference/${friendlyName}`; //} else { // this.callUrl = `${window.location.origin}/conference/${friendlyName}`; //} const emailMessage = `You can join me in the conference using a Web browser at ${this.callUrl} ` + 'or by using the freely available Sylk WebRTC client app at http://sylkserver.com'; const subject = 'Join me, maybe?'; this.emailLink = `mailto:?subject=${encodeURI(subject)}&body=${encodeURI(emailMessage)}`; this.overlayTimer = null; this.logEvent = {}; this.haveVideo = false; this.uploads = []; this.selectSpeaker = 1; this.foundContacts = new Map(); if (this.props.call) { this.lookupContact(this.props.call.localIdentity._uri, this.props.call.localIdentity._displayName); } [ 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug' ].forEach((level) => { this.logEvent[level] = ( (action, messages, originator) => { const log = this.state.eventLog.slice(); log.unshift({originator, originator, level: level, action: action, messages: messages}); this.setState({eventLog: log}); } ); }); this.invitedParticipants = new Map(); props.initialParticipants.forEach((uri) => { this.invitedParticipants.set(uri, {timestamp: Date.now(), status: 'Invited'}) this.lookupContact(uri); }); this.participantsTimer = setInterval(() => { this.updateParticipantsStatus(); }, 5000); } updateParticipantsStatus() { let participants_uris = []; this.state.participants.forEach((p) => { participants_uris.push(p.identity._uri); }); const invitedParties = Array.from(this.invitedParticipants.keys()); //console.log('Invited participants', invitedParties); //console.log('Current participants', participants_uris); let p; let interval; invitedParties.forEach((_uri) => { if (participants_uris.indexOf(_uri) > 0) { this.invitedParticipants.delete(_uri); } p = this.invitedParticipants.get(_uri); interval = Math.floor((Date.now() - p.timestamp) / 1000); console.log(_uri, 'was invited', interval, 'seconds ago'); if (interval >= 60) { this.invitedParticipants.delete(_uri); this.forceUpdate(); } if (p.status.indexOf('Invited') > -1) { if (interval > 45) { p.status = 'No answer'; } else { const dot = p.status.indexOf('.') > -1 ? '.' : ' .'; p.status = p.status + dot; } this.forceUpdate(); } }); } componentDidMount() { for (let p of this.state.participants) { p.on('stateChanged', this.onParticipantStateChanged); p.attach(); } this.props.call.on('participantJoined', this.onParticipantJoined); this.props.call.on('participantLeft', this.onParticipantLeft); this.props.call.on('roomConfigured', this.onConfigureRoom); this.props.call.on('fileSharing', this.onFileSharing); if (this.state.participants.length > 1) { this.armOverlayTimer(); } // attach to ourselves first if there are no other participants if (this.state.participants.length === 0) { setTimeout(() => { const item = { stream: this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0], identity: this.props.call.localIdentity }; this.selectVideo(item); }); } else { this.state.participants.forEach((p) => { if (p.identity._uri.search('guest.') === -1 && p.identity._uri !== this.props.call.localIdentity._uri) { // used for history item this.props.saveParticipant(this.props.call.id, this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0], p.identity._uri); this.lookupContact(p.identity._uri, p.identity._displayName); } }); // this.changeResolution(); } if (this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0].getVideoTracks().length !== 0) { this.haveVideo = true; } if (this.state.videoMuted) { console.log('Started video muted'); this._muteVideo(); } else { console.log('Started video active'); } } componentWillUnmount() { clearTimeout(this.overlayTimer); clearTimeout(this.participantsTimer); this.uploads.forEach((upload) => { this.props.notificationCenter().removeNotification(upload[1]); upload[0].abort(); }) } //getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, state) { UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.hasOwnProperty('muted')) { this.setState({audioMuted: nextProps.muted}); } if (nextProps.inFocus !== this.state.inFocus) { if (nextProps.inFocus) { if (!this.state.videoMutedbyUser) { this._resumeVideo(); } } else { this._muteVideo(); } this.setState({inFocus: nextProps.inFocus}); } if (nextProps.reconnectingCall !== this.state.reconnectingCall) { this.setState({reconnectingCall: nextProps.reconnectingCall}); } this.setState({terminated: nextProps.terminated}); } findObjectByKey(array, key, value) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i][key] === value) { return array[i]; } } return null; } lookupContact(uri, displayName) { let photo; let username = uri.split('@')[0]; if (this.props.contacts) { let username = uri.split('@')[0]; let isPhoneNumber = username.match(/^(\+|0)(\d+)$/); if (isPhoneNumber) { var contact_obj = this.findObjectByKey(this.props.contacts, 'remoteParty', username); } else { var contact_obj = this.findObjectByKey(this.props.contacts, 'remoteParty', uri); } if (contact_obj) { displayName = contact_obj.displayName; photo = contact_obj.photo; if (isPhoneNumber) { uri = username; } } else { if (isPhoneNumber) { uri = username; displayName = toTitleCase(username); } } } const c = {photo: photo, displayName: displayName || toTitleCase(username)}; this.foundContacts.set(uri, c) } onParticipantJoined(p) { DEBUG(`Participant joined: ${p.identity}`); if (p.identity._uri.search('guest.') === -1 && p.identity._uri !== this.props.call.localIdentity._uri) { // used for history item this.props.saveParticipant(this.props.call.id, this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0], p.identity._uri); } this.lookupContact(p.identity._uri, p.identity._displayName); if (this.invitedParticipants.has(p.identity._uri)) { this.invitedParticipants.delete(p.identity._uri); } // this.refs.audioPlayerParticipantJoined.play(); p.on('stateChanged', this.onParticipantStateChanged); p.attach(); this.setState({ participants: this.state.participants.concat([p]) }); // this.changeResolution(); if (this.state.participants.length > 1) { this.armOverlayTimer(); } else { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: true}); } } onParticipantLeft(p) { DEBUG(`Participant left: ${p.identity}`); // this.refs.audioPlayerParticipantLeft.play(); const participants = this.state.participants.slice(); const idx = participants.indexOf(p); if (idx !== -1) { participants.splice(idx, 1); this.setState({ participants: participants }); } p.detach(true); // this.changeResolution(); if (this.state.participants.length > 1) { this.armOverlayTimer(); } else { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: true}); } } onParticipantStateChanged(oldState, newState) { if (newState === 'established' || newState === null) { this.maybeSwitchLargeVideo(); } } onConfigureRoom(config) { const newState = {}; newState.activeSpeakers = config.activeParticipants; this.setState(newState); if (config.activeParticipants.length === 0) { this.logEvent.info('set speakers to', ['Nobody'], config.originator); } else { const speakers = config.activeParticipants.map((p) => {return p.identity.displayName || p.identity.uri}); this.logEvent.info('set speakers to', speakers, config.originator); } this.maybeSwitchLargeVideo(); } onFileSharing(files) { let stateFiles = this.state.sharedFiles; stateFiles = stateFiles.concat(files); this.setState({sharedFiles: stateFiles}); files.forEach((file)=>{ if (file.session !== this.props.call.id) { this.props.notificationCenter().postFileShared(file, this.showFiles); } }) } onVideoSelected(item) { const participants = this.state.participants.slice(); const idx = participants.indexOf(item); participants.splice(idx, 1); participants.unshift(item); if (item.videoPaused) { item.resumeVideo(); } this.setState({ participants: participants }); } changeResolution() { let stream = this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0]; if (this.state.participants.length < 2) { this.props.call.scaleLocalTrack(stream, 1.5); } else if (this.state.participants.length < 5) { this.props.call.scaleLocalTrack(stream, 2); } else { this.props.call.scaleLocalTrack(stream, 1); } } selectVideo(item) { DEBUG('Switching video to: %o', item); if (item.stream) { this.setState({selfDisplayedLarge: true, largeVideoStream: item.stream}); } } maybeSwitchLargeVideo() { // Switch the large video to another source, maybe. if (this.state.participants.length === 0 && !this.state.selfDisplayedLarge) { // none of the participants are eligible, show ourselves const item = { stream: this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0], identity: this.props.call.localIdentity }; this.selectVideo(item); } else if (this.state.selfDisplayedLarge) { this.setState({selfDisplayedLarge: false}); } } handleClipboardButton() { utils.copyToClipboard(this.callUrl); this.props.notificationCenter().postSystemNotification('Join me, maybe?', {body: 'Link copied to the clipboard'}); this.setState({shareOverlayVisible: false}); } handleEmailButton(event) { // if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > 0) { // let emailWindow = window.open(this.emailLink, '_blank'); // setTimeout(() => { // emailWindow.close(); // }, 500); // } else { // window.open(this.emailLink, '_self'); // } this.setState({shareOverlayVisible: false}); } handleShareOverlayEntered() { this.setState({shareOverlayVisible: true}); } handleShareOverlayExited() { this.setState({shareOverlayVisible: false}); } handleActiveSpeakerSelected(participant, secondVideo=false) { // eslint-disable-line space-infix-ops let newActiveSpeakers = this.state.activeSpeakers.slice(); if (secondVideo) { if (participant.id !== 'none') { if (newActiveSpeakers.length >= 1) { newActiveSpeakers[1] = participant; } else { newActiveSpeakers[0] = participant; } } else { newActiveSpeakers.splice(1,1); } } else { if (participant.id !== 'none') { newActiveSpeakers[0] = participant; } else { newActiveSpeakers.shift(); } } this.props.call.configureRoom(newActiveSpeakers.map((element) => element.publisherId), (error) => { if (error) { // This causes a state update, hence the drawer lists update this.logEvent.error('set speakers failed', [], this.localIdentity); } }); } handleDrop(files) { DEBUG('Dropped file %o', files); this.uploadFiles(files); }; handleFiles(e) { DEBUG('Selected files %o', e.target.files); this.uploadFiles(e.target.files); event.target.value = ''; } toggleSpeakerSelection() { this.setState({showSpeakerSelection: !this.state.showSpeakerSelection}); } startSpeakerSelection(number) { this.selectSpeaker = number; this.toggleSpeakerSelection(); } uploadFiles(files) { for (var key in files) { // is the item a File? if (files.hasOwnProperty(key) && files[key] instanceof File) { let uploadRequest; let complete = false; const filename = files[key].name let progressNotification = this.props.notificationCenter().postFileUploadProgress( filename, (notification) => { if (!complete) { uploadRequest.abort(); this.uploads.splice(this.uploads.indexOf(uploadRequest), 1); } } ); uploadRequest = superagent .post(`${config.fileSharingUrl}/${this.props.remoteUri}/${this.props.call.id}/${filename}`) .send(files[key]) .on('progress', (e) => { this.props.notificationCenter().editFileUploadNotification(e.percent, progressNotification); }) .end((err, response) => { complete = true; this.props.notificationCenter().removeFileUploadNotification(progressNotification); if (err) { this.props.notificationCenter().postFileUploadFailed(filename); } this.uploads.splice(this.uploads.indexOf(uploadRequest), 1); }); this.uploads.push([uploadRequest, progressNotification]); } } } downloadFile(filename) { // const a = document.createElement('a'); // a.href = `${config.fileSharingUrl}/${this.props.remoteUri}/${this.props.call.id}/${filename}`; // a.target = '_blank'; // a.download = filename; // const clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); // clickEvent.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, // clickEvent.screenX, clickEvent.screenY, clickEvent.clientX, clickEvent.clientY, // clickEvent.ctrlKey, clickEvent.altKey, clickEvent.shiftKey, clickEvent.metaKey, // 0, null); // a.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } preventOverlay(event) { // Stop the overlay when we are the thumbnail bar event.stopPropagation(); } muteAudio(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.props.toggleMute(this.props.call.id, !this.state.audioMuted); } toggleCamera(event) { event.preventDefault(); const localStream = this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0]; if (localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) { const track = localStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; track._switchCamera(); } } muteVideo(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.state.videoMuted) { this._resumeVideo(); this.setState({videoMutedbyUser: false}); } else { this.setState({videoMutedbyUser: true}); this._muteVideo(); } } _muteVideo() { const localStream = this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0]; if (localStream && localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) { const track = localStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; if (!this.state.videoMuted) { DEBUG('Mute camera'); track.enabled = false; this.setState({videoMuted: true}); } } } _resumeVideo() { const localStream = this.props.call.getLocalStreams()[0]; if (localStream && localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) { const track = localStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; if (this.state.videoMuted) { DEBUG('Resume camera'); track.enabled = true; this.setState({videoMuted: false}); } } } hangup(event) { event.preventDefault(); for (let participant of this.state.participants) { participant.detach(); } this.props.hangup('user_hangup_conference'); } armOverlayTimer() { if (this.props.audioOnly) { return; } clearTimeout(this.overlayTimer); this.overlayTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: false}); }, 4000); } showOverlay() { if (this.props.audioOnly) { return; } // if (!this.state.shareOverlayVisible && !this.state.showDrawer && !this.state.showFiles) { // if (!this.state.callOverlayVisible) { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: !this.state.callOverlayVisible}); // } // this.armOverlayTimer(); // } } toggleInviteModal() { this.setState({showInviteModal: !this.state.showInviteModal}); } toggleDrawer() { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: true, showDrawer: !this.state.showDrawer, showFiles: false, showSpeakerSelection: false}); clearTimeout(this.overlayTimer); } toggleFiles() { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: true, showFiles: !this.state.showFiles, showDrawer: false}); clearTimeout(this.overlayTimer); } showFiles() { this.setState({callOverlayVisible: true, showFiles: true, showDrawer: false}); clearTimeout(this.overlayTimer); } inviteParticipants(uris) { this.props.call.inviteParticipants(uris); uris.forEach((uri) => { uri = uri.replace(/ /g, ''); if (this.props.call.localIdentity._uri === uri) { return; } this.invitedParticipants.set(uri, {timestamp: Date.now(), status: 'Invited'}) this.props.saveParticipant(this.props.call.id, this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0], uri); this.lookupContact(uri); }); this.forceUpdate() } render() { if (this.props.call === null) { return (); } let watermark; const largeVideoClasses = classNames({ 'animated' : true, 'fadeIn' : true, 'large' : true, 'mirror' : !this.props.call.sharingScreen && !this.props.generatedVideoTrack, 'fit' : this.props.call.sharingScreen }); let matrixClasses = classNames({ 'matrix' : true }); const containerClasses = classNames({ 'video-container': true, 'conference': true, 'drawer-visible': this.state.showDrawer || this.state.showFiles }); const remoteUri = this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0]; // const shareOverlay = ( // // // // // Invite other online users of this service, share this link with others or email, so they can easily join this conference. // // // // // // // // // // // // ); const buttons = {}; // const commonButtonTopClasses = classNames({ // 'btn' : true, // 'btn-link' : true // }); // const fullScreenButtonIcons = classNames({ // 'fa' : true, // 'fa-2x' : true, // 'fa-expand' : !this.isFullScreen(), // 'fa-compress' : this.isFullScreen() // }); const topButtons = []; // if (!this.state.showFiles) { // if (this.state.sharedFiles.length !== 0) { // topButtons.push( // // // // ); // } // } if (!this.state.showDrawer) { topButtons.push(); } buttons.top = {right: topButtons}; const muteButtonIcons = this.state.audioMuted ? 'microphone-off' : 'microphone'; const muteVideoButtonIcons = this.state.videoMuted ? 'video-off' : 'video'; const buttonClass = (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? styles.iosButton : styles.androidButton; const bottomButtons = []; if (!this.state.reconnectingCall) { bottomButtons.push( ); } if (this.haveVideo) { bottomButtons.push( ); } bottomButtons.push( ); if (this.haveVideo) { bottomButtons.push( ); } if (!this.state.reconnectingCall) { bottomButtons.push( ) // bottomButtons.push( // // // // ); } bottomButtons.push( ); buttons.bottom = bottomButtons; const audioParticipants = []; let _contact; let _identity; let participants_uris = []; if (this.props.audioOnly) { _contact = this.foundContacts.get(this.props.call.localIdentity._uri); _identity = {uri: this.props.call.localIdentity._uri, displayName: _contact.displayName, photo: _contact.photo }; participants_uris.push(this.props.call.localIdentity._uri); audioParticipants.push( ); this.state.participants.forEach((p) => { _contact = this.foundContacts.get(p.identity._uri); _identity = {uri: p.identity._uri.indexOf('@guest') > -1 ? 'From the web': p.identity._uri, displayName: (_contact && _contact.displayName != p.identity._displayName) ? _contact.displayName : p.identity._displayName, photo: _contact ? _contact.photo: null }; participants_uris.push(p.identity._uri); audioParticipants.push( ); }); const invitedParties = Array.from(this.invitedParticipants.keys()); let p; invitedParties.forEach((_uri) => { if (participants_uris.indexOf(_uri) > 0) { return; } p = this.invitedParticipants.get(_uri); _contact = this.foundContacts.get(_uri); _identity = {uri: _uri, displayName: (_contact && _contact.displayName ) ? _contact.displayName : _uri, photo: _contact ? _contact.photo: null }; audioParticipants.push( ); }); return ( {audioParticipants} {return p.identity.uri})} close={this.toggleInviteModal} room={this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0]} defaultDomain = {this.props.defaultDomain} + accountId = {this.props.call.localIdentity._uri} notificationCenter = {this.props.notificationCenter} /> {drawerParticipants} ); } const participants = []; const drawerParticipants = []; if (this.state.participants.length > 0) { if (this.state.activeSpeakers.findIndex((element) => {return element.id === this.props.call.id}) === -1) { participants.push( ); } } drawerParticipants.push( ); let videos = []; if (this.state.participants.length === 0) { videos.push( ); } else { const activeSpeakers = this.state.activeSpeakers; const activeSpeakersCount = activeSpeakers.length; if (activeSpeakersCount > 0) { activeSpeakers.forEach((p) => { videos.push( ); }); this.state.participants.forEach((p) => { if (this.state.activeSpeakers.indexOf(p) === -1) { participants.push( {}} pauseVideo={true} display={false} /> ); } drawerParticipants.push( ); }); } else { this.state.participants.forEach((p, idx) => { videos.push( = 4) || (idx >= 2 && this.props.isTablet === false)} isLandscape={this.props.isLandscape} isTablet={this.props.isTablet} useTwoRows={this.state.participants.length > 2} /> ); if (idx >= 4 || idx >= 2 && this.props.isTablet === false) { participants.push( ); } drawerParticipants.push( ); }); } } // let filesDrawerContent = ( // // ); return ( {videos} {participants} {return p.identity.uri})} close={this.toggleInviteModal} room={this.props.remoteUri.split('@')[0]} defaultDomain = {this.props.defaultDomain} notificationCenter = {this.props.notificationCenter} /> {drawerParticipants} ); } } ConferenceBox.propTypes = { notificationCenter : PropTypes.func.isRequired, call : PropTypes.object, connection : PropTypes.object, hangup : PropTypes.func, saveParticipant : PropTypes.func, previousParticipants: PropTypes.array, remoteUri : PropTypes.string, generatedVideoTrack : PropTypes.bool, toggleMute : PropTypes.func, toggleSpeakerPhone : PropTypes.func, speakerPhoneEnabled : PropTypes.bool, isLandscape : PropTypes.bool, isTablet : PropTypes.bool, muted : PropTypes.bool, defaultDomain : PropTypes.string, inFocus : PropTypes.bool, reconnectingCall : PropTypes.bool, audioOnly : PropTypes.bool, contacts : PropTypes.array, initialParticipants : PropTypes.array }; export default ConferenceBox; diff --git a/app/components/InviteParticipantsModal.js b/app/components/InviteParticipantsModal.js index 87ad002..feaabeb 100644 --- a/app/components/InviteParticipantsModal.js +++ b/app/components/InviteParticipantsModal.js @@ -1,181 +1,177 @@ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import autoBind from 'auto-bind'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import { Dialog, Portal, Text, Button, Surface, TextInput, IconButton} from 'react-native-paper'; import KeyboardAwareDialog from './KeyBoardAwareDialog'; import { openComposer } from 'react-native-email-link'; import Share from 'react-native-share'; const DialogType = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? KeyboardAwareDialog : Dialog; import config from '../config'; import styles from '../assets/styles/blink/_InviteParticipantsModal.scss'; import utils from '../utils'; class InviteParticipantsModal extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); autoBind(this); - //console.log('currentParticipants', this.props.currentParticipants); - //console.log('previousParticipants', this.props.previousParticipants); + let difference = this.props.previousParticipants.filter(x => !this.props.currentParticipants.includes(x)); - //console.log('difference1', difference); - difference = difference.filter(x => !this.props.alreadyInvitedParticipants.includes(x)); - //console.log('difference2', difference); - //console.log('alreadyInvitedParticipants', this.props.alreadyInvitedParticipants); + difference = difference.filter(x => !this.props.alreadyInvitedParticipants.includes(x) && x !== this.props.accountId); this.state = { participants: difference.toString(), previousParticipants: this.props.previousParticipants, currentParticipants: this.props.currentParticipants, roomUrl: config.publicUrl + '/conference/' + this.props.room } } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.hasOwnProperty('muted')) { this.setState({audioMuted: nextProps.muted}); } let difference = nextProps.previousParticipants.filter(x => !nextProps.currentParticipants.includes(x)); - difference = difference.filter(x => !nextProps.alreadyInvitedParticipants.includes(x)); + difference = difference.filter(x => !nextProps.alreadyInvitedParticipants.includes(x) && x !== this.props.accountId); this.setState({ participants: difference.toString(), alreadyInvitedParticipants: nextProps.alreadyInvitedParticipants, previousParticipants: nextProps.previousParticipants, currentParticipants: nextProps.currentParticipants }); } handleClipboardButton(event) { utils.copyToClipboard(this.state.roomUrl); this.props.notificationCenter().postSystemNotification('Join conference', {body: 'Conference address copied to clipboard'}); this.props.close(); } handleEmailButton(event) { const emailMessage = 'You can join the conference using a Web browser at ' + this.state.roomUrl + ' or by using Sylk client app from https://sylkserver.com'; const subject = 'Join conference, maybe?'; openComposer({ subject, body: emailMessage }) this.props.close(); } handleShareButton(event) { const subject = 'Join conference, maybe?'; const message = 'You can join the conference using a Web browser at ' + this.state.roomUrl + ' or by using Sylk client app from https://sylkserver.com'; let options= { subject: subject, message: message } Share.open(options) .then((res) => { this.props.close(); }) .catch((err) => { this.props.close(); }); } invite(event) { event.preventDefault(); const uris = []; if (this.state.participants) { this.state.participants.split(',').forEach((item) => { item = item.trim(); if (item.indexOf('@') === -1) { item = `${item}@${this.props.defaultDomain}`; } uris.push(item); }); } if (uris) { this.props.inviteParticipants(uris); this.setState({participants: null}); } this.props.close(); } onInputChange(value) { this.setState({participants: value}); } render() { - return ( Invite to conference Share the conference link: ); } } InviteParticipantsModal.propTypes = { notificationCenter : PropTypes.func.isRequired, show: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, close: PropTypes.func.isRequired, inviteParticipants: PropTypes.func, currentParticipants: PropTypes.array, previousParticipants: PropTypes.array, alreadyInvitedParticipants: PropTypes.array, room: PropTypes.string, - defaultDomain: PropTypes.string + defaultDomain: PropTypes.string, + accountId: PropTypes.string }; export default InviteParticipantsModal;