diff --git a/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/push.py b/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/push.py index 543bf5c..c3db0ef 100644 --- a/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/push.py +++ b/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/push.py @@ -1,86 +1,88 @@ import json from sipsimple.util import ISOTimestamp from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.web.client import Agent from twisted.web.iweb import IBodyProducer from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers from zope.interface import implementer from sylk.applications.webrtcgateway.configuration import GeneralConfig from sylk.applications.webrtcgateway.logger import log __all__ = ['incoming_session', 'missed_session'] agent = Agent(reactor) headers = Headers({'User-Agent': ['SylkServer'], 'Content-Type': ['application/json'], 'Authorization': ['key=%s' % GeneralConfig.firebase_server_key]}) FIREBASE_API_URL = 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' @implementer(IBodyProducer) class StringProducer(object): def __init__(self, data): self.body = data self.length = len(data) def startProducing(self, consumer): consumer.write(self.body) return defer.succeed(None) def pauseProducing(self): pass def stopProducing(self): pass def incoming_session(originator, destination, tokens): for token in tokens: data = {'to': token, 'notification': {}, 'data': {'sylkrtc': {}}, 'content_available': True } data['notification']['body'] = 'Incoming session from %s' % originator data['priority'] = 'high' data['time_to_live'] = 60 # don't deliver if phone is out for over a minute data['data']['sylkrtc']['event'] = 'incoming_session' data['data']['sylkrtc']['originator'] = originator data['data']['sylkrtc']['destination'] = destination data['data']['sylkrtc']['timestamp'] = str(ISOTimestamp.now()) _send_push_notification(json.dumps(data)) def missed_session(originator, destination, tokens): for token in tokens: data = {'to': token, 'notification': {}, 'data': {'sylkrtc': {}}, 'content_available': True } data['notification']['body'] = 'Missed session from %s' % originator data['priority'] = 'high' # No TTL, default is 4 weeks data['data']['sylkrtc']['event'] = 'missed_session' data['data']['sylkrtc']['originator'] = originator data['data']['sylkrtc']['destination'] = destination data['data']['sylkrtc']['timestamp'] = str(ISOTimestamp.now()) _send_push_notification(json.dumps(data)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _send_push_notification(payload): if GeneralConfig.firebase_server_key: try: r = yield agent.request('POST', FIREBASE_API_URL, headers, StringProducer(payload)) except Exception, e: log.msg('Error sending Firebase message: %s', e) else: if r.code != 200: log.warn('Error sending Firebase message: %s' % r.phrase) + else: + log.info("Pushed FCM {0[data][sylkrtc][event]} event for {0[data][sylkrtc][destination]}".format(payload)) else: log.warn('Cannot send push notification: no Firebase server key configured') diff --git a/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/storage.py b/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/storage.py index 1dc12c5..728e3b1 100644 --- a/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/storage.py +++ b/sylk/applications/webrtcgateway/storage.py @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ __all__ = ['TokenStorage'] import cPickle as pickle import os from application.python.types import Singleton from collections import defaultdict from sipsimple.threading import run_in_thread +from sylk.applications.webrtcgateway.logger import log from sylk.configuration import ServerConfig # TODO: This implementation is a prototype. It should be refactored to store tokens in a # distributed DB so other SylkServer instances can access them. Also add some metadata # like the modification date so we know when a token was refreshed, and thus it's ok to # scrap it after a reasonable amount of time. class TokenStorage(object): __metaclass__ = Singleton def __init__(self): self._tokens = defaultdict(set) @run_in_thread('file-io') def _save(self): with open(os.path.join(ServerConfig.spool_dir, 'webrtc_device_tokens'), 'wb+') as f: pickle.dump(self._tokens, f) @run_in_thread('file-io') def load(self): try: tokens = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(ServerConfig.spool_dir, 'webrtc_device_tokens'), 'rb')) except Exception: pass else: self._tokens.update(tokens) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._tokens[key] def add(self, account, token): + log.info("Added FCM token {!s} for account {}".format(token, account)) self._tokens[account].add(token) self._save() def remove(self, account, token): + log.info("Removed FCM token {!s} for account {}".format(token, account)) self._tokens[account].discard(token) self._save()