diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index 226b9ae..e03d6c6 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -1,499 +1,720 @@ +sylkserver (5.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium + + * [webrtcgateway] Removed bogus attributes + * [webrtcgateway] Fixed exception handling for validating json model + * [webrtcgateway] Cleanup accounts when the client connection is lost + * Removed data duplication and inconsistent attributes + * Fixed argument types + * Moved DNS lookup log message to debug level + * Simplified building the result of the DNS lookup + * Simplified and fixed DNS lookup when no outbound proxy is involved + * Generalized sylkrtc json model mapping + * Removed unnecessary default value + * Avoid duplicate indexing when getting the data + * Use python3 compatible form for except statements + * Avoid unnecessary attach/detach in janus if DNS lookup fails + * Added debug_level setting to ServerConfig + * Added ability to toggle between configured log level and debug at runtime + * Removed unused import and order imports alphabetically + * Set videoroom bitrate to overwrite janus' low default of 256Kb/s + * Added API call to allow a client to update session parameters on the fly + * Register atexit handler to dump memory debug info + * Simplified and enhanced application loading/accessing code + * Fixed spurious SIPApplicationWillStart post and handling early stop + * The __init__ method should not return any value + * Made policy matching logic consistent and simplified code + * Refactored logging + - Updated code to use the new logging features from python-application. + - Rewrote system logging to be more readable and easier to interpret. + - Implemented trace loggers based on notifications to separate and + isolate them from the code that generates the trace log events. + - Added a trace logger for DNS lookups. + * Added bitrate and video_codec configuration options for video rooms + * Fully cleanup the connection handler resources when client disconnects + * Simplified getting the session with the handle_id + * Rewrote VideoRoomSessionContainer to not use weak references. + When sessions were removed from the container, there was no guarantee + that there was no other reference to them somewhere else in the code, + which would cause dangling id-to-session mappings to be kept around + in the container for undetermined periods of time. + * Renamed VideoRoomSessionContainer to SessionContainer + * Fixed order of operations during ConnectionHandler cleanup + * Added PublisherFeedContainer class for holding videoroom publisher feeds + * Use SessionContainer to hold SIP sessions instead of using 2 mappings + * Provide more context in log messages to identify where they're generated + * Changed default max_bitrate value from 4Mb/s to 2Mb/s + * Automatically adjust participant bitrate based on number of participants + * Do not warn about missing session (it might've been destroyed elsewhere) + * Do session cleanup after all processing + * Separated session hangup event handler + * Simplified handling hangup events as they do not have an associated code + * Eliminated delays when deleting sessions and video rooms + * Avoid an unnecessary base session lookup + * Verify that the detached feed belongs to the requester + * Use dict constructors instead of dict literals for readability + * Fixed race condition when deleting SIP session + * Fixed exception while deleting subscriber sessions during hangup events + * Use discard as session might not be yet added to the video room + * Handle JanusError exceptions and relay errors back to client + * Properly release resources when getting JanusError exceptions + * Do not treat DNS lookup errors as API errors + * Fixed invite to conference to not include oneself + * Simplified finding the invited accounts + * Made method for handling conference invites public + * Made VideoRoomContainer consistent by not relying on weak references + * Moved video room access validation from ConnectionHandler to VideoRoom + * Simplified building request data for SIP calls and registrations + * Removed unnecessary room attribute + * Simplified code and increased readability + * Unified handling of exceptions for the video room join operation + * Send back error responses for videoroom-ctl requests with missing fields + * Use modern syntax for catching exceptions + * Improved PEP-8 compliance + * Removed copyright notice from script + * Updated license + * Use the actual config type and file to find out which files are read + * Improved some log messages + * Do not log traceback twice + * Removed duplication of startup error handling + * Added run method on SylkServer + * Use SylkServer.run to decouple from SylkServer's internals + * Refactored startup script and configuration handling + - Removed command line option to specify the pid + - Removed command line option to specify the main configuration file + - Added a command line option to specify the configuration directory + - Added a command line option to specify the runtime directory + - The main configuration file name is now immutable (config.ini) + - The pid file name is immutable (sylk-server.pid) + - All configuration files are now treated consistently + - Properly read both local and system wide configurations + - Do not initialize the runtime directory when not forking + * Simplified the setup.py script and improved PEP-8 compliance + * Added requirement on the jsonmodels python package + * Do not split statements over multiple lines when not needed + * Improve validator efficiency by using objects with a validate method + * Do not use slow regular expression for validating SIP URIs + * Fixed finding resources when forking and started with a relative path + * Log the resources directory on startup + * Better names for some of the json model classes + * Added LimitedChoiceField for json models + * Replaced emdash HTML code with the actual character + * Use a local copy of bootstrap.min.css + * Updated authors and sponsors + * Split videoroom-ctl handler into subhandlers per option + * Simplified getting static web resources for webrtcgateway + * Make the web resource available as a property + * Fixed handling ack messages + * Simplified getting the result from janus messages + * Added support for setting the active participants in a room + * Log unhandled exception details + * Only update active participants if different + * Added UniqueStringListField JSON model field type + * Moved normalization of the active participant list to the JSON model + * Use the UniqueStringListField type for the invited participants + * Split operation handlers into request and event handlers + * Moved boilerplate code out of the request handlers + * Moved general exception handling into operation handlers + * Wait for the connection to be ready once before processing operations + * Added generic sylkrtc request to model mapper + * Simplified instantiating sylkrtc models from requests + * Removed code that was never reached + * Restructured code to avoid unnecessary extra return statements + * Removed unnecessary additional private method + * Fixed race condition when a connection handler is stopped while starting + * Fixed race condition when cleaning up a connection handler while stopping + * Removed unnecessary partial function + * Simplified keepalive callback + * Simplified webrtcgateway package structure + * Removed unnecessary references to the janus backend everywhere + * Renamed attribute to better reflect its function + * Renamed some arguments and variables for clarity + * Refactored sending keepalives to be internal to the protocol + * Simplified stopping the keepalive timer + * Grouped public/private API methods together + * Explicitly added protocol methods to JanusBackend + * Removed redundant namespace prefix + * Optimized code to only send keepalive messages when necessary + * Simplified code sending janus requests + * Do not allow request arguments to overwrite core attributes + * Do not attempt to send messages after the connection was closed + * Fixed return value from deferred callback + * Fixed error with cancelling already called timer + * Replaced dependency on python-jsonmodels with internal module + The jsonobjects module was written to replace the functionality + provided by jsonmodels while offering the following advantages: + - More than 10 times faster + - Much lower memory footprint + - No need for manual validation + - Objects are validated on creation and every time they are modified + - Guaranteed data consistency throughout the lifetime of the objects + - JSON arrays are first class objects allowing them to be used standalone + - JSON arrays can be embedded alowing for multi-dimensional arrays + - JSON arrays can define both item and array level validators + - Better semantics for optional properties and default values + * Added ConnectionHandler.send method to replace notify and _send_response + * Renamed VideoRoom to Videoroom in class names + * Refactored client API to simplify it and make it consistent + * Simplified AbstractProperty getter + * Improved data extraction speed by a factor of 2 + * Have the 'in' operator to check if a property is defined in a JSONObject + * Fixed code formatting warnings + * Removed unnecessary class + * Removed unnecessary util.py module + * Optimized returned value + * Allow LimitedChoiceProperty to be optional and have a default value + * Keep all internal SIP URIs as AORs for consistency + * Moved FixedValueProperty and LimitedChoiceProperty to jsonobjects.py + * Moved validators to validators.py + * Added DisplayNameValidator that removes optional quotes + * Added type hinting for sylkrtc models + * Fixed DisplayNameValidator to work with empty names + * Use JSON models to encode/decode messages to/from Janus + - Encapsulated Janus session and plugin handle functionality to classes + - Simplified generating Janus requests and processing Janus replies + - Correctly handle Janus errors sent as error events in success replies + - Split Janus event handlers to improve readability and maintability + - Moved data validation to the JSON model validators + * Use UTC timestamps in push notifications. + The local timezone of sylkserver is both irrelevant for the client that + receives the push notification and it's also 20 times slower to generate + a server local timestamp than a UTC timestamp (115us vs 6us) + * Use JSON models for Firebase push notifications + * Added method to send conference invite push notifications + * Renamed push notification methods from xyz_session to xyz_call + * Simplified signature for the push notification functions + * Fixed race condition with cleaning subscriber sessions in conferences + * Split debian dependencies one per line + * Removed dependency on dummy package + * Removed unnecessary version dependencies + * Updated debian package description + * Improve performance for push notifications by reusing the request + * Log push notifications at DEBUG level + * Avoid composing log message unless needed + * Use log.warning instead of its alias log.warn + * Updated python-application version dependency + * Updated dependency list in the INSTALL file + * Use default sound for push notifications + * Send push notifications for conference invite events + * Use relative imports for webrtcgateway + * Adjusted the WebRTC gateway URL in the sample configuration + * Fixed URL class to not mangle template variable + * Adjusted conference welcome message + * Fixed sending ACK to the wrong address by SofiaSIP + * Ignore the Janus SIP plugin ringing event for now + * Ignore the Janus SIP plugin progress event for now + * Fixed matching empty file:// origins with the latest autobahn + * Moved debian dependency to the proper package + * Drop support for autobahn older than 0.12 + * Removed deprecated pycompat/pyversions files + * Removed unnecessary .PHONY target + * Removed code that prevented sylkserver from restarting on upgrades + * Do not install janus configuration files with sylkserver-webrtc-gateway + * Removed defaults file + * Allow sylkserver to leave a core file when run by systemd + * Removed build dependency on obsolete package + * Increased debian compatibility to 11 + * Synced MANIFEST.in file with latest file changes + * Rename .ini.sample files to .ini in the debian package + * Fixed corrupted sound file names in the deb if name contains spaces + + -- Dan Pascu Fri, 05 Oct 2018 21:50:21 +0300 + sylkserver (4.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Mention implemented standards for WebRTC video conferencing * Improve logging of WebRTC gateway and video conference applications * Added per video room access control and recording options * Fix settings the recording folder for video conference recordings * Fixed chatroom capabilities * Changed codec order * Changed sample rate to favor opus * Adjusted sample config with latest default values * webrtcgw: improved logging of incoming connections * webrtcgw: initial implementation of push notifications framework * webrtcgw: fix sample configuration file * webrtcgw: reorganized package * webrtcgw: fix for AutoBahn API change * webrtcgw: simplify ICE state flags * webrtcgw: uncomment log lines * webrtcgw: set content_available to True for FCM notifications * Capture validation errors when building requests * The new_token field is not required for the account-devicetoken request * Added extra logging to help debug device token handling * Increased debian compatibility level to 9 * Increased debian standards version * Updated debian package maintainer * Added debian dependency on lsb-base * Adjusted debian package's descriptions * Updated boring file -- Dan Pascu Fri, 20 Jan 2017 11:36:01 +0200 sylkserver (4.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium * webrtc: add multi-party video conferencing capability * webrtc: separate Janus event handlers per plugin * webrtc: refactor JanusSessionInfo * webrtc: reorganize API module * webrtc: update builtin HTML description page * core: add support for TLS certificate chains for the builtin web server * echo: refactor application * conference: advertise call-by-uri WebRTC URIs * conference: don't advertise XMPP support by default * conference: advertise other means to join a room also when in bonjour mode -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 12 Oct 2016 08:43:02 +0200 sylkserver (3.3.0) unstable; urgency=medium * webrtcgateway: refactor API message handling * webrtcgateway: reorganize models * webrtcgateway: add support for setting account display name * webrtcgateway: remove obsolete sylkrtc test application * webrtcgateway: add ability to customize User Agent * Raised Janus version dependency * Update Janus configuration -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:55:33 +0100 sylkserver (3.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix per-room pstn_access_numbers setting * Fixup leftover old streams API usage * webrtcgateway: skip 'detached' event * Update references, some of the drafts are now RFCs * Fix overriding local_uri for MSRP streams * Fix sending XMPP messages after API changes * Fix method name * webrtcgateway: enable WebSocket pinging * Un-vendor Klein * Disable i/o buffering when running with systemd * Fix access to MediaStreamRegistry after SDK upgrade * Make the Jingle MediaStreamRegistry analogous to the SIP one * Catch exceptions when accepting incoming subscriptions * Don't set GnuTLS compression parameters * Adapt to API changes in SIPThor * Several code style improvements * Log errors when setting up streams in new_from_sdp * Remove mismatched HTML closing tag * Handle parsing errors for is-composing payload * Reject incoming sessions with a Replaces header * Fixed compatibility with AutoBahn >= 0.12 * webrtcgateway: enable optional SRTP-SDES for outgoing calls * Adapted to changes in SIPSIMPLE SDK 3.0.0 * Update INSTALL * Use collections.Counter instead of a custom defaultdict * Simplified logic for starting server * Added command line option for memory debugging * Adapt to transpoert API change in Jingle streams * Use new notification to listen for Engine failures * Forcefully exit if we fail to start TLS * Join the Engine thread just for 5 seconds * xmppgateway: fix unicode error when sending MSRP chunks -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 08 Mar 2016 13:01:10 +0100 sylkserver (3.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Fixed default web port in sample config file * Terminate connections if backend goes down * webrtc: fix navbar rounded corners in test app * Update bundled sylkrtc.js library * webrtc: show remote party in test app * Improve error messages for API call errors * Exit with a a non-zero exit code if engine failed * Update README with WebRTC related information * Added 'missed_session' event * Added webrtc_gateway_url settings for conference rooms * Adapt to changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Raised python-sipsimple dependency * Updated Janus config to match new version * Raised Janus version dependency * webrtc: add display name support for incoming and missed calls -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 04 Dec 2015 12:52:26 +0100 sylkserver (3.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * webrtc: mute local video in test application * Adjust web port in configuration example * Fix installing default certificates also in /usr/share/ -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 04 Sep 2015 12:32:22 +0200 sylkserver (3.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Added WebRTC gateway application * Switch to using listenSSL * Make main web server logging less verbose * Fix initializing Path datatype * Rework how services are published in SIPThor * Install all sample configuration files * xmppgateway: make factories not noisy * Add systemd unit file * Improved Debian package creation * Added build dependency on dh-python -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:41:06 +0200 sylkserver (2.10.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Added missing dependency on python-werkzeug -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 16 Jun 2015 15:50:52 +0200 sylkserver (2.10.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Add global web server that applications can tap into * Refactor web capabilities of conference application * Make loading and starting applications more resilient * Log exceptions when initializing/starting/stopping applications * Log application map on startup * Reorganized some code in the echo application * Fix building FileSelector objects out of RoomFile objects * Fixed using undefined variable -- Saul Ibarra Mon, 15 Jun 2015 16:17:26 +0200 sylkserver (2.9.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Add spool_dir setting * Simplify SylkServer's stream subclasses * Stop the session manager first when shutting down * Adapt to API changes in MSRPlib * Refactor file transfers to match API changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 29 Apr 2015 14:17:42 +0200 sylkserver (2.9.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Added ZRTP and opportunistic encryption support * Adapt to changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Add python-lxml as a direct dependency * Relax XMPP - SIP URI marching * Accept any content type in echo application * Support inlined images in the conference application * Add setting for toggling presence activity logging (xmppgateway) * Refactored path handling and TLS certificate location * Simplify default paths for resources in /var * Add ability to skip the isfocus parameter when publishing a Bonjour service * Publish echo application on Bonjour if enabled * Publish playback application on Bonjour if enabled * Change default directory for conference file transfers * Tag all messages sent by the room as status messages * Publish every Bonjour service with a different id -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 17 Mar 2015 09:28:54 +0100 sylkserver (2.8.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Add a custom Session class * Added setting for toggling ICE support * Add advertised_ip setting * Use the specified IP address both for signaling and media * Enhance playback application * Adapt to latest SDK API changes * Don't advertise the default conference on Bonjour if it's not the default application * Add ability to find applications by name to ApplicationRegistry * Log default application on start * Use if the local address could not be determined * Refactor managing the single account SylkServer currently uses * Rename sylk.extensions to sylk.streams * Refactored WelcomeHandler in conference application * Use the specified IP address both for signaling and media * Allow user-part only matching on playback application * Don't manually create the Contact header when not needed * Fix JingleSession and adapt audio streams to API changes * Strip HTML in IRCconference application * Fix handling XMPP stanzas sent to a bare JID when the session was bound -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:21:10 +0100 sylkserver (2.7.2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix setting local IP address * Null doesn't need to be instantiated -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:34:21 +0200 sylkserver (2.7.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix variable name -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:07:13 +0200 sylkserver (2.7.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Added setting to set the hostname for conference room screen sharing URL * Fix race condition when initializing TLS transport * Fixed streams API usage after changes in SIPSIMPLE SDK * Fix handling cancelled proposals * Added display_name attribute to conference rooms * Simplify loading room configuration * Cleanup old room files on startup * Use '.log' as the extension for log files * Added logrotate file * Raised python-sipsimple version dependency -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:12:45 +0200 sylkserver (2.6.2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fixed resource leak in playback application * Refactored welcome prompt playback for ircconference application -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:26:23 +0200 sylkserver (2.6.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Adjust Session to changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Adapted server startup to changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Send REPORT chunks automatically for keep-alive chunks * Log SIP SIMPLE SDK version * Raised python-sipsimple version dependency -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 21 May 2014 15:13:43 +0200 sylkserver (2.6.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Fixed issues when shutting down the Engine * Fixed generating is-composing payload when refresh is not set * Accept multiple PSTN numbers for a given conference room * Use better API for building is-composing payload * Avoid unnecessary processing when dealing with CPIMIdentity objects * Simplified history storage in conference app * Simplified code for handling proposal failures * Simplified code for starting/stopping SylkServer * Renamed incoming_sip_message to incoming_message * Use the new NetworkConditionsDidChange notification * Bumped Debian Standards-Version * Raised python-sipsimple version dependency -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:54:21 +0100 sylkserver (2.5.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Adapted to API changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Added option to dump core in case of a crash * Fixed dispatching messages when in bonjour mode * Limit session in echo application to 10 minutes * Skip broadcasting OTR messages * Reworked server stop mechanism * Removed obsolete sound files and fixed co_there_is prompt * Fixed removing observer if notification is processed too late -- Saul Ibarra Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:36:07 +0100 sylkserver (2.5.0) unstable; urgency=low * Adapted to changes in latest SIP SIMPLE SDK * Added playback application * Enabled Opus codec by default * Added setting for sample rate, defaults to 32 kHz * Advertise PSTN and XMPP access in conference rooms * Replaced prompts with higher quality ones * Fixed initializing PJSIP's internal resolver * Don't use signal.pause to pause the main thread * Always disable echo canceller * Improved logging * Ignore audio device change notifications * Removed dependency on python-backports * Dropped Python 2.6 support -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 09 Aug 2013 13:15:53 +0200 sylkserver (2.4.1) unstable; urgency=low * Allow Jingle users to join conference rooms with audio * Added support for XEP-298 (coin) * Improved logging for incoming sessions * Fixed sending JingleSessionDidStart too early * Prevent real RTP from leaking until we get session-accept * Partial nickname support for IRC conference application * Set version attribute on conference-info payloads -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 05 Apr 2013 12:29:51 +0200 sylkserver (2.4.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added VoIP translation for SIP/XMPP gateway (Jingle) * Added Presence to Bonjour conference rooms (XEP-0174) * Added support for XMPP software version (XEP-0092) * Added support for XMPP ping (XEP-0199) * Reply with service-unavailable to unsupported XMPP IQ stanzas * Improved XMPP service discovery support (XEP-0115) * Fixed a race condition related to SIP subscriptions * Improved description of XMPP related settings -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 22 Mar 2013 14:02:28 +0100 sylkserver (2.3.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added SIP/XMPP gateway ability to invite participants to a multiparty chat * Added RTP audio and MSRP chat 'echo' application * Added support for XEP-0030 (service discovery) * Added ability to load extra applications from an external directory * Added timestamp to generated PIDF documents * Simplified mechanism required for adding new applications * Refactored per-application logger * Improved logging in XMPP gateway and conference applications * Removed extended-away state handling as it no longer exists in the SDK * Made several improvements to XMPP stanza parsing * Fixed detecting MSRP Nickname collision * Fixed handling presence stanzas without a resource part in the from * Fixed translating resource IDs for presence * Fixed leaking session objects if session fails while joining a conference * Fixed mapping room URI for received REFER requests -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:04:10 +0100 sylkserver (2.2.1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed stream creation after API changes in SDK * Fixed accessing session objects after API changes in SDK * Renamed ServerSession to Session -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 09 Nov 2012 15:55:19 +0100 sylkserver (2.2.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added XEP-0115 caps to presence stanzas * Publish service capabilities for PIDFs translated from XMPP * Adapted to changes in streams API * Use 'xmpp' URI parameter as a hint on generated PIDFs * Fixed message dispatching if non matching identities are found * Fixed initializing conference application database * Fixed not terminating incoming referral in certain cases -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 26 Oct 2012 18:44:44 +0200 sylkserver (2.1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed file transfers when using Bonjour mode * Fixed normalizing IPAddress datatype * Disables private messages support when using Bonjour mode -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 09 Oct 2012 14:14:52 +0200 sylkserver (2.1.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added ability to disable applications * Added ability to configure the directory for resource files * Added ability to listen on all interfaces * Refactored Bonjour support * Fixed starting music on hold playback * Fixed setting extended status for XMPP dnd state * Fixed API calls due to changes in SIP SIMPLE SDK * Delay conference database initialization until application is started * Don't encode and quote DeviceInfo description -- Saul Ibarra Mon, 17 Sep 2012 11:22:59 +0200 sylkserver (2.0.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added XMPP gateway application * Added Bonjour support * Added support for MSRP NICKNAME * Added ability to map applications by RURI, domain or username * Added ability to select desired application with X-Sylk-App header * Added ApplicationLogger, in order to prefix each application's log lines * Added start/stop methods to applications * Added ability to specify more attributes when sending MSRP messages * Allow applications to handle the 'presence' event on incoming subscriptions * Patch sipsimple.session to use ServerSession objects * Modified ChatStream to send MSRP REPORT chunks manually * Made contact_header optional in ServerSession.connect * Use received reason when notifyig about REFER request progress -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 06 Sep 2012 21:38:03 +0200 sylkserver (1.3.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added multiparty comference screen sharing capability by accepting jpeg images over an established MSRP chat stream * Added web-server to serve shared screens * Made configuration file optional by using defaults settings * Initialize applications after loading them * Fixed parsing Refer-To URI * Pass-through additional headers when dispatching chat messages * Adjusted to the latest changes in XML payloads from sipsimple * Reject incoming call transfer requests to conference rooms * Dropped support for Python 2.5 -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 22 Dec 2011 10:08:02 +0100 sylkserver (1.2.3) unstable; urgency=low * Adapted to API changes in SIPSIMPLE SDK -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 20 Sep 2011 10:19:48 +0200 sylkserver (1.2.2) unstable; urgency=low * Enabled TLS by default * Fixed compatibility with Python 2.5 * Fixed regression when sending private messages * Fixed renaming file when it already exists * Listen by default on port 5061 for SIP TLS transport * Fixed exception when proposal is rejected but no timer was added * Adapted to accounts handling changes in the middleware -- Saul Ibarra Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:07:24 +0200 sylkserver (1.2.1) unstable; urgency=low * Handle case when session is ended while a proposal is pending * Allow SylkServer to be built with Python 2.5 * Reworked Debian packaging -- Saul Ibarra Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:20:13 +0200 sylkserver (1.2.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added file transfer support * Added support for MSRP ACM * Terminate all pending subscriptions when stopping a room * Fixed outbound IP address on MSRP streams * Fixed memory leaks -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 19 May 2011 15:51:46 +0200 sylkserver (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=low * Added incoming REFER support * Added outgoing INVITE support * Added SIP outbound proxy support * Added Trusted Peers based on source IP address * Added Access Control Lists support to conference application * Added basic multi-application support * Added IRC conference application * Added SIPThor integration * Fixed initialization of TLS settings * Made session connect method receive the contact header * Catch exception if outgoing NOTIFY could not be sent * Fixed exception when sending private message to a participant without chat * Refactored exception handling when sending chat messages * Refactored application finding mechanism * Reject incoming requests with 404 if application is not found * Removed SIP MESSAGE support in conference application -- Saul Ibarra Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:43:37 +0100 sylkserver (1.0.1) unstable; urgency=low * Added unicode support * Fixed building CPIMIdentity object * Use request URI to match rooms instead of the To header -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:45:21 +0100 sylkserver (1.0.0) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release -- Saul Ibarra Thu, 27 Jan 2011 17:43:11 +0100 diff --git a/sylk/__init__.py b/sylk/__init__.py index a5f68ea..c35d0a5 100644 --- a/sylk/__init__.py +++ b/sylk/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -__version__ = '4.1.0' +__version__ = '5.0.0'